Mary Quotes

Quote from the episode A Solo Peanut, a Social Butterfly and the Truth

Mary: Oh, I know that you're hurting, and... I'm here for you, so... what do you need?
Meemaw: Great, take me drinking.
Mary: It is 3:30 in the afternoon.
Meemaw: Yes, it's called happy hour.
Mary: I have to make dinner.
Meemaw: Oh, fine. I'll just be sad and drunk by myself. Maybe I'll go home with the bartender.
Mary: Missy! I have to go out with your meemaw, but I'll be back later with KFC.

Quote from the episode A Nuclear Reactor and a Boy Called Lovey

George Jr.: Veronica has a boyfriend.
Mary: You mean Dustin?
George Jr.: You know him?
Mary: Well, yeah, she met him through the church. Lovely young man.
George Jr.: You like him?
Mary: Oh. Well, um the Lord teaches us to like everybody.

Quote from the episode A Dog, a Squirrel, and a Fish Named Fish

Mary: Baby, what's wrong?
Sheldon: I tried to pet Fish! Ah, he was so slimy!
Mary: Well, yeah, he's a fish.

Quote from the episode A Mother, a Child, and a Blue Man's Backside

Mary: I don't understand why you'd even be interested in a book like that.
Sheldon: One of the characters is a scientist who worked on the Manhattan Project.
Mary: Well, it's filled with violence and nudity, and you are done looking at it.
Sheldon: But comics are a form of art. You wouldn't forbid me from looking at Michelangelo's David just because he's nude.
Mary: When a statue of your naked blue fella is on display at the Vatican, we'll talk.
Sheldon: Actually, David is at the Accademia Gallery in Florence.
Mary: Doesn't matter. I don't want you looking at his bottom either.

Quote from the episode Seven Deadly Sins and a Small Carl Sagan

George Sr.: Famine. Famine would bring 'em in.
Mary: What do you know about famine?

Quote from the episode A Tummy Ache and a Whale of a Metaphor

George Sr.: Why don't you dote on me like that?
Mary: Because he's my baby.
George Sr.: Well, I could be your baby.
Mary: Oh, now I have a stomachache.

Quote from the episode A Musty Crypt and a Stick to Pee On

Mary: Why didn't you tell me there was a pool? I would've brought my bathing suit.
George Sr.: Hotels have pools... didn't think I needed to mention it.
Mary: Well, it would have been nice if you did.
George Sr.: They also have beds in the rooms. Did you remember your pajamas?
Mary: Okay, you don't have to act like that.
George Sr.: Well, you don't need to blame me 'cause you forgot your bathing suit.
Mary: Well, I guess we're not going in the pool.
George Sr.: Maybe you're not. I packed my suit.
Mary: Are you gonna behave like this all weekend?
George Sr.: What? Responsible and fun-loving? Probably.
Mary: You are such a... monkey butt.
George Sr.: [laughs] Come on. There's got to be more insulting name you can call me.
Mary: I am sure there is, but they're about to get in and they do not need to hear us arguing.

Quote from the episode A God-Fearin' Baptist and a Hot Trophy Husband

Meemaw: You were saying?
Mary: I was just thinking about when I was pregnant with Georgie, and... how hard that must've been for you. I'm sorry.
Meemaw: Georgie got that girl pregnant?!
Mary: Keep your voice down. And... yes.
Meemaw: Oh...

Quote from the episode A Research Study and Czechoslovakian Wedding Pastries

Mary: But Sheldon's already self-conscious about being different from other kids. I worry how this might affect him.
George Sr.: You're being too protective. He's a rock.
Mary: A rock? Are we raising the same child?

Quote from the episode A Philosophy Class and Worms That Can Chase You

Mary: Hi, Brenda.
Brenda Sparks: I just wanted to see how today went.
Mary: Oh. [goes outside] Not great. Sheldon is already in some sort of fight with his philosophy professor.
Brenda Sparks: About what?
Sheldon: Currently, he's plotting "the destruction of her worldview," whatever that means.
Brenda Sparks: Sounds exciting.
Mary: It's mostly him reading a book and giggling to himself.

Quote from the episode A Broom Closet and Satan's Monopoly Board

George Sr.: So, this is nice, huh?
Mary: Yes.
George Sr.: [long silence, sighs] Lemon in the water.
Mary: It's weird to look at a menu and not have to wonder what Sheldon won't eat.
George Sr.: It got easier when he printed that card for my wallet.
Mary: Still don't know where he got that laminated.

Quote from the episode Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System

Mary: I'm gonna keep him company.
George Sr.: Hey, hey, hey, Mary. Mary, think this through. Right now the kids are just ignoring Sheldon. What happens if he's sitting with his mommy?
Mary: They could mistake me for a senior. ... Well, I look younger than you.

Quote from the episode A Solar Calculator, a Game Ball, and a Cheerleader's Bosom

George Sr.: You think Sheldon's right?
Mary: About what?
George Sr.: The punting and the math.
Mary: I should think so. He's been doing our taxes since he's six years old. We never been audited.
George Sr.: That's true.
Mary: He even got us that nice refund last year.

Quote from the episode A Loaf of Bread and a Grand Old Flag

Mary: Mary Cooper, how may I bless you?
Sheldon: Hello, Mom?
Mary: Sheldon? Everything okay?
Sheldon: No.
Mary: What's wrong? What happened?
Sheldon: My sandwich tastes different.
Mary: You know you're not supposed to call unless it's an emergency.
Sheldon: I'm well aware. So what did you change?
Mary: I didn't change anything. Same bread, same peanut butter, same jelly.
Sheldon: Did you use one knife for the PB and the J?
Mary: No.
Sheldon: Are you sure?
Mary: That was one time two years ago, and all the other knives were dirty.
Sheldon: It was 14 months and 11 days ago. When we made the big switch from Wonder Bread.
Mary: Oh, how could I forget?

Quote from the episode Potato Salad, a Broomstick, and Dad's Whiskey

Pastor Jeff: This morning, while Selena was in the shower, I went through her purse and I took the credit card.
Mary: Oh, my.
Pastor Jeff: Now, do you think that's stealing, or is it doing the right thing? You know, saving us from bankruptcy and whatnot?
Mary: Wow. Um, yeah, that's complicated. Um going through her purse is probably wrong, but on the other hand ... well, there is no other hand.

Quote from the episode Dolomite, Apple Slices, and a Mystery Woman

Mary: And now he wants to see a movie in Houston with them.
Meemaw: Why Houston?
Mary: I don't know, it's in MixMax or something.

Quote from the episode Dolomite, Apple Slices, and a Mystery Woman

Mary: I gave it a lot of thought, and I'm afraid I can't allow you to drive to Houston with your friends.
Sheldon: Why?
Mary: Well, honey, you're still a little boy.
Sheldon: I don't think it's right. I'm not a little boy. I'm a high school student.
Mary: I'm sorry, I made up my mind. If you'd really like to see this movie, I'm willing to drive you. Maybe we could meet your friends there.
Sheldon: I don't want my mommy to take me.
Mary: Well, then, you're not going.

Quote from the episode A Mother, a Child, and a Blue Man's Backside

Mary: Excuse me. Did you sell this to my son?
Glenn: I don't know. Who's your son?
Mary: The little boy in the corner.
Glenn: Which one?
Mary: Sheldon Cooper.
Glenn: Oh. Yeah.
Mary: Look at him! He is the same size as one of the dolls you sell here.
Glenn: Those are action figures.

Quote from the episode Pilot

Mary: That's enough. No one's adopted.
Missy: I wish I was.
Mary: That can still be arranged.

Quote from the episode A Solar Calculator, a Game Ball, and a Cheerleader's Bosom

Mary: (to the guy who doubted Sheldon's tactics) Oh, booyah!