‘A Launch Party and a Whole Human Being’ Quotes Page 1 of 3
614. A Launch Party and a Whole Human Being
March 2, 2023When Mandy goes into labor, Mary, George and Georgie are all busy elsewhere. Meanwhile, Sheldon is excited to bring his database into the world.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: You've been through this before. How long does it take?
Brenda Sparks: Depends. With Billy, it was days.
Sheldon: Well, he always has been a tad slow.
Quote from Billy Sparks
Billy Sparks: Do you think my mom and your dad are going to be boyfriend and girlfriend?
Missy: No.
Billy Sparks: If they got married, would that make us brother and sister?
Missy: It's not gonna happen.
Billy Sparks: Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia were brother and sister, and they still kissed. [Missy scoffs] I didn't write it. [Missy scoffs again]
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: All right, let's do this.
Mandy: Why are you wearing dish gloves?
Sheldon: To deliver the baby.
Mandy: That is not happening.
Sheldon: Good. Whew. Can I get a glass of water?
Mandy: Sheldon, I need to go to the hospital.
Sheldon: Well, I can't drive. I do have a bike, but you'll never fit in the wagon.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: You know, in a way, you and I are having a very similar day.
Mandy: Really? How might that be?
Sheldon: I'm also bringing something new into the world. Although mine does not involve my privates being inspected my strangers.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Excuse me, does that computer have a modem?
Rhonda: A what?
Sheldon: A modem. It's how you access the World Wide Web.
Rhonda: The what?
Sheldon: It's when your computer wants to talk to another computer, and it goes... [imitates modem dialing]
Rhonda: You mean a fax machine.
Sheldon: It's like I'm from the future.
Quote from Meemaw
Meemaw: My advice, take all the drugs they offer.
Mandy: I plan to.
Quote from George Jr.
Georgie: She's here. She's tiny and perfect, and Mandy's doing great.
[George shakes Georgie's hand. Mary and Georgie hug.]
Mary: Oh, what's her name?
Georgie: Constance.
Meemaw: Oh... [hugs Georgie] Yes. Thank you.
Audrey: Is there a middle name?
Georgie: We're still working on it.
Quote from Missy
George: So what all's gonna happen at this party?
Sheldon: Well, we're gonna post to UseNet that the database is live and then watch the monitor as the subscribers roll in.
Missy: And you're calling that a party? Bold.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Meemaw, are you coming to my party?
Meemaw: I wouldn't miss it.
Mary: Oh, we're gonna leave at 4:00 if you want to ride with us.
Meemaw: No, I have to meet you there. I got a little business I have to take care of.
Sheldon: Oh, if you're getting me a gift, it's not that kind of party. Although I wouldn't say no to a TI-81 graphing calculator.
Quote from George Jr.
Georgie: We still haven't settled on a name.
Mandy: Well, I was thinking maybe Alice.
Georgie: Alice Cooper. That is badass. Sold.
Quote from Mandy
Mandy: Wait, who said her last name's gonna be Cooper?
Georgie: Well, that's my last name.
Mandy: Yeah, and mine's McAllister.
Georgie: Yeah, but I'm the dad.
Mandy: So?
Georgie: I think that's just the rule.
Mandy: Not my rule.
Georgie: Well, all right. Let's not fight about it. I'm pretty sure she can hear us.
Mandy: Yeah, you're probably right. [clears throat] Please don't have a giant head!
Quote from George Jr.
Mandy: Thanks for doing this.
Georgie: Hey, you make a whole human being in your belly, I get the crib and car seat, we'll call it even.
Mandy: That is not even close to even.
Georgie: Well, I'm just saying, my list is pretty long, and you only got the one thing. [Mandy scoffs]
Quote from George Jr.
Georgie: Excuse me, which one of these car seats is the best?
Bruce: That'd be the Evenflo Discovery right here. Top of the line.
Georgie: Great. [looks at price tag] Which one's your second best?
Bruce: Is it a gift for someone?
Georgie: No, it's for me. I'm having a kid.
Bruce: Mm. I tell you, that first ride home from the hospital with the baby in the back, scariest drive of your life.
Georgie: Well, I got a station wagon. It's like a tank with a cassette player.
Bruce: That's good, good. 'Cause you can't believe how fragile and tiny newborn babies are.
Georgie: No, I can, I can believe it.
Bruce: So you know about that spot on their head that ain't even solid yet.
Georgie: Sure.
Bruce: Anyway, uh, you were interested in the basic model.
Georgie: Okay, pal, I'm in sales. I know what you're doing.
Bruce: So...
Georgie: Just give me the expensive one.
Bruce: Good choice.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: [answers phone] Hello?
Mandy: Sheldon, is Georgie there?
Sheldon: No.
Mandy: Is your mom there?
Sheldon: No.
Mandy: Are there any adults there?
Sheldon: No. But I have an IQ of 187. I'm sure I can figure out whatever's troubling you.
Mandy: My water broke. I'm in labor.
Sheldon: Oh, dear.
Quote from Sheldon
Mandy: It's okay, I'll drive. Just come with me, okay?
Sheldon: Okay.
Mandy: Oh...
Sheldon: Does it hurt bad?
Mandy: Yes!
Sheldon: That's unfortunate. It's my understanding it's only gonna get worse.