Dale Quote #156

Quote from Dale in the episode A Proper Wedding and Skeletons in the Closet

Meemaw: Well, I'll see you Monday.
Dale: Well, they have visiting hours. I can come tomorrow morning.
Meemaw: Not till 1:00.
Dale: Oh, I see. My game's on. So, how about 4:30 or 5:00?
Meemaw: I'll see you Monday.
Dale: All right. See ya. [Meemaw leaves] Well, why does she get pizza? I want pizza.

Dale Quotes

Quote from the episode Potential Energy and Hooch on a Park Bench

Georgie: [o.s.] Did you like school?
Dale: Hated it. I quit and I joined the Army.
Georgie: [o.s.] How was that?
Dale: Less girls, more getting shot at.
Georgie: [enters] Well, at least you made it out alive.
Dale: Well, then I got married. Made me kind of miss getting shot at.
Georgie: Have you ever been happy?
Dale: Ooh, let's see. No.

Quote from the episode A Frat Party, a Sleepover and the Mother of All Blisters

Dale: Little late to start a movie.
Meemaw: It's 8:00.
Dale: We're saying the same thing.

Quote from the episode Pongo Pygmaeus and a Culture that Encourages Spitting

Dale: Have you tried the meatballs here? They are fantastic.
Meemaw: I haven't. But speaking of meatballs, I hear you're gonna hang out with my son-in-law.
Dale: Yeah.
Meemaw: Hmm.
Dale: Oh. You don't like that at all.
Meemaw: No, it's fine with me. I hope you all go out and have a grand old time.
Dale: Oh. Yeah, well, what's the matter? You afraid I'm gonna find out all your secrets?
Meemaw: Calm down. You're enjoying this a little too much.
Dale: Enjoying it? I'm loving it. Look how mad you're getting. Come on, what's he got on you? Did you do some jail time? Were you a go-go dancer?
Meemaw: Hmm.
Dale: Have you got a tattoo in a naughty place? Can I see it?

‘A Proper Wedding and Skeletons in the Closet’ Quotes

Quote from Dr. Linkletter

Jim: Here we are. Grab a shovel and dig in. There you go.
Dr. Linkletter: I spent the summer in Italy once.
Georgie: Bringing back memories?
Dr. Linkletter: No.

Quote from Sheldon

George: [phone ringing] Sheldon, phone.
Sheldon: [to himself] 187 IQ and I'm a receptionist. [answers phone] Cooper residence. Hello, Mr.
Ballard. He's here. May I tell him what this is concerning? I may not? Very well. Dad, it's Mr. Ballard.
George: I'll pick it up in here.
Sheldon: [quietly] Which you could've done to begin with.

Quote from Adult Sheldon

Sheldon: Are you sure there's a body down here?
Missy: Oh, yeah, keep digging.
Adult Sheldon: I'd like to tell you I found something that night, but for once you all might be ahead of me.