George Jr. Quote #88
Quote from George Jr. in the episode A Financial Secret and Fish Sauce
Georgie: Mornin'.
Mary: Mornin'.
Georgie: I slept in the nude last night. Felt every little breeze.
[Sheldon slides his food away]
Mary: Thank you for sharing that.
Georgie: You're welcome.
George Jr. Quotes
Quote from the episode A Computer, a Plastic Pony, and a Case of Beer
Georgie: What are you doing?
George: Separating the whites from the colors.
Georgie: Whoa, that's racist.
Quote from the episode A Computer, a Plastic Pony, and a Case of Beer
Georgie: Maybe you should go across the street and apologize.
George: I can't do that.
Georgie: Why not?
George: 'Cause if I do, it sets a bad precedent.
Georgie: What's Nixon got to do with it?
George: What?
Georgie: You said "bad president," like Nixon. You know, this guy.
Quote from the episode A Sneeze, Detention, and Sissy Spacek
Georgie: I think the saddest part about it is just how sad it is.
‘A Financial Secret and Fish Sauce’ Quotes
Quote from Adult Sheldon
Adult Sheldon: Visiting Tam's house for the first time was an emotional roller coaster. For example, it's traditional in Vietnamese homes to have gruesome religious iconography near the entrance. I did not like that. However, it's also customary to not wear shoes around the house for sanitary reasons. I did like that. Interestingly, one of the main ingredients in Vietnamese cooking is an extremely pungent condiment known as fish sauce. I did not like that. But before every meal, it's common for everyone to wash their hands and face. I did like that. Forks are not customary in a Vietnamese household. I did not like that. And instead of napkins, there was one towel for everyone to share at the table. Seriously, what are they thinking?
Quote from Adult Sheldon
George: Sheldon, all you got to do is be cool.
Adult Sheldon: "Be cool." He might as well have asked me to fly around the backyard.
Quote from Meemaw
Sheldon: Mom, I was going through our expenditures and noticed our grocery bills are up 12% compared to last quarter. Any idea why?
George: There's a person at the end of the table that eats for free.
Meemaw: There's a person at the other end of the table that eats for three.