Sheldon Quote #42

Quote from Sheldon in the episode Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System

Mary: Hey, here's an idea. Why don't you invite your new buddy over for dinner?
Sheldon: Why?

Sheldon Quotes

Quote from the episode Snoopin' Around and the Wonder Twins of Atheism

Missy: What's it like to not believe in God?
Sheldon: It's great. Big fan.
Missy: Are you ever afraid you're wrong?
Sheldon: About religion? Never. About other things? Also never.

Quote from the episode A Tummy Ache and a Whale of a Metaphor

Ms. MacElroy: Now, can anyone tell me why Melville shifts the narrative voice from Ishmael to Ahab? [Ms. MacElroy waits for somebody else to raise their hand] Sheldon.
Sheldon: I have a tummyache. I'd like to see the nurse.
Derek: A "tummyache"?
Sheldon: Yes, Derek, I have a tummy and it aches. Ergo, tummyache.
Derek: Ergo?
Sheldon: It's Latin, Derek.
Ms. MacElroy: Go to the nurse.
Sheldon: And to answer your question, the shifting point of view grants the reader a broader perspective of events than typically allowed by first-person narration.
Ms. MacElroy: Where were we?
Sheldon: And "ergo" is Latin for "hence," Derek.

Quote from the episode Pilot

Mary: You understand that some people are going to be intimidated by you, because of how smart you are?
Sheldon: Or maybe they'll recognize my intellect and make me their leader.

‘Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System’ Quotes

Quote from George Jr.

George Jr.: So, Vietnam, like in Rambo.
Tam: Yes.
George Jr.: That's a cool movie.
Tam: Yes.
George Jr.: Are you in it?
Tam: No.

Quote from Sheldon

Tam: Is that any good?
Sheldon: I'm afraid not. I failed to make a single friend.
Tam: That sucks. I have a tough time making friends, too.
Sheldon: The worst part is, it was important to my mom.
Tam: My parents pressure me about making friends all the time.
Sheldon: So you understand what I'm going through.

Quote from Sheldon

Ms. Hutchins: Hey there, Sheldon. What can I get for you today? Chemistry? Quantum mechanics? Astronomy?
Sheldon: No, nothing fun today. I need to learn how to make a friend.