Meemaw Quotes

Quote from the episode Demons, Sunday School, and Prime Numbers

Meemaw: You're gonna love Ira. He's a great guy.
Sheldon: Is he your boyfriend?
Meemaw: Well, he's one of them, so let's not bring that up.

Quote from the episode An Eagle Feather, a String Bean, and an Eskimo

Meemaw: Well, I don't understand how you could turn this down. This place looks fantastic.
Mary: It's 200 miles away, Mom.
Meemaw: I know where Dallas is. I used to buy my marijuana there.
George Sr.: Really?
Meemaw: I said "used to". Then I got pregnant with this one and all the fun stopped.

Quote from the episode An Eagle Feather, a String Bean, and an Eskimo

Meemaw: Maybe y'all are being a little selfish about this.
Mary: Selfish? We're thinking of him.
Meemaw: Well, that's all well and good, but maybe you should be thinking about the whole world.
I mean, what if Einstein's parents had held him back? We wouldn't even have the- Well, I was gonna say atomic bomb, but there's probably a better example.

Quote from the episode An Eagle Feather, a String Bean, and an Eskimo

Meemaw: This necklace has been in our family for generations. It belonged to a Comanche warrior who gave it to your great-great-great-great grandma.
Sheldon: Why'd he give it to her?
Meemaw: Well, according to family lore, she was, uh, a very accommodating young lady and, uh, they hit it off.
Sheldon: That's a bird feather.
Meemaw: Eagle feather.
Sheldon: Doesn't matter. I don't like birds, birds are filthy.
Meemaw: Okay. Fine. One featherless family heirloom for you to take with you and keep you safe while you're away.
Sheldon: You don't actually believe this has magic powers, do you?
Meemaw: Oh, for God's sake, just say "thank you."
Sheldon: Thank you. There's a price tag on it.
Meemaw: No, there's not.

Quote from the episode An Eagle Feather, a String Bean, and an Eskimo

Mary: Hi.
Meemaw: Mary, he's gonna come home every Friday night.
Mary: I didn't think I'd have to deal with this till he went to college.
Meemaw: You should thank your lucky stars he's not in college now.

Quote from the episode An Eagle Feather, a String Bean, and an Eskimo

Mary: I'm still not sure that this is the right thing to do.
Meemaw: Are you worried that he won't like it or are you worried that he will?
Mary: You're not helping.
Meemaw: That's not my job. I think of myself as a speaker of truth.
Mary: If you're not gonna make me feel better, go away.
Meemaw: I'm sorry, you are stuck with me.

Quote from the episode An Eagle Feather, a String Bean, and an Eskimo

George Jr.: [to Mary] Why you cryin'?
Meemaw: Why you stupid?

Quote from the episode An Eagle Feather, a String Bean, and an Eskimo

Mary: I'm telling you, this is a terrible idea. This is a terrible, terrible idea.
Meemaw: He's gonna be fine. You'll see.
Mary: I can't believe you're okay with this.
Meemaw: I'm not okay with this. I'm just trying to be strong for you!
Mary: What? You thought him leaving was a good idea.
Meemaw: Oh, I only said that because you thought it was a bad idea. You know how it's always my nature to go the other way. Say "up."
Mary: Up.
Meemaw: Down.

Quote from the episode An Eagle Feather, a String Bean, and an Eskimo

George Sr.: I'll see you in a bit.
Mary: Where are you off to?
George Sr.: I'm going to Dallas to get Sheldon.
Mary: Really?
George Sr.: Yeah, really.
Meemaw: What about this being a great opportunity for him?
Sheldon: Y'all want me to go or not?
Mary: Yes! Go!
Meemaw: Yes, and hurry up! Get a move on, Tubby.

Quote from the episode Spock, Kirk, and Testicular Hernia

Meemaw: I gravitate a little more towards Kirk.
Sheldon: Why?
Meemaw: [imitating William Shatner] Be-cause everything he says he makes sound so im-portant.
Sheldon: I should hope so, he's the captain.

Quote from the episode Spock, Kirk, and Testicular Hernia

George Sr.: Can you help me out here?
Sheldon: [Meemaw whispers to him] I'll do it if you take me to the train store.
George Sr.: You got it.
Sheldon: [Meemaw whispers again] And buy me whatever I want.
George Sr.: Connie, what are you doing?
Meemaw: [imitating William Shatner] Just providing my grand-son with financial guid-ance.
Sheldon: Don't mock the captain.

Quote from the episode Spock, Kirk, and Testicular Hernia

George Sr.: If Georgie passes his test, I'll get you whatever you want. Under 20 bucks.
Sheldon: Deal.
George Sr.: Why?
Meemaw: I guess I like him better than you.

Quote from the episode Spock, Kirk, and Testicular Hernia

Sheldon: I don't understand what went wrong. Is there any chance you drank alcohol when you were pregnant with Georgie?
Mary: No!
Meemaw: Well, don't be so high-and-mighty. I drank when I was pregnant with you. You turned out fine.
These days everybody's like, "Don't drink, don't smoke." I swear, Texas is turning into California.

Quote from the episode Spock, Kirk, and Testicular Hernia

Mary: Well, I'm gonna ask Jesus to help you get a good grade on that test.
Sheldon: Shouldn't you have asked him before he took it?
Mary: The man rose from the dead, I think he can fix a test after the fact.
Meemaw: You know, I hear you say things like that, and I wonder if maybe I did have a few too many whiskey sours when you were in my belly.

Quote from the episode Spock, Kirk, and Testicular Hernia

Sheldon: Meemaw? I assume you've read the Surgeon General's report on the dangers of smoking?
Meemaw: I'm gonna wait till they turn it into a movie.

Quote from the episode Spock, Kirk, and Testicular Hernia

Meemaw: Is that your new train?
Sheldon: Yes. It's my reward for helping Georgie pass the math test.
Meemaw: You don't seem too happy about it.
Sheldon: I don't feel like I earned it.
Meemaw: Why not?
Sheldon: Can you keep a secret?
Meemaw: Well, at my age, the question is can I remember one. Try me.

Quote from the episode Spock, Kirk, and Testicular Hernia

Sheldon: Georgie cheated on the test.
Meemaw: Oh.
Sheldon: And nothing bad happened. He gets to stay on the football team, Mom and Dad are proud of him, I even got a train for helping.
Meemaw: So you're feeling guilty.
Sheldon: Very much so.
Meemaw: Well, that's a real conundrum.
Sheldon: Have you been reading the Word of the Day calendar I gave you for your birthday?
Meemaw: Indubitably.

Quote from the episode Spock, Kirk, and Testicular Hernia

Meemaw: Ko-Kobayashi Maru. Sounds like something you eat at Benihana's. Have you ever been to one of those? They make you sit with strangers. It's crazy.

Quote from the episode Spock, Kirk, and Testicular Hernia

Sheldon: Do you think a Spock could become a Kirk?
Meemaw: Well, in my experience, most people stay the miserable bastards they are their whole entire life. But I have seen some folks change.

Quote from the episode Spock, Kirk, and Testicular Hernia

Mary: Do you have any idea what's gotten into him?
Meemaw: I might.
Mary: Well?
Meemaw: Have you ever heard of Mobokachi Kaboom? Wait. Koshimaki Magoo. Wait a minute, I'm gonna get this.