‘A Couple Bruised Ribs and a Cereal Box Ghost Detector’ Quotes Page 1 of 3    

Quote from George Sr.

Ms. Hutchins: Hi, George.
George: Oh, hey, Ms. Hutchins. I don't think I've ever seen you at a game before.
Ms. Hutchins: Well, uh, it's Friday, and I promised my therapist I'd try one new thing a week.
George: And you picked football. Good for you.
Ms. Hutchins: I don't suppose Sheldon's here?
George: Nah, he doesn't much care for outdoor sports. Or sports. Or the outdoors.

Quote from Ms. Hutchins

George: Oh, my God. Are you okay?
Ms. Hutchins: I don't think so.
George: [to Coach Wilkins] Call an ambulance. [to Ms. Hutchins] Don't worry, we're gonna get you taken care of.
Ms. Hutchins: If I die, tell my therapist I hate him.

Quote from Sheldon

Sheldon: Did he apologize?
Mary: No. He is very upset with you.
Sheldon: Well, I'm upset with him.
Mary: That doesn't excuse you from trying to get him in trouble by calling Dr. Linkletter.
Sheldon: Who else was I supposed to tattle to? I doubt his mother's still alive.

Quote from Sheldon

Mary: Sheldon, I understand why you're upset, but you still owe him an apology.
Sheldon: Then you don't understand.
Mary: Well, for now, it sounds like you two could use a little quiet time.
Sheldon: Fine. I'll switch over to Dr. Linkletter's class. He's a foot taller than Sturgis and can reach more of the chalkboard.

Quote from Ms. Hutchins

Ms. Hutchins: I was hoping I'd have someone to sit with.
George: Ah, sorry.
Ms. Hutchins: That's okay. It was my fault for letting myself feel hope.
George: You're welcome to watch from the sidelines.
Ms. Hutchins: Thanks. Watching life go by from the sidelines is kind of my thing.

Quote from Meemaw

Georgie: Can I ask you a personal question?
Meemaw: You're not in my will.

Quote from George Jr.

Meemaw: So you think he's seeing somebody else?
Georgie: I don't think I should be talking about this. He's my boss.
Meemaw: Well, he's my boyfriend, so spill it.
Georgie: It's weird when old people say "boyfriend".
Meemaw: Fine. My lover.
Georgie: Well, that's worse.

Quote from Ms. Hutchins

Mary: Thank you. I can't believe you got through to him.
Ms. Hutchins: Happy to help.
Missy: So, who was the person you had the fight with?
Ms. Hutchins: It was my cat, Poe. She ran away when I switched to dry food. It was cheaper.

Quote from George Sr.

Local TV Newscaster: In local news, Friday night's football game was marred by a brutal injury, when football coach George Cooper saved himself at the expense of beloved school librarian Cheryl Hutchins.
George: Oh, no.
Local TV Newscaster: We warn you, the following footage is hard to watch.
George: Well, then, don't show it.
Local TV Newscaster: Let's see it again in slow motion.
George: This is not news.

Quote from Tam

Sheldon: And then my mother said I wasn't mature enough for college. Can you believe that?
Tam: Absolutely.
Sheldon: So you're on their side, too?
Tam: I'm Vietnamese. In my culture, until your parents die, you're basically a baby.
Sheldon: Really?
Tam: My grandmother still treats my dad like a child. At dinner, he can't sit until she sits, and he can't speak until he's spoken to.
Sheldon: Well, I'm glad I'm not Vietnamese.
Tam: It's not as fun as I make it look.

Quote from Sheldon

Sheldon: And who says you have to be mature to go to college? I've seen Animal House.
Meemaw: You have?
Sheldon: Well, I've seen the poster. Those people are not college material.

Quote from Sheldon

Meemaw: Moon Pie, I know you don't like to hear this, but there are some things in life that can only be learned in time.
Sheldon: So you must have learned them all, huh?
Meemaw: Get out of my house.

Quote from Ms. Hutchins

Sheldon: What happened to your face?
George: Oh. Uh... either Edgar or Allan. [chuckles]
Ms. Hutchins: Oh, that was Edgar. He can be a rascal.

Quote from Ms. Hutchins

George: You comfortable? Can I get you anything else?
Ms. Hutchins: No. I-I'm okay. You've been so kind to welcome me into your home.
George: Well, it's the least we could do.
Ms. Hutchins: It's so nice to be around a family like this. [crying] I've been alone for... so long. Honestly, if it weren't for the cats, I'd have no one. Oh, wait. The cats! I abandoned Edgar and Allan.
George: Edgar and Allan?
Ms. Hutchins: Poe ran away. Would you please go feed them and tell them I love them?
George: Uh... any chance this could wait till morning?
Ms. Hutchins: [crying] I guess.

Quote from Coach Wilkins

George: Okay, fine. But that was pure instinct. Besides, she shouldn't have been standing on the sidelines.
Coach Wilkins: Why was she there?
George: I told her she could.
Coach Wilkins: [laughing] Oh, man, you must feel terrible.
George: Yeah, of course I do.
Coach Wilkins: I mean, it's all on you.
George: You done?
Coach Wilkins: Oh-ho-ho, baby, I'm just getting started.

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