Missy Quote #465

Quote from Missy in the episode An Ugly Car, an Affair and Some Kickass Football

Darlene: All right, everyone. Pencils out, books away. Let's get ready to take this test.
Missy: Mrs. Wilkins? Are you sure you want us to take this test today?
Darlene: Why wouldn't I?
Missy: Well, you know, with everything you're going through?

Missy Quotes

Quote from the episode A Tougher Nut and a Note on File

Sheldon: What do you mean, you sold it?
Missy: Somebody gave me money, and I gave them the comic book. That's kind of how things work here.

Quote from the episode Legalese and a Whole Hoo-Ha

George Sr.: So, we were talking to the lawyer...
Missy: Here comes the divorce.
Mary: We are not getting divorced.
Missy: Then why do we have a lawyer?
George Sr.: Sheldon invented something that the university's interested in and it could be worth some money.
Missy: You always were my favorite brother.
Sheldon: This morning you licked your finger and put it in my ear.
Missy: That means I like you.

Quote from the episode A Tougher Nut and a Note on File

Sheldon: Why would New Mutants be next to New Teen Titans?
Missy: Because they both start with "New"?
Sheldon: But one's Marvel and the other's DC. Would you put Aquaman and Sub-Mariner next to each other?
Missy: I don't know, they could talk about fish.

‘An Ugly Car, an Affair and Some Kickass Football’ Quotes

Quote from George Jr.

Mary: What about the baby shower? People are gonna want to know.
George Jr.: Oh, yeah. We got to have a baby shower. Remind me what a baby shower is.

Quote from Sheldon

Missy: You know, twins run in our family.
Mandy: It's not twins.
Sheldon: That's too bad. It would double your chances of having a remarkable child. Like me.
Missy: Or a child that people like.
Mary: Just eat your dinner.

Quote from Sheldon

Mandy: Uh, what's your question?
Sheldon: Thanks, Niblingo. I've heard that pregnant women eat for two. Does that mean that you need two full-size portions?
Missy: I guess Dad's pregnant then.
Mandy: One portion should be fine, considering the baby's the size of a golf ball.
Sheldon: Actually, according to my calculations, the baby's the size of a bell pepper. Although I could be off. When was your last menstruation?
Mary: You do not need to answer that.
Mandy: I was not going to.