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Quote from the episode Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System

Mary: Something wrong?
Missy: How come math is easy for Sheldon and hard for me?
Mary: I don't know, honey, but you have your own gifts.
Missy: Like what?
Mary: Well, like you have very pretty hair.
Missy: True.

Quote from the episode Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System

Adult Sheldon: Jean-Paul Sartre said, "Hell is other people." That's humorous because it's true.

Quote from the episode Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System

Adult Sheldon: My mother never understood that I actually enjoyed being alone.
Solitude allowed me to think about important things, like the effect of gravitational forces as you approach an event horizon, as opposed to less important things, like how many grapes my brother can fit in his mouth.

Quote from the episode Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System

Mary: I'm gonna keep him company.
George Sr.: Hey, hey, hey, Mary. Mary, think this through. Right now the kids are just ignoring Sheldon. What happens if he's sitting with his mommy?
Mary: They could mistake me for a senior. ... Well, I look younger than you.

Quote from the episode Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System

Mary: Look at him. Breaks my heart.
George Sr.: Poor little guy, all alone.
Mary: I don't see why - his brother can't sit with him.
George Sr.: Come on, Mary. When you were in high school, would you have lunch with a nine-year-old?
Mary: Yes, I would've.
George Sr.: Well, there's something wrong with you.

Quote from the episode Pilot

Sheldon: You know what I find comforting?
Mary: What's that, baby?
Sheldon: In a world filled with uncertainty, this place will be here forever.

Quote from the episode Pilot

Sheldon: Dad, are you sad that you got fired?
George Sr.: Mostly angry. But, yeah, maybe a little sad.

Quote from the episode Pilot

Sheldon: Hey, he was about to power a clock with a potato.
George Sr.: Not possible.

Quote from the episode Pilot

George Sr.: Missy, go somewhere else. I need to talk to your brother.
Missy: Why don't you go somewhere else and I can watch Duck-
George Sr.: Go!
Missy: I hate everybody.

Quote from the episode Pilot

Professor Proton: Can a clock be powered by an ordinary potato? I hope so, boys and girls, or this is going to be a really boring episode.

Quote from the episode Pilot

George Jr.: I can't be in the same school as him!
George Sr.: Well, I don't see what choice you have.
George Jr.: Right. Ever since he could talk, I quit having any choices.
George Sr.: I know it's hard. I'm telling you, as your coach, quit your whining, get your uniform on and you get your ass back out there.
George Jr.: But what about as my dad?
George Sr.: Your dad is having a bad day. Listen to your coach.

Quote from the episode Pilot

George Sr.: You mean Sheldon? You can't let that bother you.
George Jr.: It doesn't bother you? You got called to the principal's office.
George Sr.: Yeah, that wasn't so great.

Quote from the episode Pilot

Ms. Fenley: You have perfect pitch.
Sheldon: Okay.
Ms. Fenley: Sweetheart, you should really pursue music.
Sheldon: No, thank you. Musicians take drugs. Is there a faculty restroom I could use?

Quote from the episode Pilot

Mary: All I care about is that my son gets the education he deserves, so you all are gonna have to figure this out.
Principal Petersen: Coach, can you help me out here, please? 'Cause I'm dyin'.
George Sr.: I'd rather not.

Quote from the episode Pilot

Principal Petersen: George, you got any thoughts here?
George Sr.: I certainly do. Mary, tell him.
Mary: It's simple. We don't have a choice.
Principal Petersen: Well, you gave it a shot. We wish you luck with Sheldon elsewhere-
Mary: No, no, no. We don't have a choice. He's got to stay here. We can't afford private school. I sure can't homeschool him. He's doing calculus and Euclidean something or other.
Ms. Ingram: Euclidean geometry. Guess where I learned that.
Mary: Yeah, yeah, we know.

Quote from the episode Pilot

Ms. Fenley: Do you know this sonata?
Sheldon: No.
Ms. Fenley: How long have you played the piano?
Sheldon: I don't play piano.

Quote from the episode Pilot

Ms. MacElroy: This is a stupid idea. This boy does not belong in our school.
Principal Petersen: Come on Vicky, it's just the first day. Why don't we all just take a deep breath here?
Ms. MacElroy: The hell with that.

Quote from the episode Pilot

Ms. MacElroy: What?
Sheldon: Also in violation of the grooming code on page 48, article five, subsection B, you have a bit of a mustache.

Quote from the episode Pilot

Ms. MacElroy: All right, everybody, my name is Ms. MacElroy. In addition to being your homeroom teacher, I'll be seeing some of you in my English class, and some of you on the volleyball court. Just to give you a little history, I've been here at Medford for 29 years I taught some of your older brothers and sisters, and sadly, some of your parents. Not much I haven't seen. Until today. I'm sure you're well aware we have a student with us, who, despite his young age, is remarkably gifted. And I expect y'all to make him feel welcome.

Quote from the episode Pilot

Sheldon: Okay. Let the learning begin.