- Dr. John Sturgis
- Dale
- Mandy
- Tam
- Billy Sparks
- Brenda Sparks
- Dr. Linkletter
- Mr. Givens
- Ms. Ingram
- Ms. MacElroy
- Ms. Hutchins
Ms. Hutchins Quotes Page 1 of 2
Quote from the episode A Couple Bruised Ribs and a Cereal Box Ghost Detector
George: Oh, my God. Are you okay?
Ms. Hutchins: I don't think so.
George: [to Coach Wilkins] Call an ambulance. [to Ms. Hutchins] Don't worry, we're gonna get you taken care of.
Ms. Hutchins: If I die, tell my therapist I hate him.
Quote from the episode A Race of Superhumans and a Letter to Alf
Ms. Hutchins: Sheldon, how's your educational project going?
Sheldon: Poorly. I've hit a wall.
Ms. Hutchins: Have you considered B. F. Skinner's behavior modification?
Tam: What's that?
Ms. Hutchins: It uses punishment and reward to get the results you want.
Sheldon: Ooh, punishment. I like the sound of that.
Ms. Hutchins: [QUIETLY] In the right context, so do I.
Quote from the episode Hobbitses, Physicses and a Ball with Zip
Ms. Hutchins: Hey there, Sheldon. What can I do for ya?
Sheldon: I'm wondering if you have any books on stopping bad habits.
Ms. Hutchins: A few. What habit are you trying to stop?
Sheldon: Science.
Ms. Hutchins: Yowza.
Sheldon: It's not permanent. I'm just looking to take a break.
Ms. Hutchins: I've heard that one before.
Sheldon: What did you take a break from?
Ms. Hutchins: Happiness.
Sheldon: Okay.
Quote from the episode A Couple Bruised Ribs and a Cereal Box Ghost Detector
Ms. Hutchins: I was hoping I'd have someone to sit with.
George: Ah, sorry.
Ms. Hutchins: That's okay. It was my fault for letting myself feel hope.
George: You're welcome to watch from the sidelines.
Ms. Hutchins: Thanks. Watching life go by from the sidelines is kind of my thing.
Quote from the episode A Couple Bruised Ribs and a Cereal Box Ghost Detector
Mary: Thank you. I can't believe you got through to him.
Ms. Hutchins: Happy to help.
Missy: So, who was the person you had the fight with?
Ms. Hutchins: It was my cat, Poe. She ran away when I switched to dry food. It was cheaper.
Quote from the episode A Pink Cadillac and a Glorious Tribal Dance
Ms. Hutchins: I don't know.
Mary: Trust me, the men are gonna be lining up.
Ms. Hutchins: Well, they haven't been so far, and I've been basically giving it away.
Mary: That's your business really.
Quote from the episode A New Home and a Traditional Texas Torture
[Ms. Hutchins walks by Sheldon and Tam's table with her library cart:]
Sheldon: Oh, hello.
Ms. Hutchins: What are you doing here?
Sheldon: Taking comfort in the familiar. Still no wedding ring, I see. That feels good.
Ms. Hutchins: Yeah, feels great.
Sheldon: [to Tam] So, where was I? Right, uh, Houston. Anyway, my father got offered a coaching pos...
Quote from the episode Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System
Ms. Hutchins: Try this. It's been around a while, but it's still quite popular. Unlike me, who's just been around a while.
Quote from the episode A Dog, a Squirrel, and a Fish Named Fish
Ms. Hutchins: Here. I read this one to help with my haphephobia.
Sheldon: Ah, fear of being touched. I have that, too. Was it useful?
Ms. Hutchins: Well, when someone's interested in touching me, we'll find out.
Quote from the episode A Math Emergency and Perky Palms
Ms. Hutchins: Hey, Sheldon.
Sheldon: Hello.
Ms. Hutchins: You get that test problem sorted out?
Sheldon: No, I'm afraid Dr. Sturgis and I are still at a math impasse.
Ms. Hutchins: Oh, I hate those.
Quote from the episode Quirky Eggheads and Texas Snow Globes
Ms. Hutchins: We have a few books on mental illness you might find helpful. This one's a good place to start.
Sheldon: Have you read it?
Ms. Hutchins: Read it, lived it, made the mistake of talking about it on a date. [as Sheldon leaves] Sure. Walk away. They all do.
Quote from the episode A Couple Bruised Ribs and a Cereal Box Ghost Detector
Sheldon: What happened to your face?
George: Oh. Uh... either Edgar or Allan. [chuckles]
Ms. Hutchins: Oh, that was Edgar. He can be a rascal.
Quote from the episode A Baby Tooth and the Egyptian God of Knowledge
Ms. Hutchins: Well, Since this is a high school, we don't have material about giving birth on the shelves. But... since this is a high school, I... keep a few things here under the counter.
Sheldon: Excellent. And I'll let my brother know, in case he gets himself in a pickle.
Quote from the episode A Pink Cadillac and a Glorious Tribal Dance
Mary: But, hey, I am not just selling makeup. I am selling confidence.
Ms. Hutchins: You are?
Mary: I sure am. Now, are you a strong and confident woman?
Ms. Hutchins: Not remotely.
Mary: Well, do you want to be?
Ms. Hutchins: I guess.
Quote from the episode College Dropouts and the Medford Miracle
Ms. Hutchins: So when you baptize someone, are you only wearing swim trunks or...?
Pastor Rob: Oh, no, no, fully covered.
Ms. Hutchins: So is it, like, in a pool... or a hot tub or...
Pastor Rob: Um...
Coach Wilkins: I thought you were Mormon.
Ms. Hutchins: Mind your business.
Coach Wilkins: Okay.
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- Dr. John Sturgis
- Dale
- Mandy
- Tam
- Billy Sparks
- Brenda Sparks
- Dr. Linkletter
- Mr. Givens
- Ms. Ingram
- Ms. MacElroy
- Ms. Hutchins