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43Quotes from ‘The Sin of Greed and a Chimichanga from Chi-Chi's’

Quote from Adult Sheldon

Sheldon: [answering phone] Cooper residence.
Dr. John Sturgis: Hello, Sheldon.
Sheldon: Dr. Sturgis. I'd love to talk to you, but I'm right in the middle of Star Trek: The Next Generation. It's a good one. Geordi goes missing, but Wesley Crusher has a plan to use neutrinos to locate him, since they'd be visible to Geordi's visor.
Dr. John Sturgis: I was actually calling to speak to your father. But I'm glad you're having fun with your friends.
Sheldon: Hang on. I'll go get him. Dad! Phone call!
Adult Sheldon: Even though Dr. Sturgis was confused, one day, Wesley Crusher really would be my friend. Neat, huh?

Quote from Pastor Jeff

Mary: Well, if it's everywhere, how can we fight it?
Pastor Jeff: We may not be able to control the world, but we can control our homes. It's up to us to create an environment where the sin of greed can find no purchase.
Mary: Is that what you've done in your home?
Pastor Jeff: Well, I do make my toast vertically, two slices at a time. Take that, Satan.

Quote from Sheldon

Dr. John Sturgis: Here we go.
Adult Sheldon: For many kids, Christmas morning was the most exciting day of the year. That's only because most kids don't know the joy of getting their college midterms back. It also didn't hurt that Dr. Sturgis looked like an elf.
Dr. John Sturgis: Nice work, Sheldon. Now, you'll notice that your grades are lower than expected. That's because Sheldon did so well, he broke the curve, turning your A's and B's into B's and C's.
Sheldon: They don't seem happy about it. Maybe you can give them candy.

Quote from Pastor Jeff

Mary: Well, um, I'm concerned George and Georgie might be succumbing to the sin of greed.
Pastor Jeff: Ooh, that's a biggie.
Mary: Ever since Georgie started making money, he's been very disrespectful. Meanwhile, my husband's so busy trying to land a better job, he doesn't even care how it might affect Sheldon.
Pastor Jeff: I'm sorry to hear that. In Luke 12:15, Jesus says, "Watch out. Be on your guard against all kinds of greed. Life does not consist in an abundance of possessions."
Mary: I know, but it seems like the whole world is sending the opposite message.
Pastor Jeff: Don't I know it. Just the other day, I was at the mall and a toaster oven caught my eye. Next thing you know, I was in line to buy it, and I realized I have a toaster and I have an oven. What am I doing? Turns out Satan doesn't just hide out in honky-tonks and casinos. Sometimes he's in the appliance section of Sears.

Quote from Sheldon

Sheldon: Are we going to watch an educational film?
Mr. Givens: We're gonna watch Star Trek.
Sheldon: Star Trek in school? Wowie Zowie.

Quote from Principal Petersen

Sheldon: You wanted to see me?
Principal Petersen: When don't I want to see you, Sheldon? Come in. I have something I'd like to give you. This is a key to the faculty restroom. No students allowed. One person at a time. And unlike the other restrooms, this one gets cleaned every night.
Sheldon: Thank you.
Principal Petersen: No, Sheldon. Thank you.
Sheldon: You're welcome.

Quote from George Jr.

George: You want to explain yourself?
Mary: I am taking our house back from the forces of evil.
Georgie: What's evil about Black Sabbath?
Missy: You're not helping.

Quote from Pastor Jeff

Pastor Jeff: Hey, Mary. What's up?
Mary: Can I speak with you about a spiritual matter?
Pastor Jeff: My sweet spot. Sit. What's the buzz? Tell me, what's a-happenin'? Jesus Christ Superstar. It's a great show.

Quote from Mary

George: The university wants to offer me a coaching job if it'll help to get Sheldon to go there full-time.
Mary: Oh. We talked about this. College might be too much for him.
George: I know. That's why I'd be there, you know, to help him over the rough spots.
Mary: I don't know, George.
George: Can't hurt to see what the offer is.
Mary: There are more important things than money.
George: That's cute. You should knit that on a pillow.
Mary: [to herself] Maybe I'll push that pillow over your face.

Quote from Meemaw

Georgie: Later.
Mary: Georgie Cooper. Do not walk out of that door. Georgie!
Meemaw: That's a kerfuffle.

Quote from Ms. MacElroy

Sheldon: I have a problem with this permission slip. You didn't cut them in half evenly. Mine has two holes, and Derek here just has one.
Ms. MacElroy: Then trade.
Sheldon: Then Derek will have two holes, and mine will have one.
Ms. MacElroy: You're not going to the water park anyway!

Quote from Mary

Georgie: What's for dinner?
Mary: Meatloaf.
Georgie: Oh. I think I'm gonna go out to eat.
Mary: No, you are not. We're having dinner as a family.
Georgie: Yeah, but I got money now and I can do what I want. And what I want is a chimichanga at Chi-Chi's.
Missy: I want a chimichanga from Chi-Chi's.
Meemaw: They do have a good margarita.
Mary: [to Georgie] You are eating here. [Missy] So are you. [Meemaw] I don't care what you do.

Quote from Sheldon

Ms. Ingram: Oh! There's my man.
Sheldon: Where?
Ms. Ingram: You, silly.
Sheldon: I'm neither a man, nor silly, but all right.
Ms. Ingram: You're so funny, Sheldon.
Sheldon: Oh, well, that I am.

Quote from Sheldon

Sheldon: Then Geordi goes missing, but Wesley Crusher has a plan to use neutrinos to locate him, since they'd be visible to Geordi's visor.
George: Is that so?
Sheldon: It is. I recorded the episode. I'll show it to you tonight.
George: That's okay. You did such a good job explaining it, I feel like I saw it.
Sheldon: You're still seeing it.

Quote from Adult Sheldon

Adult Sheldon: Eventually, my mother relented and returned our things with a few minor adjustments.
Missy: What's The Moosewood Gang?
Mary: They solve mysteries while they learn about God.
Missy: Great.
Adult Sheldon: Georgie got his music back.
Georgie: [as Jesus Christ Superstar plays] What the hell is this?
Adult Sheldon: And as for college, my mother and father discussed it and decided that ten was too young. So I didn't start till the ripe old age of 11. In the meantime I had the key to one sweet bathroom.

Quote from Mr. Givens

Principal Petersen: Hold your horses. If Sheldon walks out that door, our test scores drop hard. That affects funding, which affects your salaries.
Ms. Ingram: Ugh. Well, how can we help?
Principal Petersen: Y'all need to make George and Sheldon so happy here they want to stay.
Ms. MacElroy: Oh, come on.
Mr. Givens: Isn't there anything else we can do?
Principal Petersen: Yeah, Mr. Givens. You could do a better job at teaching the other students so we don't rely on one boy to pull up everyone's grades.
Mr. Givens: Fine. We'll be nice to Sheldon.

Quote from Ms. Ingram

Principal Petersen: I've asked you all here because we got a situation. George Cooper's considering a job at a college and taking Sheldon with him.
Mr. Givens: Yes!
Ms. MacElroy: Is it far away? I hope it's far away.
Mr. Givens: Maybe it's overseas.
Ms. Ingram: Ooh, like Fiji.

Quote from Principal Petersen

George: So, that's why I wanted to give you a heads-up.
Principal Petersen: I got to tell you, George, this is a real blow.
George: Appreciate it. But, uh, yeah, you'll find someone. There's a lot of good coaches out there.
Principal Petersen: Not you. Sheldon.
George: Sheldon? I thought everyone would be thrilled for him to leave.
Principal Petersen: Don't get me wrong, your kid is a royal pain in the ass. However, his state test scores are so extraordinary, the school actually gets more funding because of it.
George: You serious?
Principal Petersen: Serious as the fire alarms, which are now functional. And always were, if anyone asks.

Quote from Dr. John Sturgis

Dr. John Sturgis: So, uh, the university has taken notice of Sheldon's talents, and they would very much like him to enroll full-time.
George: Yeah, we've been down this road, John. Sheldon's only ten. Mary and I both have jobs. We just can't make it work.
Dr. John Sturgis: Well, that's why they asked me to speak to you. They're looking to sweeten the pot. That's a gambling metaphor. A lesser-known version is "sweeten the kitty." I assume the difference is regional, but I'm no etymologist. This beer is yummy. Mmm!

Quote from Meemaw

Dale: Okay. This is where I spend all my time, yet somehow my ex-wife owns half of it.
Meemaw: Mm, not bitter at all. Good for you.
Dale: We got baseball over here and got football right there and then hunting and fishing in the back. Oh, yeah. And this hockey puck has been here since Jimmy Carter was president.
Meemaw: You'd think a sport with a bunch of white boys beating each other up would be more popular in Texas.

Quote from George Sr.

Dr. John Sturgis: Anyway, I believe they're willing to, uh, exceed your current salary by a substantial amount.
George: Is that so?
Dr. John Sturgis: Yes. They thought it would incentivize you.
George: Well, John, they're not wrong.
Dr. John Sturgis: Excellent! Na zdrowie.
George: What the hell. Na zdrowie.

Quote from Meemaw

Mary: George is no prize either. Not worrying about what's right for Sheldon.
Meemaw: Well, what do you think is right for him?
Mary: Honestly? I don't know. I know that he's bored in high school, but he's just so young for college.
Meemaw: Well, it sounds like they're trying to set George up there for him.
Mary: I know. Maybe it's me. Maybe I'm not ready for my baby to grow up.
Meemaw: No mother ever is.
Mary: I just want to keep my family safe.
Meemaw: I know. But at some point, you got to let them go. And then one day, if you're lucky, they'll move across the street from you and absolutely ruin your life. Seriously, get those people out of my house.
Mary: Okay.

Quote from Meemaw

Meemaw: Okay, we got a problem. I don't know what kind of religious gobbledygook you're going through, but it is starting to affect me.
Mary: Your hands aren't clean in this.
Meemaw: I beg your pardon.
Mary: Your new friend Dale is encouraging Georgie to be obsessed with money.
Meemaw: Your husband's no good at it. You ought to be happy your son is.

Quote from Dr. John Sturgis

George: [on the phone] Hey, John.
Dr. John Sturgis: George. John Sturgis here.
George: That's why I said "Hey, John."
Dr. John Sturgis: Great. I was wondering if we could go out for a beer and talk.
George: Oh. Well, aren't we talking right now?
Dr. John Sturgis: Yes, but we had so much fun last time, I thought we could do it again.
George: Gee, John, last time, you got drunk and threw up in my glove compartment.
Dr. John Sturgis: Did I? [laughs] Well, while I don't remember any of that happening, I promise to be on my best behavior. And the drinks are on me.

Quote from Sheldon

George: What's this? "Reserved for Coach Cooper." Would you look at that. They gave me a parking spot right by the door.
Sheldon: Why?
George: I guess they're starting to appreciate my talents around here.
Sheldon: Why?

Quote from George Sr.

George: So, what's up?
Dr. John Sturgis: Well, Sheldon has been doing extraordinarily well in his college physics class.
George: I know. He made me put his test up on the fridge, next to Missy's drawing of her hand as a turkey.

Quote from George Jr.

Mary: What kind of job?
Georgie: Salesman.
Mary: Well, congratulations.
Georgie: I'm gonna learn a lot from him. He's real good at getting people to spend money on stuff they don't need.
Mary: Well, I don't know if I like the sound of that.
Georgie: You know what I like the sound of? Ka-ching. [opens soda can]

Quote from Mary

Mary: Greed has entered into your hearts, especially you two.
George: It has not.
Mary: Is that a gold whistle?
George: Huh? No. It's- It's a gift. Now, where's our stuff? We want it back.
Mary: I'm not telling.
George: Mary, don't make me ask again.
Mary: Or what?

Quote from Dale

Meemaw: Oh, my grandson's been wanting some weights.
Dale: Sheldon? Hell, can't he just lift a soup can or something?
Meemaw: The other grandson. The pretty one with the hair.

Quote from Adult Sheldon

Mary: That is it! I am taking this house back from the devil.
Missy: Hey.
Adult Sheldon: I've been accused of overreacting from time to time. But perhaps it's hereditary, because look at my mommy go.

Quote from Sheldon

Ms. MacElroy: These are the flyers for the canned food drive. And, Sheldon, you'll be happy to know, I made sure they were cut perfectly, so that each one has exactly one and a half holes.
Sheldon: But mine has half a hole on the top, and Derek's here has half a hole on the bottom.

Quote from Meemaw

Meemaw: Hey. Dale give you a good price on those weights?
Georgie: Better. He gave me a job.
Meemaw: Damn. He did have fun last night.

Quote from Coach Wilkins

George: [on the phone] Well, thank you. That's a very generous offer. Let me discuss it with my family, and I'll get back to you. Bye.
Coach Wilkins: What was that about?
George: Are you my family?
Coach Wilkins: I don't know. I like to think of myself as your work wife.

Quote from Dr. John Sturgis

Dr. John Sturgis: They thought it would be easier on the family if you were employed at the university.
George: Really?
Dr. John Sturgis: Yes, that way, you could drive Sheldon and keep an eye on him while he's there.
George: But I'm a football coach. Does the school even have a team?
Dr. John Sturgis: Oh, yes, they do. They- They don't win much, but they lead the league in injuries.

Quote from Meemaw

Mary: Bit of a kerfuffle at the church today. Pastor Jeff promised Patricia Richards she could sing "How Great Thou Art" on Sunday, but I had already printed in the bulletin that Karen Baker was gonna sing it. They agreed to a duet, but it was touch and go.
Meemaw: Mm.
Missy: What's a kerfuffle?
Meemaw: Not that.

Quote from George Sr.

Sheldon: How was Dr. Sturgis?
George: He's fine.
Sheldon: What did you two talk about?
George: I don't know. S-Stuff.
Sheldon: Science stuff?
George: No. Just regular stuff.
Sheldon: Ooh, I bet he talked about me. What did he say about me?
George: Sheldon, everything isn't about you. Okay? Go to your room.
Sheldon: Yes, sir.
Mary: What'd y'all talk about?
George: Sheldon.

Quote from Dale

Georgie: Scuse me. You Mr. Ballard?
Dale: Yeah, that'd be me.
Georgie: I'm Georgie, Connie Tucker's grandson.
Dale: Oh, yeah. The hair. Very pretty.

Quote from Dale

Georgie: You're a really good salesman.
Dale: Well, yeah. Not only that, I get a kickback on everybody I send down to Ed's.
Georgie: You're awesome.
Dale: I know.

Quote from George Sr.

George: Hey! You would not believe the wheelin' and dealin' I did today. I'm playing the high school and the university against each other. Hey, what do you say we go out to dinner?
Meemaw: Chi-Chi's is good.
George: Ooh, chimichangas.

Quote from Mary

Mary: Missy, let this be a lesson to you. The love of money is the root of all evil.

Quote from Missy

Missy: Ooh. 35 cents off Goober.
Mary: What's Goober?
Missy: Peanut butter and jelly in the same jar. Think about how much time we'd save.

Quote from Missy

Mary: I think this show is teaching you bad lessons.
Missy: Don't worry. I'm a slow learner.
Mary: Is that Goober? Where did you get that?
Missy: Georgie got it for me. He's rich now.

Quote from Dr. John Sturgis

Dr. John Sturgis: Na zdrowie! That's, uh, "to our health" in Russian.
George: This is not the place to talk Russian.

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