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618 - Little Green Men and a Fella's Marriage Proposal

Thursday, April 27, 2023
Little Green Men and a Fella's Marriage Proposal

Georgie is hurt when Mandy dismisses his proposal. Sheldon is inspired by Star Trek to search for extraterrestrial life. Meanwhile, Brenda Sparks consults Missy after a cheerleader asks Billy out on a date.

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Episode Notes

  • Title Reference: "Little Green Men" refers to Dr. Linkletter's comment about Sheldon's desire to search for extraterrestrial life, and "a Fella's Marriage Proposal" refers to Meemaw's comment to Mandy about Georgie's proposal.
  • Opening Credits Sequence: Sheldon is dressed in his normal clothes as a black cow with horns approaches the family.


Quote from President Hagemeyer

Sheldon: President Hagemeyer, we have a problem.
President Hagemeyer: What now, Sheldon? The Yoo-hoos in the vending machine aren't cold enough?
Sheldon: Actually, they aren't, but we'll table that for later.

Quote from President Hagemeyer

Sheldon: I need telescope time to search for exoplanets, and Dr. Linkletter and Dr. Sturgis have denied my request.
President Hagemeyer: Why?
Sheldon: They said that kind of research would expose both me and the university to criticism.
President Hagemeyer: [stifled laugh] Well, that's outrageous.
Sheldon: So, you'll give me access?
President Hagemeyer: Gosh, no. I want to, but... I'm just the president. [chuckles] Use of the telescope has to be approved by a... science advisor.
Sheldon: Is that true?
President Hagemeyer: Does it sound true?
Sheldon: I suppose it does.
President Hagemeyer: Then I suppose it is.
Sheldon: Why did I even come to you?
President Hagemeyer: [gasps] Remember that next time.

Quote from Dr. Linkletter

Sheldon: Dr. Linkletter, I need to talk to you.
Dr. Linkletter: Are we in my office?
Sheldon: No.
Dr. Linkletter: Then these are not my office hours.
Sheldon: Are you using my love of schedules against me?
Dr. Linkletter: [chuckles] Oh, yes.
Sheldon: Well done.

Quote from Dr. Linkletter

Sheldon: Dr. Linkletter, I need to talk to you.
Dr. Linkletter: Great.
Sheldon: Do you think you could get me access to the telescope room? I want to search for exoplanets that could support life.
Dr. Linkletter: Are you feeling homesick?
Sheldon: Are you implying that I'm from another planet?
Dr. Linkletter: Yes.
Sheldon: Compliment accepted.

Quote from Dr. Linkletter

Sheldon: Now, about the telescope room, I was watching Star Trek and it got me thinking...
Dr. Linkletter: Sheldon, searching for life on other planets isn't serious science. Leave that to the tinfoil hat brigade.
Sheldon: But statistically, given the number of stars and planets, it's likely we could find one capable of supporting life. And if we did, it would be the greatest scientific discovery of all time.
Dr. Linkletter: Yes, and if I had fruit on my head, I'd be Carmen Miranda.
Sheldon: I'm not familiar with that reference.
Dr. Linkletter: She sang and danced with fruit on her head.
Sheldon: Why would she have fruit on her head?
Dr. Linkletter: I don't know, in case she got hungry. It's not gonna happen, Sheldon!

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Featured Music

  • Go Away
    Gloria Estefan

    Go Away Plays over the montage of Sheldon asking various scientists at the university to give him telescope access to search for extra-terrestrial life.

Episode Trivia

  • What was the name of the popular girl who seemingly asked Billy out?
    • Britney
    • Heather
    • Ashley
    • Jessica

Episode Recap

In Meemaw’s living room, Mandy says “What?” to Georgie. He starts to repeat the question, “Will you marry-” Mandy heard the question, but wonders why he’s asking. “Because I love you”, Georgie tells her. “Do you?”, Mandy questions, mentioning that Georgie was just out on a date with another woman. Georgie points out he could be at Amber’s place but he’s here with her instead. She sarcastically thanks him for his sacrifice. Georgie reminds her that at 18, it is a sacrifice. As CeeCee fusses, Georgie suggests she’s crying because Mandy doesn’t want to marry her dad. Mandy suggests an alternative: CeeCee is crying because her mom wants to strangle her dad. When Meemaw comes downstairs, she’s surprised to see Georgie back so soon and asks what he’s doing. “Apparently wasting my time”, a dejected Georgie says. Mandy tells him he can not just show up there and spring a proposal on her. Meemaw is shocked he proposed. Georgie promises his grandmother it won’t happen again as he storms out.

At the Coopers’, Mary asks Sheldon what he’s doing. He replies he’s watching Star Trek with his dad. When George snores, Sheldon realizes he’s watching Star Trek alone. Mary offers to join him. After Sheldon explains the plot of the episode - about computer-simulated war between two neighboring civilizations - Mary wants to ask him a question. “Do you really believe in all this space alien stuff?”, Mary asks him. Sheldon argues it’s simple probability theory. There are over a hundred billion stars in our galaxy. so it's likely that a few of them could support life, or even technological civilization. “And did Jesus die for their sins as well?”, Mary wonders. “You have your stories, I have mine.”, Sheldon tells his mother. When Mary hears Georgie return home, Mary is relieved to get out this discussion. On her way out of the den, she wakes George up to watch Star Trek with his son.

Mary goes out to the garage to see Georgie and wish him a happy birthday. Mary senses something is wrong, but Georgie says he doesn’t want to talk about it. After Mary asks if it’s about him and Amber, Georgie admits they broke up. Mary is sorry for him, but suggests it’s a good thing, noting how cute a family he makes with Mandy and CeeCee “Mmm-hmm”, Georgie says without offering much. Mary mentions she’s seen the way Mandy has been looking at him. Georgie wants his mom to stop, but she insists she means it and thinks Mandy is ready to give Georgie another chance. Georgie jokes that maybe he’ll ask her to marry him. “Well…”, Mary says with a chuckle, “you don’t want to scare her off.”

The next morning at Meemaw's, Connie notices Mandy's up early. Mandy explains that Georgie usually comes over in the morning to feed CeeCee, but not today - she figures he's mad at her. Meemaw says guys tend to take marriage proposal rejections personally, admitting she's broken a few hearts herself. Mandy argues Georgie caught her off guard. When Meemaw asks what she thinks now that she's had time to consider it, Mandy doesn’t see why their relationship has to be "all or nothing." Meemaw responds with an unconvincing look. While Mandy understands Georgie's anger, she didn't expect him to stop showing up for his daughter. Meemaw insists Georgie just needs time to cool off.

Over at the Sparks’ house, Billy is on the phone and stops to ask his mother if he’s allowed to go to the movies this weekend. With Brenda’s permission, Billy tells the person on the line it’s a date. After Billy gets off the phone, Brenda asks who it was. Britney Perkins, he answers. Brenda asks if it’s that “chunky girl with the headgear.” After Billy explains Britney is a cheerleader with perfect teeth, Brenda rushes across the street to ask Missy what she knows about Britney.

In the Coopers' house, Missy shows Brenda a picture of Britney from the school yearbook. Brenda exhales as she notes Britney is cute, realizing the girl must be toying with Billy. Brenda asks Missy if she's friends with Britney. "I wish," Missy says, describing her as "so popular." Brenda wonders what she should do. After Missy suggests telling Billy he's too young to date, Brenda is impressed. She tells Missy, "You might be the coolest person in this house." "Low bar," Missy quips, before thanking Brenda for the compliment.

When Sheldon runs into Dr. Linkletter in the corridors of the university, he says he needs to talk to him. After Linkletter asks if they’re in his office, Sheldon replies no. Linkletter explains that these are not his office hours, then. Sheldon wonders if Linkletter is using his love of schedules against him. After Linkletter admits he is, Sheldon is impressed.

Sheldon follows Dr. Linkletter into his office, takes a seat at his desk and waits for Linkletter to sit down before repeating that they need to talk. Sheldon asks if Linkletter can give him access to the telescope room so he can search for extraterrestrial life. Linkletter jokingly asks Sheldon if he’s feeling homesick. After Sheldon starts to explain he was watching Star Trek, Linkletter tells Sheldon it’s not going to happen as searching for life on other planets isn’t serious science. Sheldon argues if they found life on another planet it would be the greatest scientific discovery of all time. Linkletter jokes, “Yes, and if I had fruit on my head, I'd be Carmen Miranda.”, a reference lost on Sheldon. Linkletter confesses he sometimes tells Sheldon no just for kicks, but this time he’s protecting him. Undettered, Sheldon says if Linkletter won’t help him, he knows a man who will.

In Dr. Sturgis’ office, John tries to discourage Sheldon from going down this route as they’ll be mocked by physicists, engineers, and even mathematicians. Sheldon then tries Linkletter’s Carmen Miranda line, which stumps John as well.

At the bus stop, Missy notices Billy is upset. He explains his mom isn’t letting him go on a date with Britney Perkins, claiming he’s too young. Missy tells Billy his mom’s just looking out for him. Billy confesses he’s thinking of sneaking out anyway, but Missy warns him against that. When Billy points out that she sneaks out, Missy replies, "That's because I'm a troubled kid and you're not.”. As Billy notes this is the first time he’s been asked out, Missy reveals the truth: Britney doesn’t actually like him - it’s a prank. Britney’s having a party this Saturday and won’t be at the movies. Seeing Billy’s dejection, Missy offers to go to the movies with him instead. Billy says she doesn’t have to do that, but Missy insists. When Billy asks why she isn't going to the party, Missy responds, "I wasn't invited. Which is fine, 'cause she's a bitch." "Wow. You are troubled," Billy remarks.

Sheldon goes to President Hagemeyer’s office with a problem. “What now, Sheldon? The Yoo-hoos in the vending machine aren't cold enough?”, Hagemeyer jokes. Sheldon says actually they aren’t, but they’ll table that discussion for later. Sheldon explains Drs. Linkletter and Sturgis are refusing to give him telescope time for extraterrestrial research, claiming that kind of research would embarrass him and the university. Hagemeyer stifles a laugh as she claims that’s outrageous. After Sheldon asks if she’s going to give him access, Hagemeyer insists she wants to, but she’s only president. Use of the telescope needs to be approved by a science advisor. “Is that true?”, he wonders. “Does it sound true?”, Hagemeyer asks. “I suppose it does.” “Then I suppose it is.” After Sheldon questions why he bothers coming to Hagemeyer, she tells him to remember that for next time.

At a doctor's office, Dr. Bell informs Mandy that CeeCee will be getting a few shots today. Mandy tries to comfort CeeCee by saying, "You don't cry, I don't cry," before admitting she's going to cry either way. When Georgie arrives, Mandy says she wasn't sure he would show up. After Dr. Bell assumes he must be Mr. McAllister, Georgie explains he's Cooper and she's McAllister, making it painfully clear they're not married. Georgie claims he didn't want Dr. Bell to think they're married since Mandy made it clear how embarrassing that would be. As Mandy insists that's not what she said, Dr. Bell says it's really not her business. Mandy argues it might be since she's a pediatrician and he's acting like a baby. Georgie wonders how wanting to marry the mother of his daughter makes him a baby, but Mandy doesn't want to have this fight right now. Georgie claims married people fight all the time and asks Dr. Bell to weigh in. Mandy insists they don't, and she doesn't want Dr. Bell to answer.

Adult Sheldon narrates that despite securing President Hagemeyer's support, he still needed to find a willing science advisor. He then describes his search for a mentor at the university: "Eight no's, three belly laughs, and one professor who pretended not to speak English later, I found my man." Sheldon introduces himself to Dr. Prakash, who has heard a lot about the young prodigy. Sheldon, however, has heard nothing about him. Sheldon explains that he’s on the hunt for a mentor who's not afraid to challenge entrenched scientific paradigms. They have a lively discussion about scientists through history who were shunned, or worse, for challenging the orthodoxy of the time. Dr. Prakash starts to feel Sheldon’s getting competitive with naming scientists, but Sheldon thinks they’re just bonding. Sheldon asks Dr. Prakash how he would feel joining him in the groundbreaking search for exoplanets that could support life? Dr. Prakash would love it. He then asks Sheldon how he would feel about joining him in “finding subatomic particles that move backwards in time”? Sheldon dismisses the idea of tachyons as nonsense and insists they get started on his thing.

When Sheldon goes to Dr. Sturgis’s office to say he’s seeking a new, bolder mentor, John is sorry to hear that. Cutting back and forth between Sturgis’s office and Dr. Linkletter’s: When Sheldon says he’s going with someone not afraid to look at new ideas, Dr. Linkletter doesn’t mind at all. “Don't think of it as me walking away, think of it as you being left behind.”, Sheldon tells him. Linkletter is okay with that. Sheldon continues hammering his point with Dr. Sturgis, comparing John to “a rocket booster that must be discarded for me to reach escape velocity.” John understands. After Sheldon tells Linkletter he’s walking away, Linkletter gives a curt goodbye. “I'm walking backwards, so it seems like you're fading into obscurity.”, Sheldon tells him. Linkletter responds with a disingenuous “Neat.” “Take care. Farewell. Ciao.”, Sheldon tells him. “Bon voyage.”, Sheldon tells Dr. Sturgis, who responds with “Arrivederci.” A split-screen shows Dr. Sturgis and Dr. Linkletter after Sheldon has bid them farewell. “What a charming young man.”, John remarks. “Kook”, says Dr. Linkletter.

As Missy sits on the couch, the phone rings. Missy answers the call to find it’s Britney, asking if she’s free Saturday. Missy starts to say “Actually…”, but catches herself. “I'm totally free, thanks. You’re the best.”, she tells Britney instead. “Maybe I'm the bitch.”, Missy ponders after she gets off the phone.

In the hospital parking lot, as they load CeeCee into Mandy’s car, Mandy asks Georgie why he told the doctor that she got pregnant when he was 17. “She asked what our history was.”, Georgie explains. “Medical history.”, Mandy clarifies. As she talks to Georgie, Mandy is horrified when she realizes she just shut the car door, leaving the car keys inside with CeeCee. Georgie insists it’ll be fine. He proposes smashing the window, but Mandy points out that this would scatter glass near their baby. Georgie says they’ve got to remain calm and not look like they’re panicking to CeeCee. Georgie remembers he has a bunch of laundry hangers in his car that he could use them to pick the lock. As Georgie dashes off, Mandy stays behind, talking soothingly to CeeCee through the car window.

In the telescope lab, Sheldon asks Dr. Prakash where exactly the telescope is. “Hawaii”, he answers. “And what are we looking for?”, Sheldon wonders. “Well, you're looking for these numbers here to change... that would indicate that the star is dimming, possibly because an orbiting planet is passing in front of it.”, Dr. Prakash explains. As they sit there for a moment, Sheldon remarks that Star Trek made this seem a lot more fun.

As George watches TV with a beer in the den, Missy sits down on the couch and asks her dad for some advice. Missy explains she made plans with a friend, but then got the chance to do something way cooler with another friend. “So, you want to ditch the first friend for someone else?”, George asks. “Not ditch so much as reschedule.”, Missy argues. George tells her he thinks she knows the answer. Missy says you’re right and thanks her dad for the advice.

Later, Missy asks Meemaw for advice, explaining “And I never would've agreed to the first friend if I knew the second friend was gonna call.” Meemaw says she thinks Missy knows what she has to do. Missy wonders if it’s one of those times where she has to make a mistake to learn from it. Meemaw shoots her an unimpressed look. Finally, Missy goes to her mother to get her opinion. An overly eager Mary is delighted and tells Missy, “I'm not just your mother, I'm also your friend.” Missy gives her mother a scornful look and walks away.

Back in the hospital parking lot, Mandy is relieved when Georgie finally manages to pick the lock and get back into the car. Georgie says the good thing is CeeCee will never remember this. After he and Mandy pinky-swear not to tell anyone, Mandy also wants them to promise not to fight in front of CeeCee anymore. Georgie agrees. As Mandy opens up to the idea of being with Georgie, she tells him that the next time he’s gonna propose, he should give her a bit of warning first. Georgie agrees. As Mandy cares for CeeCee, Georgie jokingly says “Mandy McAllister…” and starts to get down on one knee. “Oh, not now!”, she tells him.

At the school bus stop, Missy asks Billy if he would go to Britney’s party if he were invited, rather than their planned trip to the movies. Billy says no and starts to wonder if he actually was invited. When Missy tells him no, Billy realizes Missy was invited instead. Billy tells Missy she should go, but she insists they have plans together. Billy tells her it’s all right, they’ll go to the movies some other time. "If you're hoping my sister made the noble decision, you and Billy are about to be sorely disappointed...”, Adult Sheldon narrates. “Thanks, Billy. You're the best.”, Missy says as the school bus pulls up.

At the university, Dr. Sturgis and Dr. Linkletter stand in front of a whiteboard. When John mentions Sheldon is working with Dr. Prakash, Linkletter remarks “Poor Prakash.”. John argues Sheldon is a bit much sometimes, but you have to admit he has a remarkable mind. “As he will be the first to tell you.”, Linkletter adds. Sturgis chuckles at Grant’s joke but admits he misses Sheldon. Linkletter concedes things are a bit more lively when Sheldon’s around. After John remarks how it would really be something if he found life on other planets, Linkletter says he would immediately become the most famous scientist in the history of mankind. John chuckles and starts to walk away, saying he’s going to see if Sheldon needs any help. “Wait, I’ll come with you”, Grant says as he follows along.

As Sheldon, Dr. Prakash, and Drs. Sturgis and Linkletter sit in front of monitors in the telescope lab, John asks if that was something. “No.”, Prakash tells him. “Oh.”, Sturgis says with a groan. After they sit in silence for a moment, Dr. Linkletter then wonders if that was something. Prakash says not, explaining it was within the standard deviation. “Aha.”, Linkletter says. As the room falls silent again, Sheldon drinks from his can of Yoo-Hoo.

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