‘A Launch Party and a Whole Human Being’ Quotes Page 2 of 3
614. A Launch Party and a Whole Human Being
March 2, 2023When Mandy goes into labor, Mary, George and Georgie are all busy elsewhere. Meanwhile, Sheldon is excited to bring his database into the world.
Quote from Mandy
Brenda Sparks: Is there anyone else I can call for you? Maybe your mom?
Mandy: No, I can't deal with her right now. Maybe after they give me drugs.
Quote from Sheldon
George: What about Mary? Ain't she at the bowling alley?
Brenda Sparks: No. Sh- She went out to lunch.
Sheldon: And speaking of lunch, we should get to my launch.
George: Sheldon, my granddaughter's about to be born. I-I'm not going anywhere.
Sheldon: Oh, I'm sure Georgie will get more women pregnant. You'll have another chance.
George: Walk away.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Last chance. Who wants to witness science history? [everyone is silent] Don't be shy, folks.
Quote from Meemaw
Mandy: Why are you here?
Meemaw: Uh, I- I had a medical thing. It- It's been handled. Here, let me help you to your room.
Mandy: What kind of thing?
Meemaw: [stammers] Just a thing. It's been tended to. How- How far apart are your contractions?
Mandy: Connie, what's going on?
Meemaw: It's hemorrhoids, okay? It's embarrassing, but here we are. Hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids! Happy?
Mandy: Well, I'm about four centimeters dilated, and the doctors think it could be another few hours.
Meemaw: Well... Good. Walk slow.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: What are you doing out here?
Georgie: I heard Mandy was having the baby.
Sheldon: Yes, but that happens inside.
Georgie: I know.
Sheldon: Aren't you going in?
Georgie: I can't.
Sheldon: Oh, these doors are automated. You just walk towards them and they open.
Georgie: I can't be a dad. I couldn't even install a car seat.
Sheldon: Great. You can drive me to my launch party.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Thank you for doing this.
Georgie: Mm-hmm.
Sheldon: You know, you wait and you wait and you wait, and you think the day's never gonna come, and then pow, it's here.
Georgie: I know.
Sheldon: Everyone thought I was too young, that I wouldn't see it through, but here I am. To think I almost missed it. I would have regretted that for the rest of my life. [Georgie turns the car around] Why are we turning around?
Quote from Mandy
George: [enters] Hey.
Mandy: What's going on with you two?
Mary: Nothing.
George: We're fine.
Mandy: You know what, if you're gonna fight, can you do it out loud? 'Cause I could really use the distraction.
Mary: No one's fighting.
Mandy: [pained groan] Where is that big needle? I was promised a big needle.
Quote from George Jr.
Georgie: How you doing?
Mandy: Where were you?
Georgie: I'm sorry. I was trying to install the car seat, and I didn't hear the phone.
Mandy: It's okay, you made it. Did you get it installed?
Georgie: Sheldon did. Turns out, it takes a genius. [Mandy laughs, winces]
Quote from Sheldon
Mary: I'm gonna stay at my mom's house tonight.
George: Fine by me.
Sheldon: [enters] I just talked to Dr. Sturgis. We didn't get a single subscriber. My database is a complete failure. [Mary averts her watery eyes. George is looking down at the floor.] I know, I'm upset, too.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Mrs. Sparks, I need your help.
Brenda Sparks: What's with the gloves?
Sheldon: So I don't get placenta on my hands.
Brenda Sparks: What? [Sheldon nods]
Quote from Billy Sparks
Missy: Where is my dad?
Billy Sparks: I ask that question a lot.
Missy: He's not usually late.
Billy Sparks: My mom's picking me up, but she's always late. Hey. Maybe they're together.
Missy: Why would they be together?
Billy Sparks: They could be having another secret meeting in the chicken coop.
Missy: He's probably running late at practice.
Billy Sparks: Okay.
Missy: I'm sure they're not together.
Billy Sparks: Okay.
Missy: I mean it.
Billy Sparks: Okay.
Missy: Shut up, Billy.
Billy Sparks: Okay.
Quote from Meemaw
Mary: Oh, remember today is Sheldon's big database launch party, so we're all very excited.
George: Yeah, how excited we talking, on a scale of one to ten?
Mary: Uh, I don't know. Six?
Meemaw: Do we have any understanding of what this data thing is?
Mary: Not a clue. [Sheldon enters] Morning, Shelly.
George: Hey, there's the big guy!
Meemaw: That was about a nine.
Quote from Missy
Mary: Can I get you breakfast?
Sheldon: I don't know if I can eat. I'm too excited.
Mary: I know. We all are.
Missy: What's going on?
Mary: It's your brother's big day.
Missy: When isn't it?
Quote from Brenda Sparks
Mary: Any plans for your day off?
Brenda Sparks: Nothing special.
Mary: Not seeing your mystery man?
Brenda Sparks: Just give me my check.
Mary: I don't mean to pry. It's just, your friends think you're keeping him a secret 'cause he's married.
Brenda Sparks: There's no mystery man. And you're prying.
Mary: Sorry.
Quote from Mary
Mary: [answers phone] Hello? Oh, Rob! Uh... Pastor Rob. It's Pastor Rob.
Brenda Sparks: I gathered.
Mary: Uh, lunch would be... fine. Yes. See you soon. Mm-hmm. [hangs up]
Brenda Sparks: Shall I pry?
Mary: Uh, it's nothing. He probably just wants to gossip about some church drama. So here's your check. Okay, bye.
Brenda Sparks: Buh-bye.