‘A Clogged Pore, a Little Spanish and the Future’ Quotes Page 1 of 2
522. A Clogged Pore, a Little Spanish and the Future
May 19, 2022Sheldon panics when he notices the first sign of his impending puberty. Meanwhile, Mary and George hunt for jobs, while Georgie devises a scheme to make more money.
Quote from Adult Sheldon
Adult Sheldon: [hushed] This is why the only bar I frequent is the Genius Bar at the Apple Store.
Quote from Dr. Linkletter
President Hagemeyer: Okay, so, what's the problem?
Sheldon: I wanted to talk with Dr. Linkletter about puberty.
Dr. Linkletter: And I wanted to avoid litigation.
Quote from Sheldon
Missy: Sheldon, there has to be stuff you're excited to do.
Sheldon: Of course. Getting my PhD, winning the Nobel Prize, getting to meet Professor Proton, working with Stephen Hawking.
Missy: Okay, so, when you start to get upset, focus on that stuff.
Sheldon: But... what if I grow up and none of those things ever happen?
Missy: All you can do is try and find out.
Sheldon: Those are the fundamentals of the scientific method.
Missy: No doy.
Quote from Meemaw
Meemaw: Ooh, I love this song. [Meemaw sings along to "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash] ♫ Bound by wild desires ♫ ♫ fell into a ring of fire ♫
Georgie: My life's falling apart and you're singing?
Meemaw: ♫ I fell into a burning ring of fire ♫ ♫ I went down, down, down ♫ ♫ And the flames went higher ♫ ♫ And it burns, burns, burns ♫ ♫ That ring of fire ♫ [talks] Where?
Georgie: The ring of fire
Meemaw: [vocalizes] [mimes playing a trumpet]
Quote from Adult Sheldon
Adult Sheldon: I've heard people say fathers are the real superheroes. My dad couldn't fly or bend steel, and you would not want to see him in Spandex. But like Superman, he had his Fortress of Solitude.
Quote from Dr. Linkletter
Dr. Linkletter: What do you want?
Sheldon: I was hoping we could discuss puberty.
Dr. Linkletter: Then allow me to dash your hopes. No.
Sheldon: But I think I may be entering it, and I would like to talk about it, man-to-blossoming-young-man.
Dr. Linkletter: Wouldn't you rather talk to your father or a schoolmate or literally anyone else?
Sheldon: But you went through it once. Sure, it was a long, long time ago, but I'm assuming the basics haven't changed.
Dr. Linkletter: Hold that thought.
Quote from Meemaw
Meemaw: What the hell are you doing?
Georgie: Making extra money.
Meemaw: Are you crazy? You're gonna get us all arrested.
Georgie: You're paying off the cops, ain't you?
Meemaw: For gambling. You start selling liquor without a license, you're asking for trouble.
Georgie: I'm having a baby. I need cash.
Meemaw: Well, think of something else.
Georgie: Well, can I have a raise?
Meemaw: Are you selling that or drinking it?
Quote from Sheldon
Wendy: This is... just a pimple.
Sheldon: Well, how can you be sure it isn't chickenpox? Or smallpox? Or monkeypox, which I know sounds made-up, but is very real.
Wendy: Have you been near any monkeys?
Sheldon: No.
Wendy: Try benzoyl peroxide. It's over the counter.
[fantasy: A.V. and Pus:]
A.V.: Oh, no, not... benzoyl peroxide. [high-pitched] I'm melting! I'm melting! [normal voice] Give me a break.
Sheldon: But a pimple is a sign of puberty, and I'm showing no other indicators. No armpit or chest hair, and I have so little interest in the opposite sex, I barely noticed you're a woman.
Wendy: Thank you.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Dr. Linkletter, may I speak with you?
Dr. Linkletter: If I say no, will you leave?
Sheldon: No.
Dr. Linkletter: Then why even ask?
Sheldon: It's called manners.
Quote from Meemaw
Georgie: Hey, if we can't sell beer, what about cigarettes? We could make money and keep people from leaving to go buy more.
Meemaw: That's not a bad idea.
Georgie: I could go down to Walmart, buy some cartons. We could mark 'em up like crazy.
Meemaw: Mm-hmm. Reminds me of when I was young and we used to go down across the border and get 'em cheap in Mexico.
Georgie: How cheap?
Meemaw: Well, between the taxes and the peso, practically nothing. [chuckles]
Georgie: Let's do that.
Meemaw: I'm not driving to Mexico.
Georgie: I don't need you. I'll go. Where do I go?
Meemaw: I'm not telling you.
Georgie: Why?
Meemaw: 'Cause you're dumb in this country. God knows what you are anywhere else.
Georgie: Fine. I'll just head south and see where it takes me.
Meemaw: I'm impressed you knew it was south.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: But what if it's scratchy and it's all I can think about?
Dr. Linkletter: It's just armpit hair.
Sheldon: Well, I don't even have it yet and it's already consuming my thoughts.
President Hagemeyer: All right, Sheldon, you are a smart kid. Now, you had to know that this was gonna happen eventually.
Sheldon: I'm a smart kid now, but what will I be in a year?
President Hagemeyer: A smart young man.
Sheldon: And then a smart adult. With money problems and marital strife and every other problem you can think of. I'll probably have a beer belly. Or root beer belly.
Quote from President Hagemeyer
President Hagemeyer: All right, now, Sheldon... [chuckles] being a grown-up isn't all bad, right?
Dr. Linkletter: Eh.
President Hagemeyer: I mean, yeah, sure, your... you know, your body starts to fall apart. But there is a window at about, mm, 22 where everything's just... mwah.
Dr. Linkletter: Oh, when I was 22, I was a strapping blonde oak of a man. I'd walk down the street, you could hear the knees buckle.
President Hagemeyer: If I could go back, I would wear nothing but a bikini, 24/7.
Dr. Linkletter: My mind was a steel trap. I could rattle off pi to 25 places. Today... not sure where I parked.
President Hagemeyer: I once went to France for a month with a man I met in the airport bar. [sighs] Missed my grandmother's funeral, but... ooh, la-la.
Dr. Linkletter: It all went by so fast.
President Hagemeyer: Too fast.
Sheldon: I'm new to puberty. Is this sexual tension?
Quote from George Sr.
Mary: How are we not qualified for anything?
George: Well, there were a couple.
Mary: I'm not gonna be night security guard at the junkyard, George. You can.
George: You know I get sleepy.
Quote from Sheldon
[dream sequence:]
Sheldon as George: Something weird's going on.
Sheldon as Mary: Not now, George. I have to finish making the kids' lunches, get them to school, and then go looking for a new job.
Sheldon as George: But I'm turning into my father.
Sheldon as Mary: I don't have time for whatever crisis you're going through. And why are you still wearing that uniform? You don't even work there anymore.
Sheldon as George: Well, maybe nothing else was clean.
Sheldon as Mary: You're a grown man... you can wash your own clothes.
Sheldon as Meemaw: Would you two quit fighting? You ain't the only one with problems.
Sheldon as George: For God's sakes, why are you always here?
Sheldon as Mary: Don't be mean to her.
Sheldon as George: You're mean to me.
Sheldon as Meemaw: I'm just dropping off your mail, fatass. And it's nothing but bills.
Sheldon as Georgie: Just got back from the baby doctor. Mandy's having triplets. Dang it.
Sheldon as George: How we gonna handle all this?
Sheldon as Mary: I guess Sheldon's gonna have to drop out of school and get a job.
Sheldon as Meemaw: I hear the coal mine's hiring.
Sheldon as Georgie: Ain't that too messy for him?
Sheldon as Meemaw: The boy's got to grow up sometime.
Sheldon as George: Ain't that the truth.
Sheldon as Mary: He's got that nasty pimple, so he's well on his way.
A.V.: Whoa. Heavy stuff. But like a... caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, things need to get a little weird along the way. [Pus puts the blue caterpillar figure he was holding under a napkin and pulls out a blue butterfly figure] [laughs] How can people not like us? That was awesome. And Pus is available for children's parties. [Pus rubs his fingers together to signal cash]
Quote from Sheldon
Missy: What's the problem?
Sheldon: My childhood is ending.
Missy: So?
Sheldon: Look at everyone around us... they're all miserable. Mom and Dad are unemployed. They're constantly fighting. Georgie's having a child.
Missy: First of all, no one's having a kid with you, ever.
Sheldon: Don't be so sure. With this intellect, my genetic material will be a hot commodity. [Missy groans] That's how I feel.