Mary tells Meemaw "That's it for me. I'm done.", referring to future relationships after George's death. However, in a Season 7 episode of The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon learns that Mary is seeing a man. [718]
After Missy insists that Dale move from her dad's old chair, he shifts to the left side of the couch. When Sheldon enters the den, tells Dale that he's sitting in his spot. Dale moves over to let Sheldon sit down, but Sheldon clarifies that he doesn't actually want to sit down, that's just his spot. Sheldon claiming a spot to sit in was well established on The Big Bang Theory. [Sheldon's Spot]
Pastor Jeff: Before our final prayer, would anyone else like to say a few words? Mary: Missy? [Missy shakes her head] Shelly?
[Sheldon stands up and walks up to the microphone] Sheldon: I've been thinking a lot about the last moments I had with my dad. It was morning, and he was leaving for work. He said, "See y'all later." And I said nothing. I regret that. I could have said "bye" or asked him for a ride. Or told him that I loved him. But I didn't. I barely noticed he left. So many times that I didn't notice my father. I hope he knew how much I loved him. Adult Sheldon: I wish I could tell you I said all those things. But I didn't. Mary: Shelly? [Sheldon shakes his head] [Mary shakes her head to Pastor Jeff] Pastor Jeff: Let's bow our heads in prayer. All: Our Father, who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name... Adult Sheldon: For a long time, I focused on my father's shortcomings. Now that I'm his age and have kids of my own, I realize he was just a person doing the best he could, and he did a lot. I didn't say it at his funeral, but I can say it now. I loved my father. I will miss him forever.
Georgie: When I quit the football team, I thought my dad was gonna kill me. And then, when I quit high school, I really thought he was gonna kill me. Then, when I got my girlfriend pregnant... I was sure he was gonna kill me. But as you can see, he didn't. No matter what I did, he always had my back. I love you, Dad.
Mary: Missy, if you want a minute with Dad before they close the casket, now's the time. [Missy looks unsure] It's okay if you don't. Mary: I have to. [Missy stands up and walks up to her father's casket]
[flashback:] George: Here, let me help you with that. Okay. Missy: [eats] Holy moly. George: It's good, huh? Missy: Unbelievable. George: I'll leave you to it. Missy: No, sit with me. George: Okay.
[present:] Missy: [crying] Thank you for that. Thank you for everything. [sniffles] I love you.
Mr. Givens: How'd you know George? Brenda Sparks: Next-door neighbor. Mr. Givens: Oh. So, you knew him well? Brenda Sparks: A little. How about you? Mr. Givens: I taught Sheldon science. Brenda Sparks: Oh, I'm sorry. Mr. Givens: Thank you. Brenda Sparks: I'm single. Mr. Givens: Same.