Popular Quotes

Quote from the episode A Financial Secret and Fish Sauce

Missy: I love everything about this.

Quote from the episode A Research Study and Czechoslovakian Wedding Pastries

Dr. John Sturgis: Dr. Thorpe and Dr. Pilson, here are your research volunteers, Sheldon and Missy.
Dr. Edward Pilson: So nice to meet you.
Dr. Sandra Thorpe: Thank you for participating in our study.
Sheldon: Always happy to help advance our understanding of me.
Missy: I'm just in it for the Dairy Queen.

Quote from the episode A Research Study and Czechoslovakian Wedding Pastries

Dr. Sandra Thorpe: Okay, Missy, the first thing we're gonna do is test your problem-solving ability.
Missy: Okay.
Dr. Sandra Thorpe: You ready?
Missy: I just have one question.
Dr. Sandra Thorpe: What's that?
Missy: Do you always wear your hair up?
Dr. Sandra Thorpe: Uh, well, usually at work, yes.
Missy: I bet it looks cute down.
Dr. Sandra Thorpe: Thank you. Okay, you're all set.
Missy: Is that camera gonna be on?
Dr. Sandra Thorpe: Yes.
Missy: Can you move it over to that side?
Dr. Sandra Thorpe: Why?
Missy: If I've learned one thing from school picture day, it's that I look better from that side.
Dr. Sandra Thorpe: Sure, I'll move it.
Missy: Okay. And bring it a little closer.
Dr. Sandra Thorpe: How's that?
Missy: Great.
Dr. Sandra Thorpe: Okay. Whenever you're ready.
Missy: Wait. Do I have any Oreos in my teeth?
Dr. Sandra Thorpe: No. Ready to start?
Missy: One last thing. Did you ever think of wearing that white coat with a belt?
Dr. Sandra Thorpe: No.
Missy: You should. 'Cause you have a very nice figure, and it's lost in there.

Quote from the episode A Research Study and Czechoslovakian Wedding Pastries

Missy: This question about a train going to "S" "T" Louis makes no sense.

Quote from the episode A Research Study and Czechoslovakian Wedding Pastries

Missy: Oh, she's very upset. I don't know why. Oh! Maybe she wasn't invited to the tea party at the monkey house. Also, she's wearing a belt, like you are. Nice going. Very cute. And I'm loving the hair.

Quote from the episode A Research Study and Czechoslovakian Wedding Pastries

Dr. Sandra Thorpe: You are an insightful young lady.
Missy: I don't know what that means, but thank you.
Dr. Sandra Thorpe: It means perceptive. You see things most people miss.
Missy: My name is Missy go figure.

Quote from the episode A Research Study and Czechoslovakian Wedding Pastries

Missy: George, you got a minute?
George Jr.: What's up?
Missy: Not you, him.
George Sr.: What?
Missy: Sheldon told me that we get paid to go to that college and answer their questions.
George Sr.: Yeah, so?
Missy: I want to know how much we're making.
George Sr.: Why?
Missy: 'Cause I want my fair share.
George Sr.: Is that so? What do you think your fair share is?
Missy: Half.
George Sr.: Hm, guess that sounds right.
Missy: So how much are we making?
George Sr.: $7.50 a week.
Missy: Really?
George Sr.: Really.
Missy: Well, I want half that.
George Sr.: Which is?
Missy: Hang on. Sheldon!

Quote from the episode A Stunted Childhood and a Can of Fancy Mixed Nuts

Missy: When we get to the Hello Kitty store today, remember I was the good child.

Quote from the episode A Stunted Childhood and a Can of Fancy Mixed Nuts

Sheldon: I'm trying to sleep.
Paige: Come inside and play with us.
Missy: Don't invite him. This is a girls fort, not an old man fort.
Sheldon: I'm not an old man.
Paige: Then come inside.
Sheldon: Are you crazy? It's bedtime.
Missy: Old man.

Quote from the episode A Stunted Childhood and a Can of Fancy Mixed Nuts

Sheldon: Dad, would you care for a piece of gum?
George Sr.: No, thank you.
Sheldon: Please, take a piece of gum.
George Sr.: Why?
Sheldon: Just please. Bazinga.

Quote from the episode A Race of Superhumans and a Letter to Alf

Sheldon: Try thinking of it this way: imagine a pie. The number on the bottom of the fraction is how many pieces the pie has been sliced into.
Missy: What kind of pie is it?
Sheldon: Doesn't matter.
Missy: But it would help me picture it if I knew the kind of pie.
Sheldon: Fine, it's banana cream.
Missy: I don't like banana cream.
Sheldon: Okay, what kind of pie would you like it to be?
Missy: What about those little apple pies from McDonalds?
Sheldon: Sure.
Missy: I burned my mouth on one of those. Didn't stop me. I still ate it.

Quote from the episode A Race of Superhumans and a Letter to Alf

Sheldon: While we're here, would you like me to introduce you to algebra?
Missy: Al who?
Sheldon: Oh, boy. It's not a person, it's an ancient Arabic method of finding the value of variables.
Missy: Oh. Nah.

Quote from the episode A Race of Superhumans and a Letter to Alf

Sheldon: What are you working on?
Missy: A list of possible boyfriends for my Cabbage Patch doll. How do you think Celeste would look next to Joey Lawrence?
Sheldon: I don't know who that is.
Missy: He's Blossom's brother.
Sheldon: I don't know who that is.
Missy: It's a show. She wears hats.

Quote from the episode A Tummy Ache and a Whale of a Metaphor

Missy: Hey, Mom, you know how twins can feel each other's pain?
Mary: You're going to school tomorrow.
Missy: I think she's gettin' smarter.

Quote from the episode A Tummy Ache and a Whale of a Metaphor

Missy: Well?
Meemaw: Your brother's gonna be fine, but he has to have his gallbladder removed.
Missy: How's he gonna pee?
Meemaw: Not that bladder, his gallbladder.

Quote from the episode A Tummy Ache and a Whale of a Metaphor

George Jr.: What's the gallbladder do?
Meemaw: I guess not much, if they're takin' it out.
Missy: You think he'll bring it home so we can see it?
Meemaw: I'll ask.

Quote from the episode David, Goliath and a Yoo-hoo from the Back

Marcus: All right. Next. Missy Cooper.
Missy: Just a heads-up, this is my good side.
Marcus: Okay. Do your parents know you're wearing that makeup?
Missy: Oh, yeah, my mom knows.
Marcus: You sure? Because typically it's not allowed.
Missy: If you don't believe me, you can ask her.
Marcus: Okay, we're gonna give her a call.
Missy: Really?

Quote from the episode David, Goliath and a Yoo-hoo from the Back

Missy: I took the makeup from Meemaw's bag.
Mary: Oh, Missy, you are in a world of trouble.
Meemaw: Calm down, it's not that big a deal.
Mary: It is so a big deal! She stole from you, and then she lied about it.
Meemaw: I know, but come on, she's only ten. She's gonna do way stupider stuff when she's older.
Missy: Guaranteed.

Quote from the episode David, Goliath and a Yoo-hoo from the Back

Meemaw: So when, exactly, did you swipe my makeup?
Missy: While you were at bowling league.
Meemaw: You don't have a key to this house. How'd you get in?
Missy: Can't tell you that. I might need to do it again.
Meemaw: Unbelievable.

Quote from the episode David, Goliath and a Yoo-hoo from the Back

Meemaw: And for future reference, go lighter on the blush, or you'll end up looking like Raggedy Ann.
Missy: She got Raggedy Andy looking like that.
Meemaw: He's her brother.
Missy: Oh. I've been playing with those dolls all wrong.