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612 - A Baby Shower and Testosterone-Rich Banter

Thursday, February 9, 2023
A Baby Shower and Testosterone-Rich Banter

Mary clashes with Mandy's mother, Audrey, as they plan a baby shower for Mandy. Meanwhile, Sheldon attempts male bonding with Mandy's father and brother.

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Episode Notes

  • Title Reference: "A Baby Shower" refers to the party for Mandy, and "Testosterone-Rich Banter" refers to Sheldon's comment about male bonding.
  • Opening Credits Sequence: Sheldon is dressed in his normal clothes as a black cow with horns approaches the family.


Quote from Adult Sheldon

Adult Sheldon: Every culture has its own traditions to celebrate important life events: bar mitzvahs, quinceañeras, baby's first Comic-Con. My favorites are funeral and baby shower. They're the only two thrown in your honor you're not expected to attend. [whispers] Love it.

Quote from Brenda Sparks

Mandy: [gasps] Oh, a nursing bra. "Includes removable pads to prevent leakage." Wow. Thanks. That's... really thoughtful.
Brenda Sparks: Mine dripped like a faucet.
Missy: Wait, I have a question.
Mary: Please ask it later.

Quote from Jim

Mary: Hi, Jim.
Jim: Hey, Mary. Good to see you. You looking for some tires?
Mary: Actually, I'm looking for your wife.
Jim: Oh. You're not gonna yell at her again, are you?
Mary: No, no.
Jim: Okay, you sure about that? 'Cause I wouldn't mind seeing it.

Quote from George Jr.

George: Why do you want to go?
Georgie: Well, I'm gonna be at the birth, but I can't go to the party?
Missy: How do you know she wants you at the birth?
Georgie: Who's gonna catch the baby?

Quote from Dr. Linkletter

Dr. Linkletter: It's open.
Sheldon: Hello. [Dr. Linkletter groans] I was wondering if I could have access to the lab on Sunday.
Dr. Linkletter: I'm not here on Sunday.
Sheldon: Where will you be?
Dr. Linkletter: If I tell you that, you might go there.
Sheldon: Well, I told you where I'll be: the lab.

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Episode Trivia

  • Which footballer did Sheldon learn the name of unnecessarily?
    • Troy Aikman
    • Jeff George
    • Tim Brown
    • Barry Sanders

Episode Recap

At Meemaw’s house, Mary, Missy and Meemaw get together to plan Mandy’s baby shower, as Georgie and Mandy listen to the conversation from the living room. When Georgie goes into the kitchen and asks when the baby shower is, he realizes he’s got a date with Amber that day. Meemaw tells him he ain’t invited, so it’s not an issue. Mary is surprised to learn Georgie is dating someone, and that it’s not a secret from Mandy. In fact, it was Mandy’s idea, Georgie explains. When Mary asks Mandy which of her friends will be coming, Mandy says, given the circumstances, she was thinking of keeping it small. Her friends don’t know about Georgie or the baby. After Mary asks whether she can invite Mandy’s mom, Mandy gives a non-commital “Um…”, which Missy takes as a no. Mary says they’d really love to have her, so Mandy relents and agrees Mary can invite her mother.

As the Coopers eat dinner, Missy says she thought of another game they could play at Mandy’s baby shower. “First you melt chocolate in a diaper…”, she explains. “Keep thinking,” Mary tells her. Sheldon is excited to think up games and suggests one where you imagine animals if they were technologically advanced. After Mary points out it’s for the baby shower, Sheldon loses interest as he doesn’t want to go to that. George is thankful it’s ladies only, while Georgie is still smarting from not being invited. Georgie can’t see why he gets to witness the birth but not be at the baby shower. After Missy asks why her brother is sure Mandy will want him at the birth, Georgie retorts, "Who's gonna catch the baby?" After George tells Georgie there’s a football game this Sunday they could watch that together, Mary suggests inviting Mandy’s father and brother so they can get to know them. Sheldon is relieved when he hears he doesn’t have to watch football either.

At the McAllister’s tire store, Mary tells Jim she was hoping to see Audrey. He wonders if she’s going to yell at her again. Mary says no, explains she wanted to invite Audrey to the baby shower. She tells Jim that George and Georgie would like him and Connor to join them watching the game. Jim admits Connor’s not really interested in sports. Mary says George is cooking a brisket. “Brisket and football? [chuckles] Well, you drive a hard bargain.” When Audrey comes out, Jim hides away. Mary apologizes for getting off on the wrong foot last time. “You mean when you called me a terrible mother?” Mary says the important thing is she and Mandy are now talking. Mary gives Audrey the invitation to the baby shower. The invitation shows Mandy is having a baby girl. Audrey thinks as Mandy’s mother she would have known that already. Mary points out Georgie doesn’t want to know, so Mandy’s not telling many people. Mandy told Mary, though. “Barely.”, she says. Mary decides to invite Audrey to help them plan the baby shower.

Dr. Linkletter groans as Sheldon turns up in his office. Sheldon was wondering if he could have access to the lab on Sunday. Linkletter reveals he won’t be here, but refuses to say where he will be so Sheldon doesn’t turn up there either. Linkletter offers to give Sheldon the keys to the lab, but Sheldon feels he needs adult supervision. Linkletter promises not to tell anyone, but Sheldon says he will; he is quite the tattler. After Linkletter says he’ll have to wait until Monday then, Sheldon explains he’s trying to get out of the house on Sunday because the father and brother of the woman his brother impregnated are coming over to watch sports with his father and brother. “So you're trying to avoid a male bonding experience?”, Linkletter asks him. “At all cost.”, Sheldon admits. After Linkletter argues scientists are often teamed with people they don't know, so the ability to bond and build relationships is an essential skill, Sheldon agrees to give it a go. Sheldon then asks if Linkletter would like to join them, but he says he can’t. Linkletter doesn’t respond when Sheldon asks where he will be.

At Meemaw’s, Mary, Meemaw and Audrey sit around the kitchen table planning Mandy’s baby shower. Mary suggests a garden party theme, but Meemaw says she knows Mandy doesn’t like to make a big fuss. “Since when”, Audrey wonders, saying Mandy always wanted to be center of attention. Audrey likes the idea of garden party, but how about something a little more fun? “Like princess or ‘around the world’... You know, all the places she was gonna go, but now she can't 'cause she ruined her life.”, Audrey says. After an awkward silence, Meemaw says she likes the princess idea. After Audrey suggests a cake that looks like a fairy-tale castle, Mary reveals she was going to bake her German chocolate cake. “She's having a girl, not starting World War II.”, Audrey jokes. “Castle cake it is,” says Mary.

When Sheldon goes to the video store, Missy directs him to the “nerd movies” section. Sheldon explains he’s looking for a movie that Jim and Connor might have seen, so they can engage in some “testosterone-rich banter”. Missy says she can help and hands him a tape. After Sheldon reads the tag line - "Bingo. He's every family's best friend." - he asks Missy if she’s tricking him. Missy insists she’s not not. “Glad I asked. Ring me up.”, Sheldon tells his sister as she smiles.

As Georgie drops Amber off after their date, she wonders if he’s still good for Sunday. When Georgie mentions Mandy’s baby shower is at the same time, Amber is surprised he’s going to that. Georgie explains he’s actually watching a football game with Mandy’s father and brother. After Georgie wonders if it’s weird to talk about this stuff, Amber asks if it would be weird if she talked about her ex-husband. Amber claims her ex is six-four, weights about 240lbs, and has a short fuse. Georgie doesn’t want to hear that, but Amber is fine hearing about Georgie’s situation, though. Georgie wonders if he should get Mandy a present. Amber asks if he means a baby gift, but Georgie suggests a gift for Mandy herself. “You know, like, ‘Thanks for making the effort’?” Amber says she wouldn’t have that engraved on it, but acknowledges it could be sweet. After Georgie wonders if Amber was just joking about her ex-husband, she shakes her head.

As Sheldon watches TV and George prepares his brisket in the kitchen, Mary arrives home and complains she “hates that woman”. “Your mother? Eh, she ain't gonna live forever.”, George argues. After Mary explains she means Mandy’s mom, George concedes“that one we're stuck with for a while.” Mary says she invited Audrey to help plan the party as an olive branch, but Audrey just took over the whole dang thing. When George jokes that he’ll run her over with his truck, Mary says she isn’t ready to laugh yet. As Mary passes through the den, Sheldon says he has just the movie for her when she is ready to laugh. “Bingo. It's for men, but I think you'll get it.”, he explains.

When Georgie goes to Meemaw’s house before the party, he runs into Mandy. After Georgie asks why the house is decorated all pink, Mandy claims it’s because she’s a girl and it’s her party. Mandy reminds Georgie he’s not invited to the party. Georgie explains he’s there to see he and give her a gift. Everybody's bringing presents for the baby today, so he wanted to bring one for her. After he hands Mandy a small jewelry box, she opens it to find a heart-shaped locket. Georgie tells her to look inside. “What am I looking at here?”, she wonders. “It's the sonogram of our little girl.”, Georgie says, adding “I'm not an idiot.” Mandy chuckles and says it’s the sweetest thing she’s ever seen. After Georgie admits it was Amber’s idea, Mandy thanks him and asks him to thank Amber. As Georgie goes to leave, he tells Mandy “You look great, by the way.”

When Jim and Connor arrive at the Coopers’ house, Georgie introduces himself to Connor and notices he has paint on his hands. After Georgie asks if he’s been doing some work around the house, prompting Jim to stifle a laugh as Connor explains he’s a painter. After Connor mentions his art is more abstract, Georgie understands, saying “Oh, sure. That means it doesn't look like stuff.” George says he hopes Connor is a starving-artist as he’s got a brisket on the smoker out there with his name on it. As Jim explains Connor is also a vegetarian, George stammers before saying it’s not a problem as they’ve got beans. They’re a vegetable, right? George and Georgie share a befuddled look as Jim and Connor walk on inside.

At the baby shower, Missy says the cake is amazing. “To look at, sure.”, Mary says, adding “I prefer cakes for eating.” “What’s your problem?”, Missy asks. “What’s your problem?”, Mary replies. Meanwhile, Brenda Sparks tries to make small talk with Audrey by asking if it’s her first grandchild. After Audrey confirms it is, Brenda says she must be excited. Audrey admits she’s not exactly thrilled at the circumstances. Meemaw says she’s got a lot of grandkids, and at some point you stop caring how they got here. Audrey responds with an icy nod. Brenda decides to go get some punch, but Meemaw disappoints her by pointing out it’s non-alcoholic.

Missy goes upstairs to ask Mandy if she’s coming down to the party. Missy admits she’s not missing much, saying it’s real awkward down there. After Missy notices Mandy seems sad and asks if something’s up, Mandy insists not. “Is it your mom?”, Missy asks, adding “'Cause something's definitely wrong with mine.” After Missy notices Mandy’s heart-shaped locket and says it’s pretty, Mandy explains Georgie got it for her. Mandy mentions it has a picture of their baby’s sonogram in it. “Good for Georgie.”, Missy says. “Yeah. Good for Georgie”, Mandy replies.

Over at the Coopers’, as Georgie and Connor sit in front of the TV, Georgie remarks that he thinks the Cowboys are gonna take it all the way this year. Connor admits he’s not really into football. When Connor mentions he likes music, Georgie asks about his favorite artists. Connor says he likes The Smiths, but Georgie hasn’t heard of them. After Georgie asks if he likes Guns ‘n Roses, Connor describes them as “corporate rock sellouts.” “Yeah, well, sellouts who kick ass, so…”, a defensive Georgie says. After Sheldon arrives, Georgie introduces him to Connor. Sheldon asks Connor if he’s watching the game because “I heard the Cowboys are going to go all the way this year.” Georgie tells Sheldon to relax, Connor doesn’t watch football either. Sheldon laments the fact he learned who Troy Aiken is for nothing.

In the backyard by the smoker, George tells Jim that Connor seems like a good kid. Jim says he’s a good kid… from another planet. George admits he’s got one like that, too, in Georgie’s younger brother, Sheldon. After Jim asks if he’s a 22-year-old art school graduate with no job prospects, George explains Sheldon’s a science genius who started college at the age of eleven. Jim says let’s just talk about the brisket.

At Meemaw’s, as the guests play guess the baby’s weight, Missy shoots for 18 pounds. “Ouch”, Brenda says. “Too much?”, Missy wonders after her grandmother laughs. “Too much”, Meemaw confirms. Still, Georgie was a big one, Meemaw says. 10 pounds, Mary admits. Meemaw jokes that Mary was walking around like a cowboy for months afterwards. Audrey chimes in to say both her children were a normal weight. “Well, good job.”, an unimpressed Mary responds. After Meemaw opts for six pounds and two ounces, saying the baby will slip right out of there, a relieved Mandy tells Meemaw she loves her.

Back at the Coopers’, Georgie asks Connor what his sister was like when they were younger. Connor admits he and Mandy didn’t really get along, since she was older and loved picking on him. Sheldon says it’s the same thing with Georgie. Connor reveals Mandy once switched out his toothpaste with a tube of hemorrhoid cream. Georgie laughs and asks Sheldon if he remembers how he used to sit on Sheldon’s head when he was watching Star Trek. “I do.”, Sheldon admits. Georgie says guess what he used to do when they’d fire their fazers. “You don’t have to say it.”, Sheldon tells him. “I farted.”, Georgie admits with a laugh.

Over at Meemaw’s, Mandy unwraps her gift from Brenda Sparks to find a nursing bra. Mandy reads the box, “Includes removable pads to prevent leakage." “That’s… really thoughtful”, Mandy says. Brenda admits when she was pregnant, hers leaked like a faucet. After Audrey presents Mandy with her gift, Mandy opens a small box to find a key. Audrey says they’ve made a nursery in the guest room, so Mandy can move back in. Mandy says she doesn’t want to talk about it right now. After Audrey argues her daughter’s going to need help, an incredulous Meemaw asks “Who do you think’s been helping her this whole time?” Audrey argues they’re not family, but Mary points out they are the baby’s family, and Georgie lives right across the street. “Oh, yes, I'm sure a teenage boy is gonna be a lot of help.”, Audrey says with a laugh. Mandy says her mom doesn’t know what she’s talking about, saying Georgie has been there for her the whole time. After Mandy accuses her mother of coming in at the last minute with a store-bought cake thinking it will make up for everything, Audrey says she’s emotional. Mandy tells her mom her being there isn’t helping. “You do not get to bad-mouth Georgie.”, she says, “He's gonna be a better parent than you ever were.” Mandy says if somebody would help her up, she’d like to storm off now.

Back at the Coopers’, Georgie is entertained as Bingo plays on the TV. As Connor admires one of Sheldon’s comic books, he remarks on how gritty it is. “Frank Miller really brought a whole new aesthetic to comic books.”, Connor argues. Sheldon admits he’s never really thought of it that way. Adult Sheldon says he was doing it, he was bonding. “Now, would you please put it back in the bag?”, Sheldon asks Connor. “And I was great at it.”, Adult Sheldon claims. In the kitchen, George admires the finished brisket - the product of 14 hours of smoke and love. After Audrey bursts in and announces they're leaving, Jim protests, "But the brisket”. As George offers to make Jim a doggy bag, Audrey insists her family leave immediately.

Later that night at Meemaw’s, Mandy goes downstairs and is surprised to find Georgie looking at her baby shower gifts. When Mandy walks over to the couch, she sees Georgie is wearing the nursing bra. “This is amazing. Why don't all bras do this?”, Georgie asks. Mandy tells him to take it off. “The father of my child.”, Mandy scoffs as she watches Georgie play with the bra. “Ooh, nipple cream.”, Georgie notes, “Maybe I should've went to this party. Sounds fun.”

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