George Jr. Quote #408
Quote from George Jr. in the episode A Tougher Nut and a Note on File
Georgie: Hey, Mr. McAllister, remember me?
Jim: You're kind of hard to forget.
Georgie: Thank you.
George Jr. Quotes
Quote from the episode A Computer, a Plastic Pony, and a Case of Beer
Georgie: What are you doing?
George: Separating the whites from the colors.
Georgie: Whoa, that's racist.
Quote from the episode Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System
Georgie: So, Vietnam, like in Rambo.
Tam: Yes.
Georgie: That's a cool movie.
Tam: Yes.
Georgie: Are you in it?
Tam: No.
Quote from the episode A Computer, a Plastic Pony, and a Case of Beer
Georgie: Maybe you should go across the street and apologize.
George: I can't do that.
Georgie: Why not?
George: 'Cause if I do, it sets a bad precedent.
Georgie: What's Nixon got to do with it?
George: What?
Georgie: You said "bad president," like Nixon. You know, this guy.
‘A Tougher Nut and a Note on File’ Quotes
Quote from Missy
Sheldon: Why would New Mutants be next to New Teen Titans?
Missy: Because they both start with "New"?
Sheldon: But one's Marvel and the other's DC. Would you put Aquaman and Sub-Mariner next to each other?
Missy: I don't know, they could talk about fish.
Quote from Adult Sheldon
Adult Sheldon: In the world of collecting, I'm what's known as a completist. For example, I own every gauge of model train from the mighty "G," to the tiny "T." Look at how cute it is, I just want to eat it up. However, the downside of being a completist is when something's missing, it's like an itch you can't scratch, even if you own a complete set of Justice League back scratchers... which I do. In this case that itch was the comic book issue Doom Patrol and Suicide Squad Special #1.
Quote from Missy
Sheldon: What do you mean, you sold it?
Missy: Somebody gave me money, and I gave them the comic book. That's kind of how things work here.