Dale Quotes

Quote from the episode A Lobster, an Armadillo and a Way Bigger Number

George Jr.: So, what would you really do?
Dale: [exhales] She married?
George Jr.: No.
Dale: She got kids?
George Jr.: No.
Dale: I don't see the problem.
George Jr.: Thank you.
Dale: My pleasure. You're like the son I never wanted.

Quote from the episode A Lobster, an Armadillo and a Way Bigger Number

Meemaw: At what age do guys stop acting like idiots?
Dale: Oh, no. What'd I do now?
Meemaw: Not you. Georgie's dating an older woman and he's lying about his age.
Dale: Oh. That rascal.
Meemaw: You already knew.
Dale: You don't know what I know.
Meemaw: I see it in your face.
Dale: [sighs] Fine.

Quote from the episode A Lobster, an Armadillo and a Way Bigger Number

Meemaw: Well, I hope you told him that he has to come clean.
Dale: ... I did.
Meemaw: Sounds like there's a "but" on the way.
Dale: [sighs] But then he asked me what I would've done.
Meemaw: Dale.
Dale: Well, uh, you don't know all the facts.
Meemaw: What are the facts?
Dale: [clears throat] He said that she was blond and hot.
Meemaw: And that makes it okay to lie?
Dale: At my age, no. At his age...? [off Meemaw's look] No.

Quote from the episode A Suitcase Full of Cash and a Yellow Clown Car

Meemaw: The gambling room's doing well.
Dale: I can see that, Scarface. But why is it here?
Meemaw: Well, I can't exactly take it down to the bank.
Dale: Why not?
Meemaw: They'd bust me for money laundering.
Dale: Well, it's small bills. Tell them you're a stripper.
Meemaw: It's $14,000.
Dale: Well, tell them you're a good stripper.

Quote from the episode A Suitcase Full of Cash and a Yellow Clown Car

Dale: George?
George Sr.: Hey, Dale.
Dale: Surprised to see you here.
George Sr.: Are you?
Dale: Not even a little.
George Sr.: You ever hear of a Texas college that only plays soccer?
Dale: [sighs] Can I get a beer first before we start with the hard questions?

Quote from the episode A Suitcase Full of Cash and a Yellow Clown Car

Dale: How about selling footballs?
George Sr.: You mean, like, at your store?
Dale: Yeah. I could always use the help.
George Sr.: I'm not looking for a handout.
Dale: That's not what this is. I'd love to have more time off. And it could be nice to have someone at the store who I could trust.
George Sr.: Well, thanks, uh... I'll think about it.
Dale: Well, don't thank me, I'm just taking advantage of your crappy situation.
George Sr.: How do you know I'm not taking advantage of yours?
Dale: Because I'm a very successful businessman, and you're sitting here in the middle of the day.
George Sr.: Well, you're here, too.
Dale: You were here first.

Quote from the episode A Suitcase Full of Cash and a Yellow Clown Car

Dale: Well, I got money in the bank, and you got some in a suitcase. Well, we could put it together, we could travel, we could buy a vacation home.
Meemaw: Well, I can't just up and leave. I mean, I got the gambling room.
Dale: Georgie can take care of that, and besides, what's the use of having all that money and not enjoying it?
Meemaw: I guess.
Dale: God, we could go to Mexico and get a cabana and spend days on the beach.
Meemaw: And our nights on the toilet? [both laugh]
Dale: Yeah, doesn't sound half bad.

Quote from the episode A Suitcase Full of Cash and a Yellow Clown Car

Dale: You actually bought this thing?
Meemaw: It's fun, huh?
Dale: I feel like I'm riding in a banana.
Meemaw: Oh, come on. It's a beautiful day. The top is down. Feel that wind.
Dale: Yeah, I feel the wind. I just can't feel my feet.
Meemaw: Well, put your seat back.
Dale: If I put it any further back, I'd be in the trunk.
Meemaw: Starting to wish I had put you in the trunk. [Dale covers his mouth] What are you doing now?
Dale: Keeping the bugs out of my mouth.

Quote from the episode A Suitcase Full of Cash and a Yellow Clown Car

Meemaw: Want to share a pitcher of margaritas?
Dale: Oh, something we can both enjoy? That doesn't sound like you.
Meemaw: I'm sorry, what?
Dale: Don't worry about it.
Meemaw: What, you-you just gonna sit there and pout and not tell me?
Dale: I was talking about us traveling together, and instead, you went out and bought a yellow clown car.

Quote from the episode A Suitcase Full of Cash and a Yellow Clown Car

Meemaw: So, I was thinking about what you were saying last night.
Dale: You know, you could've just said, "I don't want to travel."
Meemaw: You're picturing a future where we slow down, and I'm just getting going.
Dale: Well, I've been going for 40 years. When George started talking about taking over the store, I-I... I saw a way out.
Meemaw: Then do it.
Dale: [chuckles] I don't want to do it without you, dummy.
Meemaw: Well, then you're gonna have to wait a little.
Dale: I don't think I can do that.
Meemaw: What are you saying?
Dale: You know I love you, right?
Meemaw: I love you, too.
Dale: But we're done.

Quote from the episode A Solo Peanut, a Social Butterfly and the Truth

Dale: Did you see that ridiculous car she bought?
George Sr.: Nope, but I sure have heard a lot about it.
Dale: What is her problem? She think she can do better than me?
George Sr.: Don't know what she thinks.
Dale: I'm a catch.
George Sr.: Okay.
Dale: You don't think I'm a catch?
George Sr.: You're a catch. You're very catchable.
Dale: Darn tootin'.

Quote from the episode A Solo Peanut, a Social Butterfly and the Truth

Dale: Did you see Connie last night?
George Sr.: Yeah, at dinner.
Dale: She say anything about me?
George Sr.: Please leave me out of this.
Dale: Oh, come on, we're friends, George, and I'm your boss.
George Sr.: She said she wants her bra back.
Dale: Uh, the purple one that opens in the front?
George Sr.: Really don't want to hear about this.
Dale: Well, you're the one that brought it up.

Quote from the episode Babies, Lies and a Resplendent Cannoli

George Jr.: Can I talk to you about something?
Dale: Come on, this is my coffee time.
George Jr.: It's more important than your coffee.
Dale: If I don't drink my coffee, I don't go to the bathroom. That's important.
George Jr.: That girl I was seeing is pregnant.
Dale: You win. Sit.

Quote from the episode Babies, Lies and a Resplendent Cannoli

Dale: So the baby's yours?
George Jr.: What am I gonna do?
Dale: Is there any chance she might decide not to have it? Put it up for adoption?
George Jr.: Not happening. She's keeping it.
Dale: Well, I hope you enjoyed being young and carefree, because that ship has sailed.
George Jr.: Not helpful.
Dale: No.

Quote from the episode Babies, Lies and a Resplendent Cannoli

George Sr.: I saw Georgie stopped by earlier.
Dale: Well, yeah, he does that once in a while.
George Sr.: Yeah. Didn't realize y'all were so close.
Dale: Oh, uh, I wouldn't say close. He might. I wouldn't.
George Sr.: So, uh, what'd he come by for?
Dale: Just to chat.
George Sr.: Really?
Dale: Mm.
George Sr.: Well, I guess it's good he's comfortable talking to someone.
Dale: Uh-huh.
George Sr.: Instead of his own father.
Dale: Uh, I... I'm sure he'll talk to you.
George Sr.: Thanks. [walks off]
Dale: [to himself] And you're not gonna like it.

Quote from the episode Babies, Lies and a Resplendent Cannoli

George Jr.: [answers phone] Hello?
Dale: Hi, it's Dale. Listen, you gotta tell your dad.
George Jr.: Well, I will, eventually.
Dale: Well, if you don't, I'm gonna.
George Jr.: I just need more time to figure things out.
Dale: Well, your dad's sniffing around here, he's asking a lot of questions.
George Jr.: What kind of questions?
Dale: Like why are you talking to me instead of him?
George Jr.: Why does he care?
Dale: His feelings are hurt.
George Jr.: That's weird.
Dale: I know. 'Cause talking to you ain't great.
George Sr.: [opens door] Can I get a hand with something?
Dale: Yeah. [on the phone] Oh, gotta go. I love you, Mom. Bye-bye. [hangs up]
George Sr.: Your mom's still alive?
Dale: Huh?