Ms. Hutchins Quote #13

Quote from Ms. Hutchins in the episode A Baby Tooth and the Egyptian God of Knowledge

Ms. Hutchins: Well, Since this is a high school, we don't have material about giving birth on the shelves. But... since this is a high school, I... keep a few things here under the counter.
Sheldon: Excellent. And I'll let my brother know, in case he gets himself in a pickle.

Ms. Hutchins Quotes

Quote from the episode A Couple Bruised Ribs and a Cereal Box Ghost Detector

George: Oh, my God. Are you okay?
Ms. Hutchins: I don't think so.
George: [to Coach Wilkins] Call an ambulance. [to Ms. Hutchins] Don't worry, we're gonna get you taken care of.
Ms. Hutchins: If I die, tell my therapist I hate him.

Quote from the episode A Couple Bruised Ribs and a Cereal Box Ghost Detector

Ms. Hutchins: I was hoping I'd have someone to sit with.
George: Ah, sorry.
Ms. Hutchins: That's okay. It was my fault for letting myself feel hope.
George: You're welcome to watch from the sidelines.
Ms. Hutchins: Thanks. Watching life go by from the sidelines is kind of my thing.

Quote from the episode A Couple Bruised Ribs and a Cereal Box Ghost Detector

Mary: Thank you. I can't believe you got through to him.
Ms. Hutchins: Happy to help.
Missy: So, who was the person you had the fight with?
Ms. Hutchins: It was my cat, Poe. She ran away when I switched to dry food. It was cheaper.

‘A Baby Tooth and the Egyptian God of Knowledge’ Quotes

Quote from Sheldon

Sheldon: So none of you can help me?
Albert Einstein: I believe I can. Sheldon, if I was offered a choice between all the knowledge of the universe or the endless pursuit of it, I would choose the pursuit.
Sheldon: That's very insightful.
Richard Feynman: Hold it, hold it... He didn't come up with that! He stole it from Gotthold Lessing.
Professor Proton: Who's-who's Gotthold Lessing?
Cyndi Lauper: [v.o.] He's an 18th century German philosopher. Now do you mind? We girls are trying to have some fun over here.
Einstein: Apologies.
Richard Feynman: Sorry, Cyndi Lauper.
Stephen Hawking: Our bad.
Professor Proton: I-I like fun.

Quote from Sheldon

Ms. Hutchins: Hi, Sheldon, what can I do for you?
Sheldon: Do you have any books or videos on the Lamaze technique?
Ms. Hutchins: Uh-oh. Georgie get that girl pregnant?
Sheldon: It's for me. I need to have a tooth pulled, and I'd like to do it without putting my brain on drugs.
Ms. Hutchins: Okay.
Sheldon: I've seen that commercial with the egg in the frying pan. Very effective.

Quote from George Jr.

Georgie: Can I at least change the music we play here?
Dale: What's wrong with the music we play here?
Georgie: Nothing, it's just kind of grandpa music.
Dale: Well, how is this "grandpa music"?
Georgie: Do you listen to it?
Dale: Yeah.
Georgie: Do you have grandchildren?
Dale: Yeah.
Georgie: Do you see where I'm going with this?