Episode Recap
As they enter a restaurant and wait to be seated, Mandy says, "This is nice." Georgie quickly points out that this is not a date, just two people having dinner. Two people who are having a baby and who recently slept together again. Mandy tells him to stop. Georgie just wants to know what they’re doing here. Mandy says they’re having dinner and she’s ordering two desserts. She tells him not to complicate it. Mandy is surprised to see her father, Jim, and mother, Audrey, at a table. Georgie wonders if they should go over and say hello, but Mandy thinks they should run. After Jim notices Mandy and points her out to Audrey, Mandy gives them a slight wave. Jim reciprocates, but Audrey is chilly and looks away. When Georgie starts to wave to the couple, Mandy tells him to stop.
At the restaurant, Georgie and Mandy approach her parents' table. “This is my...,” Mandy starts, then says, “This is Georgie.” Georgie is pleased to meet them and offers his hand for Jim to shake, but Audrey makes it clear her husband should not do that. When Georgie confirms he’s the baby’s father, Audrey asks how old he is. As Georgie begins to say he’ll be... in March, Mandy cuts him off and explains Georgie runs a successful business, just like her dad. Audrey asks again how old Georgie is. “Old enough to know better,” he jokes, but no one else laughs. After Georgie makes it clear he’s there to support Mandy and the baby, whether they’re a couple or not, Jim asks, “Y’all ain’t together?” “Good question,” says Georgie. Audrey wants to know whether they are a couple or not, but Mandy says that’s their business. After Jim tells his wife it is their daughter’s life, Audrey says their bill is paid and they’re leaving.
Adult Sheldon explains that when it comes to collecting things, he is what's known as a completist. The downside of being a completist is when something's missing, it's like an itch you can't scratch. In this case, that itch was the comic book issue Doom Patrol and Suicide Squad Special #1. At the comic book store, Sheldon asks Missy, “What do you mean, you sold it?” Missy sarcastically explains that somebody gave her money, and she gave them the comic book. That's kind of how things work here. Sheldon points out there was a note on file, but Missy claims she never saw it. Sheldon demands to know who she sold it to. After Missy says just some creepy guy, Sheldon points out that doesn't narrow it down and she knows it.
In the gaming room, Meemaw asks Georgie how dinner with Mandy’s parents went. He replies, "As weird as you’d expect." Georgie explains Mandy was pretty upset because her parents still want nothing to do with her. Georgie then asks if Meemaw was mad at Mary for getting pregnant. “Oh, yeah,” she admits. After Georgie asks if she stopped talking to his mom, Meemaw says no, she wanted Mary to hear how angry she was. When Meemaw admits that being mad at her was just a waste of time, Georgie wonders what made her come around. “I guess you showing up,” Meemaw says. “I do have a natural charm, don't I?” Georgie jokes. “You did, and then you learned to talk,” Meemaw fires back.
Back home, Sheldon calls Nathan, who bought the copy of Doom Patrol and Suicide Squad Special #1. Sheldon insists there was a note on file, but Nathan says the girl at the comic book store never mentioned it. After Sheldon explains that the girl is his sister, Nathan thinks it's cool to have a sister working at the comic book store. Sheldon points out if it were cool, he’d have the comic book right now. Sheldon asks to buy the comic, but Nathan says he can't do that. After Sheldon pleads, saying it’s the last missing part of his collection, Nathan tells him if he can track down Secret Wars #8, the comic book is his. Sheldon turns to the power of the Internet, but as Adult Sheldon explains, in 1992 that power had a long way to go. Adult Sheldon does miss the sound of dial-up modems, though.
When Georgie goes to talk to Jim at his tire store, Jim says it’s not a good time. Audrey comes out and wonders what Georgie is doing there. After Jim explains Georgie wanted to talk, Audrey responds, “Let's talk about how we busted our butts to send Amanda to college, give her opportunities we never had, and now she's knocked up and right back in Medford.” Georgie mentions his meemaw likes to say that every baby brings a little luck, but that doesn’t seem to win them over.
Still at the tire store, Georgie tells Jim and Audrey they’re going to have a grandkid, and cutting Mandy out of their lives won’t change that. Jim sees Georgie’s point. Georgie says it doesn’t have to be so bad and mentions that his mother got pregnant before marrying George. When Audrey asks if he’s going to marry her daughter, Georgie says he would if Mandy stopped saying no. Audrey wonders what’s wrong with him that makes Mandy keep saying no. Georgie thinks it might be because he prioritizes his business. Jim can relate. Georgie says it was lovely to see them both. After Georgie says he hopes Jim can tell him about the tire business sometime, Jim agrees since his own son shows no interest. A still cold Audrey says, “Goodbye, Mr. Cooper.”
Dr. Linkletter is surprised to find Sheldon at his desk using his computer. When Linkletter sarcastically asks if he can get him anything, Sheldon wouldn't say no to a glass of water. Linkletter admits he wasn’t being sincere and again asks why Sheldon is at his desk. Sheldon explains his fruitless search for a comic book to an uninterested Linkletter. After Sheldon suggests there should be an online comic book database, Linkletter mentions that CERN has something similar for scientific papers. He suggests Sheldon create a database for comic books… somewhere else. Sheldon thinks it sounds like a lot of work. "Or a lot of fun," Linkletter offers. When Sheldon asks if Linkletter wants to work alongside him, Linkletter agrees only if they can share credit and his name goes first. As Sheldon says never mind and walks away, Linkletter mutters to himself that he knew that would work.
Mandy goes to the laundromat to confront Georgie. What was he thinking he went behind her back to talk to her parents? Georgie insists he was just trying to patch things up between Mandy and her family, but she says that's none of his business. Georgie points out that the baby will be their grandkid and free babysitters could be useful. Mandy argues her parents cut her off, so if they want to be part of their kid’s life, they can start by apologizing. Georgie doesn’t think Mandy’s mom is the apologizing type. He’s making progress with her dad, but he admits Mandy’s mother is a tough nut to crack. After Georgie says Audrey reminds him of Mandy, Mandy turns around and walks out in a huff. Meemaw asks him if he thinks that was smart or dumb. “Dumb,” Georgie concedes.
[AW 1709]
When Sheldon visits the comic book store and tells Missy he needs to speak to her manager, Missy says she didn’t mean to sell his stupid comic book. Sheldon says it’s not about that, although he is still upset and will be for as long as he lives. He explains he has a business proposal that touches on the burgeoning field of informatics and could revolutionize— Missy has heard enough and calls for Nigel.
As George works on his team sheets at the kitchen table, Georgie walks in and grabs a beer from the fridge. "What are you doing?" George asks. "Oh, you know, just one of them days," Georgie says. George tells him to put it back. Georgie offers to split it with him, but his father says no, so Georgie puts the beer away and asks what's going on. Georgie explains Mandy's pissed at him, and so are her folks. George is surprised Mandy introduced him to her parents, but Georgie admits he kind of introduced himself. "Well, your ass ain't full of buckshot, so it could have gone worse," George jokes. George reveals that Georgie's Pop Pop once decked him. Got him good. But it all worked out. "He end up liking you?" Georgie wonders. "He died," George admits.
Back at the comic book store, Sheldon talks to the owner, Nigel. After Sheldon explains his idea for a searchable online database of comic book titles, Nigel says it sounds all right. “All right?” Sheldon insists it’s revolutionary and that other comic book stores will follow suit. Someday, if someone wants Suicide Squad Special #1, they’ll just have to type it into the database. Nigel points out he just sold one of those. “Despite the note on file,” Sheldon says before insisting it’s water under the bridge. When Sheldon offers to input Nigel’s entire inventory for free, Nigel wonders if he can do it at night so he’s not in the way of customers. Sheldon explains his bedtime is 9:30, so he has a solid two hours. After Sheldon notes it’s quite the undertaking and asks if Nigel wants to help, Nigel calls over to Missy to say she’s working late. “Freaking Sheldon,” Missy says with a sigh.
As Missy changes the Open/Closed sign on the door, she says she can’t believe this is how she’s spending her night. “I know, alone in a comic book store. A dream come true,” Sheldon says. Missy replies that his dreams are sad, but he points out at least they’re being realized. Missy agrees to read out the comic book titles so Sheldon can type them into the computer. Sheldon quickly gets distracted by how the comic books are sorted on the shelves and can't continue until he “fixes” it. After realizing he needs more help, Nathan comes to assist him.
Back home, Mary opens the door to Jim, who introduces himself as Mandy’s dad. A surprised Mary calls for George.
At the comic book store, Nathan tells Sheldon they’re agreed: “Marvel over here, DC over there, and indies in the back.” After Sheldon questions how they sort the comics within each section, Nathan suggests, “Alphabetical, by title”. Sheldon points out that would split up the various Spider-Man series: Amazing Spider-Man, Spectacular Spider-Man, and Web of Spider-Man. Nathan proposes alphabetical by character, but Sheldon questions whether they would then file Superman's pal Jimmy Olsen under "J" for "Jimmy" or "S" for "Superman"? Missy says, “I for I’m going home,” and walks out. Nathan wonders what if they go crazy and organize them by artist. “All the Steve Ditkos in one place? 'Nuff said,” Sheldon says.
At the Coopers, Mary serves drinks as she and George sit with Jim in the living room. Mary tells Jim his daughter is lovely. Jim thanks them and says their son seems brave. George admits it’s a toss-up between brave and stupid. After Mary asks what they can do for him, Jim explains he has some money he hoped they could pass on to Mandy. Mary says Mandy is just across the street at Meemaw’s, so he could go see her himself. After Jim says he couldn’t do that and stay married, George jokes it sounds like they have the same wife. Mary assures Jim that his wife will come around eventually. Jim hopes that when Audrey sees the baby, “that ice cube in her chest might start to melt.” George jokes again, “Yep, same wife.”
At the comic book store, Sheldon tells Nathan about his idea for a comic book inventory database. When Nathan says that’s really cool, Sheldon replies he was hoping to hear “revolutionary.” Nathan wonders if this could be used to catalog other things, like available women. Sheldon doesn't understand that idea but quickly realizes it could also be used to catalog scientific grants. Finding grants is such a time-consuming process that people often miss out on them. Nathan thinks they should finish reorganizing and cataloging the store first, but Sheldon is so excited about his idea that he's already on his way out. After Sheldon leaves, Nathan mutters to himself that he's going to steal so much stuff.
When Mandy opens the door at Meemaw's house, Georgie admits he was wrong and tells Mandy to go ahead and yell at him. Mandy responds that it's not his decision when she yells. “Okay, which way you leaning?” he asks. Mandy then yells, “What the hell is wrong with you? You went to his store?” While yelling at Georgie, Mandy notices her father's truck parked across the street.
Back at the Coopers’, Jim explains that Mandy and Audrey are both unwilling to apologize, so he needs to find a way to broker peace. Mary suggests having everyone over for dinner, but George wonders when that has ever worked. “Food is healing,” Mary tells George, joking that he should know. Mandy bursts in and asks her dad what he’s doing there. Mary tells Mandy her parents miss her, but Mandy says they should be the ones talking to her. Jim admits his wife is being stubborn, but he suggests Mandy might be as well. An outraged Mandy points out that she went to her parents for help and they kicked her out. She tells her father, “Look, this is my life. If y'all want to be a part of it, you know where to find me,” before marching out. “Food would have helped,” Mary insists.
At the university, Sheldon finishes explaining his idea for a grant database to President Hagemeyer. He is excited about its potential for the scientific community, claiming it would reduce the time to open a grant by 80%. President Hagemeyer is thrilled, saying, "We could charge an access fee to every university on the planet, and I can retire on a yacht in the Bahamas." She explains the next step is to get the legal department to draw up contracts. After Sheldon wonders if they should build a prototype first to prove it's viable, Hagemeyer asks if he thinks it's viable. He does, and that’s good enough for her. When Sheldon asks what he should do next, Hagemeyer gives him a dollar to go get a Yoo-hoo on her.