George Jr. Quote #205

Quote from George Jr. in the episode Pasadena

Mary: I just want to know what's going on in your life. And if this girl is someone special to you, then she's special to me.
George Jr.: Come on.
George Sr.: Mary, enough.
Mary: What? I want to know.
George Jr.: Bye.
George Sr.: If it helps, I don't care.
George Jr.: It does. Thank you.

George Jr. Quotes

Quote from the episode A Computer, a Plastic Pony, and a Case of Beer

George Jr.: What are you doing?
George Sr.: Separating the whites from the colors.
George Jr.: Whoa, that's racist.

Quote from the episode A Sneeze, Detention, and Sissy Spacek

George Jr.: I think the saddest part about it is just how sad it is.

Quote from the episode Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System

George Jr.: So, Vietnam, like in Rambo.
Tam: Yes.
George Jr.: That's a cool movie.
Tam: Yes.
George Jr.: Are you in it?
Tam: No.

‘Pasadena’ Quotes

Quote from Adult Sheldon

Sheldon: Dad, the university offered to pay for us to go to California! They're even putting us up in a hotel.
George Sr.: You're kidding.
Missy: We're going to California?
Sheldon: No, just me and Dad.
Missy: That's fair. I'm so happy for you.
Adult Sheldon: Sometimes sarcasm was laid on so thick even I could detect it.
Sheldon: Thanks!
Adult Sheldon: This was not one of those times.

Quote from Sheldon

Sheldon: Dad, good news. Airline tickets to California are more affordable than you think.
George Sr.: Sheldon, we're not going.
Mary: What's all this about?
Sheldon: Stephen Hawking is giving a lecture at Caltech. If we leave on Wednesday and are willing to make four layovers, in Boise, Denver, Albuquerque and Fargo, we can get there for only $95 each.

Quote from Sheldon

George Sr.: I have a job. I can't just leave in the middle of the week.
Sheldon: Well, then what about Mom?
Mary: Sorry, Shelly, we're not in a position to do this.
Sheldon: But Stephen Hawking's my hero. Imagine if you got a chance to see Jesus or Dad got to meet the man who invented beer.