Episode Recap
Meemaw knocks on an office door, saying she’s looking for her probation officer. “You found her”, Officer Thomason says as she invites Meemaw in. Bundled up warmly, Meemaw slowly makes her way from the doorway to the desk with the aid of a crutch. She apologizes for being a little late, explaining she isn’t moving very fast today. “Weren't you arrested running from the police?”, Officer Thomason asks. “Well, I have my good days”, Meemaw claims. After Meemaw sits down, Officer Thomason explains she has to do 180 hours of community service and right now she’s sitting at… zero. Meemaw claims that’s not right. She’s been reading to the elderly. Where? “Chi-Chi's. My boyfriend forgot his glasses, so I read him the menu.”, Meemaw says with a laugh. “This is a joke to you”, Officer Thomason remarks. She tells Meemaw that her frail grandmother act isn’t gonna work. “You know what this nose can do? It can smell bull-pucky from two counties over. And you know what it's smelling right now? A big, steamy pile.”
Meemaw wonders what community service they’re talking about, insisting she can’t be up on the interstate picking up trash with some winos. Officer Thomason explains there are other options. “How about Habitat for Humanity? Build some poor soul a home”, Thomason suggests. Meemaw points out a tornado blew her home to smithereens. Maybe some do-gooder should build her a home. As they keep searching for ideas, Officer Thomason mentions volunteering at churches. “Is that any church?”, Meemaw wonders. As long as they sign off on her hours. “Oh, I like where this is heading”, Meemaw says. A suspicious Officer Thomason wonders why. “A good Christian woman always is eager to serve”, Meemaw claims. “A Christian woman who ran a backroom casino?”, Thomason retorts. “Hey, God forgave me, maybe you should, too”, Meemaw replies. Officer Thomason wonders if Meemaw realizes she has the power to throw her in jail. “To be honest, I did not”, Meemaw admits.
In the Coopers’ kitchen, Sheldon and Missy pack away groceries for Mary. Sheldon complains about where Missy is putting something, but she doesn’t care. Sheldon insists that he cares, but Missy says no one cares that he cares. “I'm someone. And I care that I care. And I care that I care that I care.”, Sheldon replies. Mary tells them that’s enough. When Missy asks if they’re done, Mary wonders what her hurry is. “It's paternity test day on Ricki Lake and I'm missing it”, Missy explains. “If people paid more attention of what belongs where, there'd be no need for paternity tests”, Sheldon claims. Mary sighs and tells Missy to go. She offers to give Sheldon a hand, but he says he’s not crazy about the way she organizes things either.
Meemaw comes in through the side door and, without saying hello, asks for a favor. “I need you to sign some forms for me, no questions asked”, Meemaw explains. When Mary inquires about what she’s signing, Meemaw reminds her, “we agreed questions asked”. Sheldon says that given Meemaw’s criminal past, he would advise caution. “Look, I got to knock out my community service, and they say I can do it at the church”, Meemaw explains. Mary thinks that’s great and says they would love to have her. “Or you could just fill out my timesheets and we would be done with the whole thing”, Meemaw suggests, “Easy peasy”. Mary is clear she will not lie for her mother. That’s a sin. “Oh, come on. 180 hours at my age?”, Meemaw scoffs, “Who knows if I've even got that much time left.” Mary says it’s a good thing they’ll be spending so much of it together then.
At the McAllister’s, Mandy arrives home to find her mother reading a Danielle Steel novel. Hearing CeeCee crying over the baby monitor, Mandy asks Audrey if she heard that. Audrey says CeeCee has been at it a while. “And you didn’t go pick her up?”, Mandy questions. Audrey argues CeeCee will cry herself out and go back to sleep. As Mandy goes to comfort CeeCee, Audrey sarcastically says, “Great idea. Let the baby be in charge.” Mandy points out she left her mother in charge, but she won’t make that mistake again. Audrey insists she’s trying to teach CeeCee self-reliance, adding, “If you prefer to coddle her, you go right ahead.” “I'm sorry, are you accusing me of babying my baby? Because I am her mother and I think I know when she needs me.”, Mandy asserts. After CeeCee stops crying, Audrey asks, “You were saying?” Just then, CeeCee starts crying again, prompting Mandy to say, “Ha!” As Mandy walks off, Audrey asks if she’s happy her daughter’s crying. “I’m happy you’re wrong!”, Mandy says.
When Meemaw arrives at Mary’s office in the church, she asks her daughter to clock her in for 9:30. Mary points out it’s now 10:15. “I prayed on the way in. That counts”, Meemaw claims, before settling on “Call it 9:45.” Mary asks for a moment to finish payroll and says she’ll then find Meemaw something to do. Meemaw insists there’s no hurry, she’s just going to lie down on the couch and close her eyes for a minute. When Pastor Jeff stops by, he’s surprised to see Connie. Meemaw explains she’s helping out. “That’s nice,” Pastor Jeff remarks. Mary points out it’s part of her court-appointed community service. “Still nice,” Meemaw insists. Mary tells Jeff that if there’s anything he needs doing, Meemaw is there to help. Meemaw’s ears prick up when Pastor Jeff says he needs his suit picked up from the dry cleaner. “Is that the dry cleaner next to the nail salon?”, Meemaw inquires. Mary says what they could really use help with is somebody to clean up the donation room. “Too late”, Meemaw says, “I’m getting the suit”. Mary insists she will go pick up the suit on her way to the bank, giving Meemaw time to start on the donation room.
Mary and Meemaw stand in the doorway of the heavily cluttered donation room. “Oh, my God”, Meemaw exclaims as she surveys the room. “We don’t say that, but… yeah”, Mary replies. When Meemaw grumbles that this is going to take forever, Mary asks how long her community service is. “Hundred eighty”, Meemaw replies. Mary tells her she better get cracking then. On her way out, Mary mutters to herself, “Maybe I’ll get my nails done.”
At the McAllister house, Georgie goes to the kitchen to ask Audrey if they have any fresh binkies. Audrey directs him to the drying rack. As CeeCee cries off-screen, Audrey tells Georgie he could just let her soothe herself. Georgie wonders what she means. “Well, if you give her a pacifier every time she fusses, she'll never learn”, Audrey argues. “So, I should just let her cry?”, Georgie asks. “Whatever you think is best”, Audrey replies. “Can't you just tell me?”, Georgie wonders. When Mandy comes to get the pacifier, Georgie explains her mom suggested that if they give it to her every time she's cranky, she'll never learn. Audrey insists she was just trying to help. Mandy points out she already said they don’t need her help. “We don’t?”, Georgie questions. “What do you think?”, Mandy asks. “Well…”, Georgie begins to answer, but as CeeCee continues crying, Mandy grabs the binky and storms off. Georgie asks Audrey whether he should go after her. “You're her husband. You decide”, she tells him. As he walks off to follow Mandy, Georgie mutters to himself, “Why won't anybody tell me anything?”
When Mary and Meemaw arrive home, Meemaw complains that it took all day to get six hours recorded. Mary points out Meemaw only worked four of them, while most people work eight. “Most people get paid”, Meemaw counters. “Most people don’t commit crimes”, Mary retorts. “Sure they do. They just don't get caught.”, Meemaw claims. When they get into the kitchen, George chuckles and asks how Meemaw’s first day of giving back to the community went. “I sorted a pair of work pants that had a prosthetic leg still in it”, Meemaw replies. As George snorts, Meemaw tells him to shut up. Mary tells her mother not to be so dramatic. 180 hours, Meemaw reminds her. “Only 174 to go,” Mary replies. “You're enjoying this, aren't ya?”, Meemaw asks. “Darn tootin’”, Mary says as she leaves.
With Meemaw and George now alone in the kitchen, Meemaw complains that she’s got both Mary and Officer Thomason on her ass. George wonders who that is. Meemaw explains it’s her probation officer. George recognizes the name and asks, “Rhonda Thomason?” When Meemaw inquires if he knows her, George explains that Officer Thomason’s son is on the varsity team, adding, “Nice lady.” Meemaw mentions that Officer Thomason could talk to the judge to reduce her hours but won’t. “Yeah, like I said, nice lady”, George repeats. “By chance, would you talk to her for me?”, Meemaw asks George. George asks if she’s really asking him for a favor. Yes. George points out he didn’t hear the magic word. “How about this?”, Meemaw responds, “Why don't you pay me back the money I gave you for the down payment on this house?” “Thank you”, George replies, “Was that so hard?”
Back at the McAllisters’, George goes to their bedroom and finds Mandy standing by CeeCee’s crib. When Georgie asks if CeeCee’s asleep, Mandy confirms she is, “'cause I gave her a pacifier”. Mandy then questions how Georgie could not take her side earlier. Georgie apologizes but points out that they don’t really know what they’re doing. Mandy scoffs, and Georgie clarifies that he doesn’t know what he’s doing, while she is a natural. Mandy insists that as CeeCee’s parents, they should decide how to raise her. Georgie counters that Audrey has done it before, adding, “I mean, she raised you. And you're pretty great.” “Do you honestly think I'm gonna fall for that?”, she asks. “No, you're way too smart”, Georgie claims. Mandy tells him to cut it out, explaining she just wants him to stop defending her mother. Georgie argues that he wasn’t defending Audrey, but he was taught to respect his elders. “I’m your elder”, Mandy points out. Georgie reminds her she gets mad when he says that. “Yeah, 'cause you shouldn't say it”, Mandy replies.
After George knocks on Officer Thomason’s door, she says this is a nice surprise. George claims he’s full of surprises, like that fake field goal against Plainview. Thomason laughs but asks what he’s really doing there. “Well, uh... you may not know this, but, uh, one of your... clients happens to be my mother-in-law.”, he explains haltingly. Officer Thomason knows who he means, “Connie Tucker”. “She’s a character, ain’t she?”, George remarks. “And she asked you to come down here to see if I would go easy on her?”, Thomason asks. “What? No, no, no. No, no, no, no, no.”, George stammers before admitting, “Yeah.” Officer Thomason believes Connie thinks she deserves special treatment. “Yeah, well, you're just hitting the nail on the head today”, George replies. Thomason then asks if George would give special treatment to players who duck practice, to which George replies no, if anything, he’d be tougher on them. “So if I understand you, you're saying I should be tougher on your mother-in-law”, Officer Thomason questions. “I just made it worse, didn't I?”, Georgie worries. “No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no.”, Thomason mimicking George’s earlier consternation, “Yeah.” George makes a quick exit.
At the tire store, Georgie informs Jim that he finished taking inventory. Audrey mentions that Mandy’s old pediatrician said he could take CeeCee on as a new patient. Georgie says CeeCee already has a doctor, but Audrey insists that Dr. Talanda is the best. “Okay, look. I know you're trying to help, but Mandy al…”, Georgie begins, but Jim interrupts him. Jim points out that something on the inventory doesn’t add up and asks Georgie to come with him. Georgie wonders where they’re going. “Shut up. Keep walking”, Jim tells him.
In a supply closet, Jim asks Georgie if he’s mental. Why was he arguing with Audrey? Georgie explains he was just trying to be a good husband by taking Mandy’s side. Jim tells him that the best time to take Mandy's side is when he's alone with Mandy, and when he's with Audrey… “Take Audrey’s side”, Georgie completes the sentence. Jim thinks there’s hope for him yet. Jim tells Georgie he can speak his mind whenever they’re alone in a closet. Georgie thinks it sounds complicated. “Oh, it is”, Jim laments. Georgie argues life would be so much easier if Audrey and Mandy realized how similar they are. “Don’t say that,” Jim responds, “Don’t ever say that.” Georgie reminds Jim that he just said he could speak his mind in a closet. “Yeah, yeah, but not that”, Jim warns. “So where?”, Georgie wonders. “Nowhere”, Jim orders. “They, uh... they'll know.”
When Officer Thomason visits the church’s donation room, she finds Meemaw sitting on a chair reading a romance novel. When Thomason asks if she’s “working hard”, Meemaw tosses the book behind her. Meemaw wonders what brings her there. Thomason explains her son-in-law dropped by to see her. Meemaw feigns ignorance and asks if they know each other. “It did not go your way”, Thomason informs her. Meemaw says you can’t blame a girl for trying. “Actually, I can”, Thomason replies. Meemw argues there must be some criminals out there she can focus on, not “some old granny with slot machines”. “My turn”, Thomason declares before delivering a lecture: “You are a criminal. And I can treat you however the hell I want, because I own your tired old ass. And I will make your life miserable unless you shape up and shape up fast. Do we understand each other?” “Yes, ma’am”, Meemaw responds. Thomason then asks Meemaw to confirm what she is. A criminal. And what do I own, she asks? “My tired old ass”, Meemaw replies. Thomason tells Meemaw she’s going to come back in a few days, and this room better be spic and span. Meemaw insists it will be. “Yes, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am.” On her way out, Officer Thomason tells Meemaw to say hi to George for her.
In the kitchen, George is drinking a beer when Meemaw storms in. “What did you say to her?”, she demands to know. “Nothing. Just what a great grandma you are. And what a great great-grandma you are.”, George claims. Meemaw tells him he made it worse. George apologizes, saying he did his best. “Well, your best stunk”, Meemaw responds. George sighs and asks what now. Meemaw says she has no choice, she’s got to bring in the big guns.
At the church, Sheldon and Meemaw stand in the doorway of the donation room. “Wow. What a mess”, Sheldon remarks. Meemaw agrees. “You want me to organize this whole room in two days?”, Sheldon asks. “I do”, Meemaw confirms. “Oh, boy. Thank you, Meemaw”, Sheldon says eagerly before rushing in to get started.
At the McAllisters’ house, Mandy is on the phone, saying ,“Well, you can go ahead and cancel that appointment.” When she gets off the phone in a bad mood, Georgie asks what’s going on. Mandy explains her mother made an appointment for CeeCee with a new doctor without even asking. “What? Oh, no”, Georgie responds. “I am furious”, Mandy declares. “As you should be”, Georgie says in agreement. Mandy asks if he doesn’t think she’s overreacting. “Not at all”, Georgie claims, “I agree with you.” “Sometimes I just don't understand what she's thinking”, Mandy says. “Well, how could you?”, Georgie wonders aloud, “You two are just... so different.” Mandy thanks him and gives him a hug.
Back at the church, Sheldon is wearing rubber gloves as he works through piles of stuff, attempting to classify them. When Mary stops by to see how her mother is doing, she is surprised to see Sheldon there. “Meemaw's letting me organize everything”, Sheldon explains with enthusiasm. Mary can’t believe her mother is farming out her community word to her son. “How about thanks for getting him to the church?”, Meemaw suggests. Mary tells Sheldon they’re going home, but Sheldon protests, pointing out he’s not even started on the hats. There’s so many: baseball, cowboy, hard… “Now!”, Mary orders. Sheldon groans as he walks off. “You are unbelievable”, Mary tells her mother. “You think that the rules don't apply to you. And that when you get caught, it just becomes everybody else's problem.” Meemaw argues sorting a room full of junk is like Sheldon’s Disneyland. “What about Georgie? What about the gambling room?”, Mary counters. “He could've gone to jail”, she adds. “I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment,” Meemaw responds sarcastically. “Yeah, me too,” Mary says before leaving.
As Mandy and Georgie eat dinner, Mandy remarks that the meat is a little dry. Georgie claims he likes it like this. Mandy asks if he doesn’t think the meat’s too salty. “It's perfect. I love your cooking”, Georgie insists. Mandy reveals Audrey cooked this. “Oh, well, now that you mention it, it is a little dry”, Georgie responds. Mandy then tells him she cooked it. “What are you doing to me?”, Georgie asks. Mandy asks the same question, pointing out how he’s been agreeing with everything she said for the past couple of days. Georgie apologizes and says it was suggested to him that agreeing with her is the key to a happy marriage. Mandy asks if her father was the one who suggested that. Georgie plays coy at first but then admits it was her dad. Mandy questions whether her parents sound happy to him. Georgie points out they’re still together, but Mandy wants them to be better than that. “I agree”, Georgie says… and this time he means it. Georgie admits he actually agrees with Audrey about her doctor being better for CeeCee. He explains their doctor put alcohol on one arm and then gave CeeCee the shot in another. Georgie agrees that Audrey shouldn’t have made an appointment without asking, but he fears their current doctor is “ready for the glue factory”. Mandy thinks he may be right. As Georgie gets back to eating, he wonders aloud, “I'm confused, do I like this or not?”
At the church, Meemaw sighs as she approaches the donation room. When she opens the door, she’s surprised to see Mary inside. She asks what Mary’s doing. “Helping”, Mary replies. “I thought I was a disappointment.”, Meemaw says. “I can be disappointed with you and still not want you to go to jail”, Mary replies. Sheldon appears and announces he’s finished organizing the religious items. “I separated them by New Testament hokum, Old Testament hokum, and general nonsense.” Mary explains that Sheldon couldn’t sleep knowing the room was only half-organized. “It's true”, Sheldon confirms. “It was like my brain was itchy and I couldn't scratch it. Very irritating.” Mary agrees it was very irritating. Meemaw thanks them but insists she should be doing it herself. Mary acknowledges this but points out that they are already there. “Great, I'm gonna start on the books”, Sheldon says. “I invented my own Dewey Decimal System, but instead of decimals, I use fractions.”
When Meemaw meets with Officer Thomason, she is impressed by Meemaw’s 40 hours of community service. Meemaw adds that it may have been 42 hours, but she rounded down. “And you did all the work by yourself?”, Officer Thomason asks. “Yes, ma’am”, Meemaw claims. “You know I called your daughter to check up on you”, Thomason reveals. “Oh”, Meemaw says with a chuckle. “What did she say?”, Meemaw wonders. “She said you worked your butt off”, Thomason says. Meemaw is relieved. After Thomason says she’ll see Meemaw next week, Meemaw says, “You know, you were pretty rough on me the other day, and I just want to let you know that I appreciated that.” Meemaw explains it was just the kick in the pants she needed. “And since things are going so well, I was wondering if you might want to reduce my sentence”, Meemaw suggests. Officer Thomason stares blankly at her. Taking the hint, Meemaw replies, “See you next week.”
In the McAllisters’ living room, Georgie and Mandy sit together on the couch as Jim and Audrey sit in separate chairs around the living room. Audrey mentions she heard they took CeeCee to see Dr. Talanda. Mandy admits they did and that he was very good, reluctantly thanking her mother. “No need to thank me. I just want the best for my granddaughter”, Audrey says. When Mandy mentions Talanda said it’s fine for CeeCee to use a pacifier, Audrey asks who’s raising this baby: them or Talanda? “We are. And I think we're doing a dang good job of it”, Georgie asserts. Audrey tells him she was talking to her daughter. Jim tries to break the tension by talking about a commercial. Mandy tells her mother that Georgie is allowed to speak. That’s how their marriage works. Audrey is offended at the implication her husband isn’t allowed to speak. “That isn't true”, Audrey says. “Tell him, Jim.” Jim is speechless. Mandy claims her dad can’t say anything now that she’s put him on the spot. Audrey insists he’s not on the spot. He is a grown man. “Speak”, she commands. Mandy tells her mom to stop bossing her dad around. He’ll speak when he wants to. As Mandy and Audrey argue, Georgie asks Jim if he wants to go get some popcorn. The two of them get out of there as the argument continues.