‘Hobbitses, Physicses and a Ball with Zip’ Quotes Page 1 of 3
304. Hobbitses, Physicses and a Ball with Zip
October 17, 2019Sheldon tries to take his mind off science by reading "The Lord of the Rings", but this leads to a whole new obsession. Meanwhile, Missy asks George to teach her about baseball.
Quote from Adult Sheldon
Mary: Baby, you need to eat something.
Sheldon: But it looks like I can change the definitions of electric and magnetic fields and rotate the magnetic charge away mathematically to zero.
Mary: Maybe some fried okra would help.
Sheldon: Richard Feynman didn't develop quantum electrodynamics by filling up on fried okra.
Mary: Well, maybe that's because his mama didn't love him as much as I love you.
Adult Sheldon: Richard Feynman was Jewish. His mother didn't give him fried okra.
Quote from Meemaw
Meemaw: You just need a new hobby.
Sheldon: Very well. What are yours?
Meemaw: Smoking, drinking and gambling. But we can find you something almost as fun.
Quote from Adult Sheldon
Adult Sheldon: Having found no answers, I took it upon myself to rectify the inconsistent timeline in Lord of the Rings. J.R.R. Tolkien had a brilliant mind, but let's be honest. He was no S.L. Cooper.
Quote from Meemaw
Meemaw: So, what's new?
Mary: I'm worried about Sheldon.
Meemaw: I said "new."
Quote from Ms. Hutchins
Ms. Hutchins: Hey there, Sheldon. What can I do for ya?
Sheldon: I'm wondering if you have any books on stopping bad habits.
Ms. Hutchins: A few. What habit are you trying to stop?
Sheldon: Science.
Ms. Hutchins: Yowza.
Sheldon: It's not permanent. I'm just looking to take a break.
Ms. Hutchins: I've heard that one before.
Sheldon: What did you take a break from?
Ms. Hutchins: Happiness.
Sheldon: Okay.
Quote from Mary
Sheldon: Good news. I found a way to take a break from science.
Mary: That's great. What is it?
Sheldon: A fantasy book series called The Lord of the Rings.
Mary: Well, it's got "the Lord" in it. That's something.
Quote from Meemaw
Sheldon: There's a character named Gollum who was corrupted by the Ring of Power. Now he runs around naked and bites the heads off fish.
Meemaw: That's called sushi. Which, by the way, I will die before I eat.
Quote from George Sr.
George: Hey! You want to throw the ball around?
Missy: [crying] No, go away.
George: Did something happen at school?
Missy: [crying] I don't want to talk about it.
George: Okay. Well... You change your mind, you know I'm here for you. [starts to leave]
Missy: He likes someone else.
George: I'm sorry, sweetheart.
Missy: She doesn't even know who Nolan Ryan is.
George: This guy sounds like an idiot.
Missy: He's not. He's perfect.
George: All right. Want me to get your mom?
Missy: No.
George: You want me to beat this guy up?
Missy: No.
George: What can I do?
[Outside, George and Missy throw a ball around]
Quote from Adult Sheldon
Adult Sheldon: You never know where scientific inspiration will strike. For Newton, it was under an apple tree. For Archimedes, it was sitting in a bathtub. For me, on this particular day, it had a "sweaty people eating meat" kind of vibe.
Quote from George Jr.
George: Sheldon, do you really have to do that here?
Sheldon: If the management didn't want me to solve unified field theory, why would they give me a crayon?
Georgie: I told you to crack a window and leave him in the car.
Quote from Mary
Mary: What's going on with John?
Meemaw: Not much. We write letters back and forth.
Mary: That's romantic.
Meemaw: Romantic if he were off to war, not in a mental hospital.
Mary: Well, he's at war with his inner demons.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: I'm so used to thinking about science, I'm not sure how to make myself stop. As soon as I think about not thinking about it, I'm thinking about it.
Meemaw: Well, why don't you just think about something else?
Sheldon: Like what?
Meemaw: I don't know. Read a comic book?
Sheldon: How do you think the spider that bit Peter Parker got radioactive? Science. How do you think Bruce Banner got exposed to gamma rays? Science.
Meemaw: All right.
Sheldon: When the Green Goblin flies-
Meemaw: I said all right.
Sheldon: Science.
Quote from Meemaw
Mary: [to Sheldon] I know you don't want to hear this, but I find prayer can bring incredible peace of mind.
Meemaw: Come on, Mary, I'm trying to help the kid.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: I've tried a few different activities, but whatever I do just leads me back to science.
Ms. Hutchins: Well, let's think about it. What's the opposite of science?
Sheldon: Science is based in facts, and the opposite of facts is fiction.
Ms. Hutchins: How about fantasy?
Sheldon: Magic and dragons.
Ms. Hutchins: We have a whole section here.
Sheldon: Ooh, that sounds intellectually bankrupt. I'll give it a shot.
Quote from George Jr.
Ms. MacElroy: "The man who lived in the town was tall." Which word is the relative pronoun? Sheldon.
Sheldon: Have you read The Lord of the Rings?
Ms. MacElroy: Um, I have, but that's not what we're really doing right now.
Sheldon: The relative pronoun is "who." Now, did you notice that in Fellowship, Elrond says that the foundations of Barad-dur were made with the One Ring?
Ms. MacElroy: Let's say sure.
Sheldon: However, in Appendix B, "The Tale of Years," it's clear that Sauron began building Barad-dur in Second Age 1000, 600 years before the ring was forged.
Ms. MacElroy: Georgie.
Georgie: Imagine living with this.
Ms. MacElroy: An hour a day is enough.