George Jr. Quote #469

Quote from George Jr. in the episode Little Green Men and a Fella's Marriage Proposal

Mandy: Hey. Wasn't sure you were coming.
George Jr.: Well, I'm here.
Dr. Bell: You must be Mr. McAllister.
George Jr.: She's McAllister. I'm Cooper.
Mandy: Can you not?
George Jr.: Well, I just don't want her to think we're married. I know how embarrassing that'd be for you.
Mandy: That is not what I said.
George Jr.: We're not married.
Dr. Bell: Really not my business.

George Jr. Quotes

Quote from the episode A Computer, a Plastic Pony, and a Case of Beer

George Jr.: What are you doing?
George Sr.: Separating the whites from the colors.
George Jr.: Whoa, that's racist.

Quote from the episode A Sneeze, Detention, and Sissy Spacek

George Jr.: I think the saddest part about it is just how sad it is.

Quote from the episode Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System

George Jr.: So, Vietnam, like in Rambo.
Tam: Yes.
George Jr.: That's a cool movie.
Tam: Yes.
George Jr.: Are you in it?
Tam: No.

‘Little Green Men and a Fella's Marriage Proposal’ Quotes

Quote from Missy

Brenda Sparks: You friends with this girl?
Missy: [scoffs] I wish. She is so popular. One time she said she liked my outfit... I wore it for a week.
Brenda Sparks: [scoffs] What am I gonna do? [both sigh]
Missy: You could tell Billy he's too young to date.
Brenda Sparks: [chuckles softly] That's good. You might be the coolest person in this house.
Missy: Low bar, but thanks.

Quote from Dr. Linkletter

Sheldon: Dr. Linkletter, I need to talk to you.
Dr. Linkletter: Great.
Sheldon: Do you think you could get me access to the telescope room? I want to search for exoplanets that could support life.
Dr. Linkletter: Are you feeling homesick?
Sheldon: Are you implying that I'm from another planet?
Dr. Linkletter: Yes.
Sheldon: Compliment accepted.

Quote from Dr. Linkletter

Sheldon: Dr. Linkletter, I need to talk to you.
Dr. Linkletter: Are we in my office?
Sheldon: No.
Dr. Linkletter: Then these are not my office hours.
Sheldon: Are you using my love of schedules against me?
Dr. Linkletter: [chuckles] Oh, yes.
Sheldon: Well done.