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  • Ants on a Log and a Cheating Winker

    704. Ants on a Log and a Cheating Winker

    March 7, 2024

    After returning from Germany, Sheldon and Mary struggle to adjust to life back home. Mary feels unnecessary since Missy has taken on more responsibilities around the house. Meanwhile, Sheldon feels crowded out at home with Georgie and Mandy living there, so he seeks refuge in his college dorm room.

Quote from Mary

Sheldon: Mark my words, string theory is going to be the next big thing.
Mary: What does it do?
Sheldon: It explains the fundamental forces of the universe. How everything works, where everything came from.
Mary: I know where it all came from. [points to the heavens]
Sheldon: Mother, we're in the sky. Why are you pointing up?

Quote from Mary

Pilot: [v.o.] Sorry for the delay. We hope to be wheels up in about 20 minutes.
Sheldon: That's what he said 20 minutes ago.
Mary: Nothing we can do.
Sheldon: If we don't take off soon, we'll miss our connecting flight to Houston.
Mary: It's out of our hands. I'd tell you whose hands it's in, but you don't like that.

Quote from Adult Sheldon

Mary: Are you ready for your surprise?
George: I sure am.
Mary: Okay. [German accent] Hello, you handsome American boy toy. I am Helga. Do you like what you see?
George: [German accent] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. [both laugh]
[Sheldon unlocks the front door and walks into the house]
Sheldon: Hello?
Mary: [o.s.] Are you sure your wife won't come home?
George: [o.s.] [laughs] I'm sure.
[Sheldon knocks on his parents' bedroom door and then opens it]
George: [o.s.] Yeah, yeah. [Mary laughs] Oh, Helga.
Adult Sheldon: I never talked to my father about what I saw that day, but, from then on, I added extra knocks so people could get their pants on.

Quote from Mary

[After a bout of turbulence, Mary clasps her hands together in prayer]
Sheldon: Oh, there's no reason to do that. It's just irregular motion of air around the plane caused by temperature changes. [more turbulence] Oh, that was a big one. And given our altitude, perfectly predictable. [cabin alert chimes]
Flight Attendant: [v.o.] The pilot has turned on the seatbelt sign. Please return to your seat.
Sheldon: A reasonable precaution. [checks seatbelt] Snug as a bug. [more turbulence]
Mary: Would you like me to include you in my prayers?
Sheldon: No, thanks, I don't need to seek help from an invisible man.
Mary: You're right, you've got your invisible strings.

Quote from Mary

Sheldon: [baby crying] Babies. Why'd it have to be babies?
Mary: Oh, relax. He'll cry himself out. You won't even know he's there.
[four hours later:]
Sheldon: [baby crying] [sighs] Please tell that mother to quiet her baby.
Mary: Sometimes moms can't make their kids be quiet no matter how much they try.

Quote from Missy

Mary: Oh. Look, a chore chart. I made one of those. Y'all ignored it.
Missy: They don't ignore it if you stop feeding them.
Georgie: That was a long weekend.
Missy: Georgie, bathroom.
Georgie: Thank you.
Missy: Crowded house, one bathroom. We needed a schedule.

Quote from Dale

Mary: So, what's going on with your house?
Meemaw: Well, I'm gonna rebuild. It's just gonna take a while.
Dale: In the meantime, she has a home.
Mary: Oh, thank you for that.
Dale: With a man who gives her plenty of loving.

Quote from Dale

Meemaw: Tell you what, next time you start feeling sorry for yourself for being a little displaced, you just take a gander at my home of 47 years. [Meemaw hands Mary a photo of her destroyed house]
Mary: I'm sorry. This is terrible.
Dale: Yeah, I took that picture with my Minolta. Made the front page of the local paper. I got a copy of it around here somewhere.
Meemaw: She don't wanna see it.
Dale: Of course she does.

Quote from Sheldon

Mary: Excited to be going home?
Sheldon: [points to his head] This is home. I'm always here. But I am excited to share everything I've learned with my colleagues.
Mary: That's nice.
Sheldon: Scientifically speaking, they're savages covered in their own filth, and I'll be bringing them the light.
Mary: There's probably a nicer way to say that.
Sheldon: Oh, there is. But if a summer in Germany has taught me anything, it's that brutal honesty is its own kind of love.
Mary: I'll crochet that on a pillow.
Sheldon: Mm.

Quote from Sheldon

[Sheldon is holding his nose and puffing his cheeks out:]
Mary: What're you doing?
Sheldon: Trying to get my ears to pop.
Mary: Want a piece of gum?
Sheldon: Is it cinnamon gum?
Mary: Yeah.
Sheldon: I have enough problems. [baby cries] Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

Quote from Mary

Sheldon: I cannot wait to sleep in my own bed.
George: You didn't tell him on the plane?
Sheldon: Tell me what?
Mary: I thought you were gonna tell him in the car.
George: Well, he was grumpy in the car.
Mary: How do you think he was on the plane?

Quote from Sheldon

Missy: I'll tell him.
Mary: You stay out of this.
Sheldon: Tell me what?
Mandy: Well, for God's sake. Me and Georgie and the baby have been staying in your room.
Sheldon: Oh, that makes sense. I was out of town, there was a tornado, you needed a place to live.
Georgie: So you're okay with it?
Sheldon: Oh, no, I'm home now. Get out.

Quote from George Sr.

George: You heard her, Sheldon, she doesn't want to leave.
Sheldon: But it's my room.
George: Well, and it's my house.
Mary: Our house.
George: Sure.
Sheldon: Why can't they stay in the garage?
Missy: Why can't you stay in the garage?
Sheldon: I'm neither a car nor a box of Christmas ornaments.
George: Sheldon, my grandbaby's not sleeping in the garage.
Mary: Our grandbaby.
George: Sure.

Quote from Mandy

Mandy: Look, I slept out there. It's not that bad.
Georgie: Hey, there's even a sink you can pee in.
Mandy: That is not helpful.
Georgie: You used it.
Mandy: It was an emergency.
Sheldon: I go away for a few months and my family turns into a bunch of hillbillies.

Quote from Sheldon

George: All right, it's been a long day, everybody's tired. Why don't you just sleep on the couch and we'll figure this out tomorrow, hmm?
Sheldon: Fine. Oh.
Mary: What?
Sheldon: My ears finally popped. Testing, testing. One, two, three. Testing.
Missy: So, Sheldon's home.
Sheldon: Hello? Hello? Somebody say something.

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