Ms. Hutchins Quote #2
Quote from Ms. Hutchins in the episode Demons, Sunday School, and Prime Numbers
Sheldon: Ms. Hutchins, what's your religion?
Ms. Hutchins: I'm a Mormon, why?
Sheldon: I'm conducting a research project. Can you tell me about being a Mormon?
Ms. Hutchins: Well, it started in New York, when a man found gold plates buried underground. The plates said that, when we die, we get to go to our own planet. Unless you're a woman, then you have to go to your husband's planet. But that won't be a problem for me. I don't have a husband. All I have is a cat. A big, mean cat. Oh, maybe I'll get to go to his planet. Lonely Cheryl on Planet Cat.
Sheldon: I like her. She's funny.
Ms. Hutchins Quotes
Quote from the episode A Couple Bruised Ribs and a Cereal Box Ghost Detector
George: Oh, my God. Are you okay?
Ms. Hutchins: I don't think so.
George: [to Coach Wilkins] Call an ambulance. [to Ms. Hutchins] Don't worry, we're gonna get you taken care of.
Ms. Hutchins: If I die, tell my therapist I hate him.
Quote from the episode A Couple Bruised Ribs and a Cereal Box Ghost Detector
Mary: Thank you. I can't believe you got through to him.
Ms. Hutchins: Happy to help.
Missy: So, who was the person you had the fight with?
Ms. Hutchins: It was my cat, Poe. She ran away when I switched to dry food. It was cheaper.
Quote from the episode A New Home and a Traditional Texas Torture
[Ms. Hutchins walks by Sheldon and Tam's table with her library cart:]
Sheldon: Oh, hello.
Ms. Hutchins: What are you doing here?
Sheldon: Taking comfort in the familiar. Still no wedding ring, I see. That feels good.
Ms. Hutchins: Yeah, feels great.
Sheldon: [to Tam] So, where was I? Right, uh, Houston. Anyway, my father got offered a coaching pos...
‘Demons, Sunday School, and Prime Numbers’ Quotes
Quote from Sheldon
Pastor Jeff: Come on up here, Sheldon. Let's hear what you got.
Sheldon: I've spent the last week studying what people believe, and I've come to a conclusion.
Pastor Jeff: And what's that?
Sheldon: I'm starting my own religion.
Pastor Jeff: I'm sorry, what?
Sheldon: I'm calling it Mathology. It's based on a universal binary system.
Pastor Jeff: That's terrific, Sheldon, but this is a Baptist Sunday school.
Sheldon: I know, I'm here to convert everybody. Any takers?
Pastor Jeff: Okay. Let's go have a talk with your mom.
Sheldon: The only sin in Mathology is being stupid.
Quote from George Sr.
Pastor Jeff: Simple, Sheldon needs to start attending Sunday school. If he likes books with demons and devils, I've got one that will blow his mind.
George: What book is that?
Mary: The Bible, George.
George: Sure, yeah.
Quote from Billy Sparks
Pastor Jeff: Okay, "What God means to me." Who'd like to go first? Billy.
Billy Sparks: I'd like to go third.
Pastor Jeff: All righty.