‘A Second Prodigy and the Hottest Tips for Pouty Lips’ Quotes Page 1 of 3    

Quote from Sheldon

President Hagemeyer: I must tell you that Sheldon was very excited to hear that you might be joining us.
Linda: Well, isn't he sweet?
Paige: He's a peach.
Sheldon: All right, I'm here. [to Hagemeyer] Hello. [to Linda] Hello. [coldly to Paige] Hello.
Paige: Hi, Sheldon. I'm so excited for you to show me around campus today.
Sheldon: The only reason I'm doing it is because...
President Hagemeyer: He's excited to do it, I'm excited he's doing it. Are you excited?
Linda: Sure.
President Hagemeyer: Everyone's excited. Yay.
Sheldon: [sighs] Come on, let's go.
Paige: You and me, together again. It just feels right, doesn't it? [Sheldon grumbles]

Quote from Dr. John Sturgis

Adult Sheldon: I wasn't getting the help I needed, so I turned to the smartest resource I knew.
Dr. John Sturgis: [on the phone] Love is a funny thing. They say, "The heart wants what the heart wants," but I think it should be, "The limbic system wants what the limbic system wants."
Sheldon: Finally, someone's making sense.
Dr. John Sturgis: Well, not to brag, but when it comes to unrequited love, I'm kind of an expert.
Sheldon: Well, when I talk to Paige, all she does is drive me crazy.
Dr. John Sturgis: There's a thin line between affection and aggravation. The Roman poet Catullus said, "I hate and I love and I know not why."
Sheldon: I'm not sure what to make of that.
Dr. John Sturgis: Perhaps it'd be more useful in Latin. "Odi et amo..."

Quote from Adult Sheldon

Adult Sheldon: I've never been good at sharing. I had to share a womb...
Missy: [over ultrasound video] Ow.
Sheldon: [over ultrasound video] Ow.
["Rico Suave" by Gerardo playing over headphones]
Adult Sheldon: ...a bedroom...
Missy: ♪ Rico...♪
Adult Sheldon: Even my train room had Georgie's sweaty weight bench in it.
Georgie: Come on, George. One more. Feel the burn, big boy. Feel the burn.
Adult Sheldon: But when it came to academics, the spotlight was all mine.
President Hagemeyer: Sheldon, having you here has been a real boon to this university.
Adult Sheldon: [spotlight shines on Sheldon] I did love basking in its glow.
President Hagemeyer: So we could really use your help in raising the school's profile even higher.
Sheldon: Of course. My intellect is at your service.
President Hagemeyer: Excellent. There is another young physics prodigy we want you to help us recruit. Her name is Paige Swanson. [electricity crackles]

Quote from Missy

Mary: Okay, have a great day. Love you.
Missy: [covers mouth] Love you, too.
Mary: What are you doing?
Missy: I learned it in baseball. When you don't want the other team to see what you're saying.
Mary: It's okay to love your mom.
Missy: At home. Here, you get the hand.

Quote from George Sr.

George: What are you doing?
Mary: Look at me and tell me what you see.
George: What? Did you get a haircut? Looks great.
Mary: No, I didn't get a haircut.
George: 'Cause you don't need one. Looking good, babe.
Mary: Lord. Just tell me what you see when you look at me.
George: [sighs, mutters] I don't know what's going on, but this feels like a trap.
Mary: I went to the salon to get a haircut.
George: Knew it, looking foxy.
Mary: But I didn't get one because I don't know what I want.
George: [quietly] Oh. You know who's got good hair? Charlene Tilton.
Mary: Who?
George: That little blonde one on Dallas. People make a fuss over Victoria Principal, but Charlene Tilton...
Mary: You're not helping me, George.
George: I knew this was a trap.

Quote from George Jr.

Sheldon: Georgie?
Georgie: What?
Sheldon: Can I ask you a question about girls?
Georgie: Go ahead, but I find them very confusing.

Quote from Sheldon

Sheldon: But you don't need another child prodigy. You've already got me.
President Hagemeyer: And you have been... [scoffs] so great. Just imagine what it'd be like having two of you.
Sheldon: Well, why would you want two of me? I mean, I've heard even one of me is a lot to handle.
President Hagemeyer: Well, you're not afraid of a little competition, are you?
Sheldon: From Paige? Hardly. But I should warn you, she can be very difficult.
President Hagemeyer: Well, luckily I've had some practice with that lately.
Sheldon: And how do you handle it?
President Hagemeyer: Usually I, uh, play to their egos. You know, make them feel like the smartest person in the room.
Sheldon: And they fall for that?
President Hagemeyer: Well... [chuckles] not everyone's as smart as you, Sheldon.

Quote from Brenda Sparks

Brenda Sparks: Hey, Mary.
Mary: Oh, Brenda. Love the haircut.
Brenda Sparks: Thank you. I was always afraid to go short, but I figured I already lost a husband. What's a few inches off the top?
Mary: Well, you look like a new person.
Brenda Sparks: I feel like a new person. I just needed to do something for me. It was either this or get a tattoo on my thigh.
Mary: I think you made the right choice.
Brenda Sparks: Well, I guess. I mean, who's seeing me naked these days?
Mary: Well, I wouldn't know.

Quote from June

June: What can I do for you?
Mary: Well, I guess I'm just looking for a change.
June: Uh-oh.
Mary: What's "uh-oh"?
June: Well, nothing, it's just, when the women come in looking for a change, it's usually relationship trouble.
Mary: [laughs softly] Oh... Well, not me. I'm fine.
June: Okay, but I got a perm and a divorce in the same week and I only regret one of them. [laughs]

Quote from Mary

Mary: Maybe this is a bad idea. I should come back.
June: No, no, no, no. Come on, you're already here. Either way, there's nothing wrong in a little change.
Mary: Okay. Uh... What do you think I should do?
June: Well, when you look at yourself in the mirror, who do you see?
Mary: I see a mom and... a wife.
June: Okay, that's the hair you already got. Who do you want to see?
Mary: Oh, um...
June: Maybe we start with the nails.
Mary: That's a great idea.

Quote from Sheldon

Sheldon: So now I'm supposed to talk Paige into coming to my school.
Meemaw: Maybe it'll be nice to have somebody your own age to hang out with.
Sheldon: Sure, so the next time someone says, "Hey, look what the kid genius did," people will say, "Which one? There's so many."
Meemaw: I thought you and that little girl were friends.
Sheldon: Missy's her friend. I'm her rival.
Meemaw: Well, I think you're getting worked up about nothing. Maybe she won't even decide to come to this school.
Sheldon: Oh, I see where you're going. I should convince her it's a terrible school. That's brilliant.
Meemaw: That's not where I was going.
Sheldon: Too late, I'm already there.

Quote from Sheldon

Sheldon: There's the cafeteria. If you like tuna salad with hair in it. Over there is the quad. It's a nice place to relax, if you like getting hit in the head with Frisbees.
Paige: I know what you're doing.
Sheldon: No, you don't.
Paige: You have nothing to worry about. I don't want to come to this school. I'm just looking at it to make my mom happy since it's close to home.
Sheldon: Well, that's wonderful news.
Paige: Besides, I've got offers from way better universities.
Sheldon: What do you mean? What's wrong with this school?
Paige: It's fine. It's just nowhere near as good as Harvard or Columbia.
Sheldon: It is too.
Paige: If you like a substandard science department and hair in your tuna.

Quote from Sheldon

Sheldon: She said she doesn't even want to come to this university.
President Hagemeyer: Well, I hope you convinced her otherwise.
Sheldon: She said she'd rather go to Harvard or Columbia.
President Hagemeyer: [scoffs] T-Those are all perfectly fine schools, but we have a lot to offer here, too.
Sheldon: I told her that, but she said I was settling because I want to live close to my mommy.
President Hagemeyer: Well, that's ridiculous.
Sheldon: That's why I came here to tell on her.
President Hagemeyer: Well, the important thing is you're here and you're happy.
Sheldon: I thought I was, but why does Paige get to go to a better school than me?
President Hagemeyer: Hey, I know what'll solve your problem. Convince Paige to come here.
Sheldon: Yeah. Wait.

Quote from June

Mary: Sometimes I think George doesn't even see me. And it's not just him. My daughter's embarrassed of me, my boys think all I'm good for is food and clean clothes.
June: You start feeling like a ghost, right?
Mary: Yes.
June: I get it, I'm a mom.
Mary: [sighs] So did that feeling ever go away?
June: Yeah. I realized I was doing everything for everyone else, and I didn't have anything left for me. So, here we are.

Quote from Mary

Mary: When I was younger, I used to love making my own clothes.
June: Mm-hmm.
Mary: I always thought I'd do something with that. Maybe I should get back to it.
June: You definitely should.
Mary: Okay.
June: Okay. So, what are we thinking?
Mary: Actually, I don't think I need a haircut anymore. Thank you so much.
June: Oh, my pleasure. [chuckles] I got to start charging by the hour.

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