‘Jiu-jitsu, Bubble Wrap, and Yoo-hoo’ Quotes Page 1 of 4    

  • Jiu-jitsu, Bubble Wrap, and Yoo-hoo

    117. Jiu-jitsu, Bubble Wrap, and Yoo-hoo

    April 5, 2018

    After Sheldon starts learning self-defense, Mary and George are disturbed to find out he is being bullied. When the identity of his unlikely tormenter is revealed, Sheldon's parents disagree on how to handle the situation.

Quote from Meemaw

George: The little Sparks girl?
Mary: You're kidding. She seems so sweet.
Georgie: He says she slaps him around, takes his lunch money. She even put a tadpole down his shirt.
Meemaw: Poor kid. He tucks in those shirts.

Quote from Adult Sheldon

Adult Sheldon: Existing in a world of predators isn't easy, but we prey have developed several natural defenses to help us survive. There's playing dead, warning calls, camouflage, and, last but certainly not least, good old-fashioned running away. A little screaming never hurts either.

Quote from Meemaw

Mary: She looks harmless.
Meemaw: She's cute. So she probably gets away with stuff. I'm like that.

Quote from Adult Sheldon

Adult Sheldon: The perilous journey from the bus stop to my front door was 97.5 meters. FYI, insisting on using the metric system in East Texas is another reason I was hunted by predators.

Quote from Meemaw

Meemaw: I bowled a new high score last night.
George: Nice.
Meemaw: I got two turkeys.
Missy: What's a turkey?
Meemaw: It's three strikes in a row.
Missy: Why do they call it a turkey?
Meemaw: Well, when they first invented bowling, they used to just throw frozen turkeys at the pins. Eventually, they switched to balls to cut down on the smell.
George: Why you lying to her?
Meemaw: I find it keeps my mind sharp.

Quote from George Jr.

Mary: Georgie, I need to talk to you, and wake up, you're gonna be late.
Georgie: Got it covered. I sleep in my clothes.

Quote from Billy Sparks

George: Hey, Billy.
Billy Sparks: Hello, Missy's dad.
George: Is your father home?
Billy Sparks: Yes.
George: Could you get him for me?
Billy Sparks: Happy to. Dad, it's Missy's dad! He's also Sheldon's dad.

Quote from Sheldon

Mary: Aw, baby. I'm so sorry you're havin' to deal with this.
Sheldon: It's okay. German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said, "That which does not kill us makes us stronger."
Mary: And do you feel stronger?
Sheldon: [contemplating] No.

Quote from Billy Sparks

Missy: One lump or two?
Bobbi Sparks: Two, please.
Missy: Billy?
Billy Sparks: Why would I want lumpy tea?

Quote from George Sr.

Mary: Why aren't you more upset about this?
George: I am. I just think we should proceed with caution.
Mary: Someone is hurting our son.
George: I understand. But handling bullies is tricky. It's easy to make things worse.
Mary: And what makes you the expert?
George: Honey, I was a bully.

Quote from George Jr.

Mary: Look, somebody has been picking on your brother. You know anything about it?
Georgie: No.
Mary: You better not be covering for anybody.
Georgie: I'm not. Most kids at school ignore him, and the girls all think he's cute. It's kind of annoying.

Quote from Adult Sheldon

Adult Sheldon: In any ecosystem, you'll find a delicate balance between predator and prey.
Some well-known predators include Panthera leo, Ursus arctos, and star of the 1987 film Predator, Predator. Now, examples of prey include Oryctolagus cuniculus, Gallus gallus domesticus, and weighing in at 58 pounds soaking wet, Diminutive homo novus Curiously, a close relative of Gallus gallus domesticus.

Quote from Tam

Sheldon: You know, one of the books mentioned a Vietnamese martial art.
Tam: Vovinam. I'm a blue belt.
Sheldon: Wow.
Tam: Don't be impressed. It's what you get when your mom buys the uniform.
Sheldon: Do you remember any of it?
Tam: I don't even know where the belt is.

Quote from Sheldon

Sheldon: The book says jiu-jitsu is based on using your attacker's momentum against them. It's just physics. Come at me.
Tam: Like, run at you?
Sheldon: Well, I'm new to this, so maybe just walk quickly.

Quote from Herschel Sparks

Herschel Sparks: Well, howdy, neighbor.
George: Hey, Herschel.
Herschel Sparks: What brings you by? Chickens too loud?
George: Nah, they been fine.
Herschel Sparks: Good, good. Fried up the noisy one last week. That shut him up.

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