Sheldon Quotes

Quote from the episode A Sneeze, Detention, and Sissy Spacek

Mr. Givens: All right, losers, you know how this works. One hour, no talking, no horseplay. Sheldon?
Sheldon: Hello, Mr. Givens.
Mr. Givens: Why are you here?
Sheldon: I didn't want to catch a cold from Ms. MacElroy, so I left her classroom without a hall pass.
Mr. Givens: Well, something is going around. I actually had a little tickle in my throat.
Sheldon: Okay, time to go. Nice meeting you.
Mr. Givens: Whoa, what-what are you doing?
Sheldon: You've heard of fight or flight? This is flight.

Quote from the episode A Sneeze, Detention, and Sissy Spacek

Mary: Doctor, Sheldon is afraid to go to school because he might get exposed to some kind of bacteria or virus.
Dr. Eberland: So he's got a phobia?
Sheldon: It's not a phobia if the threat is real. You're a doctor, you should know that.

Quote from the episode A Sneeze, Detention, and Sissy Spacek

Mary: Sheldon?
Sheldon: Yes.
Mary: The door's locked. Can you open it?
Mary: No. What on earth?
Sheldon: Hello.
Mary: What are you doing?
Sheldon: I made a real germ-proof hedge of protection.
Mary: Oh, honey, you can't stay in there.
Sheldon: I've got a refrigerator, I've got my sleeping bag, and anything else I need I can make out of Legos.
Mary: What's with the Halloween costume?
Sheldon: In case of a breach.
Mary: Stay right there.
Sheldon: That's my plan.

Quote from the episode A Sneeze, Detention, and Sissy Spacek

Sheldon: Mom?
Mary: Yes, Shelly.
Sheldon: Can you close the door? I need to use the sink.

Quote from the episode A Sneeze, Detention, and Sissy Spacek

Mary: Shelly, if you don't mind me asking, what's your long-term plan here?
Sheldon: I'm working on the math to turn the garage into a self-sustaining ecosystem.
Mary: Okay. And what exactly does that mean?
Sheldon: Well, all I need is sunlight and a few seeds to grow unlimited food which I'll fertilize with my own feces.
Meemaw: This just gets better.

Quote from the episode A Sneeze, Detention, and Sissy Spacek

Mary: Sheldon! You can't run away from me forever.
Sheldon: I don't have to do it forever. Just till you get tired.

Quote from the episode Potato Salad, a Broomstick, and Dad's Whiskey

Missy: That was intense.
Sheldon: I don't think I'm cut out for this latchkey life.

Quote from the episode Jiu-jitsu, Bubble Wrap, and Yoo-hoo

Sheldon: This leg lock is called an Outside Ashi Garami.
Tam: What happens next?
Sheldon: That depends, is this your foot or mine?

Quote from the episode Jiu-jitsu, Bubble Wrap, and Yoo-hoo

Mary: You want to tell me what happened?
Sheldon: Bobbi Sparks came into the garage-
Mary: And she attacked you?
Sheldon: Not exactly. I tried to use jiu-jitsu on her, but I tripped and fell.

Quote from the episode A Mother, a Child, and a Blue Man's Backside

Sheldon: Very well. There's one more book that belongs in the box, filled with adultery, genocide, and even human sacrifice. [Sheldon places down a bible]

Quote from the episode A Mother, a Child, and a Blue Man's Backside

Meemaw: So, Moonpie, how's adult life treating you?
Sheldon: Very well, actually. I'm working on my application to Harvard.
Meemaw: Is that so?
Sheldon: Yes. And I'm planning on transferring there as soon as possible.
Mary: You're not going away to Harvard.
Sheldon: I don't believe you have a say in this.
Mary: Okay, well, Harvard's real expensive. How do you plan on paying for it?
Sheldon: Oh, I'm sure I'll get a scholarship.

Quote from the episode A Mother, a Child, and a Blue Man's Backside

Sheldon: Pray harder!

Quote from the episode Gluons, Guacamole, and the Color Purple

Ms. Ingram: Sheldon? Sheldon? Were you paying attention to anything I said?
Sheldon: Yes.
Ms. Ingram: Then what'd I say?
Sheldon: When factoring a trinomial where the leading coefficient isn't one, it must be written in descending order from highest power to lowest power.

Quote from the episode Gluons, Guacamole, and the Color Purple

NASA Director: Thanks, kid. You really saved my bottom.
Sheldon: Tell your bottom it's welcome.

Quote from the episode Gluons, Guacamole, and the Color Purple

Sheldon: Why are they all looking at us?
Meemaw: I think they're looking at you.
Sheldon: Oh. [waving to the class] Hello.

Quote from the episode Gluons, Guacamole, and the Color Purple

Dr. John Sturgis: Connie, I would like to see you again. Perhaps we could have dinner sometime.
Sheldon: Yes, we would love that.
Meemaw: We would?
Sheldon: We wouldn't?
Dr. John Sturgis: You wouldn't?
Meemaw: We would.
Dr. John Sturgis: Excellent.
Sheldon: Excellent. So, where are we eating?

Quote from the episode Gluons, Guacamole, and the Color Purple

Mary: I think you might be getting a little ahead of yourself.
Sheldon: I don't think so. They're in love. They were looking into each other's eyes like there was something in there other than corneas and irises.

Quote from the episode Gluons, Guacamole, and the Color Purple

Mary: Well, if that's the case, that'd be wonderful.
Sheldon: It'd be more than wonderful. If they get married, we immediately double the number of smart people in our family. That means we go from one to two.
Mary: I got that.

Quote from the episode Gluons, Guacamole, and the Color Purple

Sheldon: Hello, Dr. Sturgis.
Dr. John Sturgis: Hello, Sheldon.
Sheldon: Come in. Meemaw's upstairs getting ready for your date.
Dr. John Sturgis: Wonderful. Oh, my, this is a lovely house.
Sheldon: Isn't it? Can you see yourself living here? I can.

Quote from the episode Gluons, Guacamole, and the Color Purple

Sheldon: Here are some things you might find helpful about Meemaw. Her favorite color is purple, her favorite ice cream: mint chip, and her favorite food is Mexican.
Dr. John Sturgis: Excellent. Good to know.
Sheldon: She loves gambling, bowling, and especially me. You can't talk enough about me.