Missy Quote #378
Quote from Missy in the episode One Bad Night and Chaos of Selfish Desires
Adult Sheldon: In the face of a chaotic world, we all seek comfort in different ways. Some turn to a higher power.
Mary: Lord, please protect my family, keep them in your hands. All my cares, all my worries, all my fears for them...
Adult Sheldon: Some take refuge in fictitious worlds.
Spock: [on TV] My congratulations, Captain. A dazzling display of logic.
Captain Kirk: [on TV] You didn't think I had it in me, did you, Spock?
Spock: [on TV] No, sir.
["Learning to Fly" by Tom Petty playing]
Sheldon: So great.
Adult Sheldon: And one person I know relied on lighter fluid and a match.
Missy: That's right, burn.
Mary: What are you doing?!
Missy: Moving on.
Mary: From what?
Missy Quotes
Quote from the episode A New Home and a Traditional Texas Torture
Missy: Well, I'm sure there'll be a bunch of smart other weirdos at "Cowtech."
Sheldon: "Cowtech?"
Missy: Yeah.
Sheldon: Caltech.
Missy: Like calculators?
Sheldon: Like California.
Missy: Oh. Mm. I like mine better.
Quote from the episode A German Folk Song and an Actual Adult
Sheldon: While Dad's gone, I'm the man of the house, and the man of the house has to enforce the rules.
Missy: The man of the house is about to get his teeth knocked out.
Sheldon: Puberty's made you mean.
Missy: I need to know what happened on my show.
Sheldon: And you'll find out when your privileges are restored.
Missy: I can't wait that long, each episode builds on the last. Imagine a Star Trek that ends with "to be continued," and you don't get to continue.
Sheldon: That would never happen, because I follow the rules.
Missy: You are this close to a purple nurple.
Sheldon: [covers nipples] You leave my nurples alone.
Quote from the episode Poker, Faith, and Eggs
Sheldon: Uh-oh.
Missy: What?
Sheldon: Listen to this. "French philosopher, mathematician and physicist, Blaise Pascal, argued a rational person should believe God exists because you have everything to gain if you're right, and nothing to lose if you're wrong."
Missy: Sounds right.
‘One Bad Night and Chaos of Selfish Desires’ Quotes
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Missy and I broke a lot of rules the other night, and we've received no punishment.
George: [sighs] Buddy, it's been a rough week. We're just glad you're both safe.
Sheldon: But in the absence of a divine being, society's rules are what keeps a person's morality in check.
George: Well, there you go.
Sheldon: No, y-you're not following me. If actions have no repercussions, society breaks down, everything devolves into chaos.
George: You might be overthinking this.
Sheldon: I thought so, too. Then I thought about it, and I'm not.
George: Sheldon, you had one bad night. Just let it go.
Sheldon: But... I did something wrong and I got away with it. That's not okay.
George: Buddy...
Sheldon: Socrates maintained that the man who lies to himself has an enemy living within. He's not even a person. He's just a chaos of selfish desires wrapped in an animal hide.
Quote from Sheldon
Meemaw: Hey. Good news. Your dad's doing okay and should be home in a couple of days.
Missy: Thank God.
Sheldon: Thank modern medicine.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: I'm having a moral quandary, and I could really use your help.
Meemaw: Oh, moral quandaries. I hate those. Shoot.
Sheldon: You're the least moral person I know... How do you live with yourself?
Meemaw: I'm about to shut this door in your face.
Sheldon: See? Other people would be kind to a child in need. That's why I came to you.
Meemaw: Okay, fine. What do you want?
Sheldon: I'm confused as to how to go about my business after misbehaving and not being punished.
Meemaw: And where do I come in?
Sheldon: You tell lies, you gamble, you have quite the potty mouth, and yet you never seem to pay a price for any of it.
Meemaw: Well, when you're cute like me, rules are just a little different.
Sheldon: Hmm. That would also explain the endless parade of romantic partners. [Meemaw slams the door] Are you leaving because you have a man in there?
Meemaw: No!
Sheldon: Hmm. Although she would lie about it, so who knows?