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  • Pish Posh and a Secret Back Room

    504. Pish Posh and a Secret Back Room

    October 28, 2021

    As George wants to throw Georgie out of the house, Missy proposes a new living arrangement for her and her brothers. Meanwhile, Meemaw buys a laundromat with a secret gambling room.

Quote from Sheldon

Missy: I know what you're doing.
Sheldon: Yes, I'm being thorough about these things so we don't fight about them down the line.
Missy: What you're doing is dragging this out because you don't want me to leave.
Sheldon: No, I'm not.
Missy: Yes, you are.
Sheldon: Do you know the phrase "pish posh"?
Missy: No, and I don't want to.
Sheldon: It's British, and it's used when someone's opinions are absurd. And you're forcing me to use it. Pish posh! Or, more authentically, [English accent] pish posh!
Missy: I'm done. I know what's mine, and I'm taking it.
Adult Sheldon: One day she said the same thing to her first husband. I like to think I prepared her for that moment.

Quote from Meemaw

Dale: Uh, okay, just give me a sense of how illegal this is.
Meemaw: Who says it's illegal?
Dale: Well, why is it a secret?
Meemaw: Okay, it's illegal.

Quote from Meemaw

Meemaw: So I'm thinking dark red, like a speakeasy. And maybe a little bar in the corner.
Dale: Well, you're gonna need a liquor license.
Meemaw: Oh, right. 'Cause I don't want to break the law in my illegal gambling room.

Quote from Adult Sheldon

Adult Sheldon: I've always had a curious affinity for Laundromats. Perhaps it's the rows of mechanical devices dedicated to a cleaner world. Or maybe it's the hypnotic rotation of spinning clothes on their sudsy journey to a fluffy, stain-free future. Mmm, look at 'em. Where was I? Oh, yes. Laundromats. My meemaw also loved them, but for an entirely different reason.
Meemaw: Banana, banana... Whoo! [laughs]
Adult Sheldon: Personally, I don't care for bananas. It's a texture thing.

Quote from Sheldon

Sheldon: Fun fact... did you know the knife goes on the right because it was the first utensil, and most people are right-handed?
Missy: Did you know I set the table and no one said thank you?
Sheldon: No one thanked me for my fun fact. You don't hear me complaining.

Quote from Sheldon

Mary: Okay, what if he pitches in here?
George: Like what, rent?
Mary: Yes. You would do that, right?
Georgie: I guess so.
Sheldon: Sounds like someone needs a rental agreement. I'll go get my legal pad.

Quote from Meemaw

Dale: So, there's a secret back room at the Laundromat where you gamble?
Meemaw: Yeah.
Dale: And you never told me?
Meemaw: Well, this is how secrets work.
Dale: Uh-huh. What else aren't you telling me?
Meemaw: Let me explain secrets.

Quote from George Sr.

Sheldon: Okay, so we've agreed on monthly rent. Should we talk utilities?
Georgie: Why do I got to pay for that stuff?
George: 'Cause you use them and they cost money.
Sheldon: There are five of us in the house, so I suggest he pays 20%. Although he does take a long time drying that hair.
George: 20%'s fine.
Georgie: Hold on. It takes a whole lot more water to clean you than me.
George: Hey, watch it. I don't have to let you live here.
Georgie: Let me? I'm paying for everything. You gonna charge me for food, too?
George: Mm, it's not the worst idea.
Georgie: You know what? Maybe I shouldn't be in this house.
George: You said it, not me.

Quote from Sheldon

Sheldon: Hold on. All my trains and science equipment are in the garage. Where would they go?
Missy: Easy. I take Georgie's room. All your crap goes in your room.
Sheldon: That's a big change. I need to think about this.
Missy: Mom?
Mary: Honey, it does make sense. You two are getting older.
Sheldon: I don't even have hair on my legs yet. What's the rush?

Quote from Sheldon

Missy: Sheldon, come on, I need my own space.
Sheldon: But we've always shared a room.
Missy: I'm a young lady now.
Sheldon: You seem the same to me.
Missy: I have a training bra.
Sheldon: When you complete your training, get back to me.

Quote from Sheldon

Missy: You know you want privacy, too.
Sheldon: I suppose it would be nice to have all my trains and science equipment in here.
Missy: Great. It's settled.
Sheldon: It would be like my Fortress of Solitude.
Missy: Good for you.
Sheldon: Or my Bat Cave.
Missy: Shh!
Sheldon: Although I don't care for caves. Or bats. I suppose Fortress of Solitude...
Missy: I'm gonna choke you with my bra.
Sheldon: Good night.

Quote from Sheldon

Sheldon: What are you doing?
Missy: Moving my stuff.
Sheldon: But we haven't discussed who gets what yet.
Missy: I get my stuff. You get your stuff. Done.
Sheldon: There's community property. We've lived together for over ten years. In some states, we'd be considered married.
Missy: Gross.
Sheldon: I don't make the rules. I just know them all.

Quote from Meemaw

Meemaw: Chet's gonna swing by and finalize the deal.
Dale: Wait, he's coming over here?
Meemaw: Yeah. Why?
Dale: Well, this is a very shady transaction. I mean, it should be taking place under a bridge or in a parking lot somewhere.
Meemaw: I'm handing him a cashier's check. He's giving me the keys.
Dale: He's gonna know where you live.
Meemaw: I'm in the phone book. I'm not hard to find.
Dale: Well, what if he grabs the check and just skedaddles out of here?
Meemaw: He's our age. He isn't skedaddling anywhere.

Quote from Dale

Meemaw: Are you disappointed this isn't more like some old cop show?
Dale: I loved Rockford Files.
Meemaw: Well, I tell you what, when he gets here, you're my muscle. If anything goes sideways, you jump in.
Dale: See, now you're talking. I'll stand behind you and I'll crack my knuckles.
Meemaw: With your arthritis?
Dale: It's only bad when it rains.

Quote from Sheldon

Sheldon: Next, one Timex brand alarm clock.
Missy: It's yours.
Sheldon: Are you sure? It has a stylish faux-wood finish.
Missy: Fine, I'll take it.
Sheldon: Aw.
Missy: So you want it?
Sheldon: Yes.
Missy: It's yours.
Sheldon: Thank you. Next, one useful yet educational map of the world trash can.

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