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706 - Baptists, Catholics and an Attempted Drowning

Thursday, April 4, 2024
Baptists, Catholics and an Attempted Drowning

After an argument about where Georgie and Mandy will get married, Mary and Audrey scramble to ensure baby CeeCee is baptised in their respective denominations. Meanwhile, Sheldon is upset when his dormmate makes a change to his computer.

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Episode Notes

  • Title Reference: "Baptists, Catholics and an Attempted Drowning" refers to Mary and Audrey both attempting to baptize CeeCee in their respective denominations.
  • Opening Credits Sequence: Sheldon is dressed in his normal clothes as a brown cow with horns approaches the family, including Mandy and CeeCee.


Quote from Sheldon

Georgie: It's for my daughter. Mom baptized her in the kitchen sink, and Mandy's mom did it in a Catholic church.
Sheldon: Sure. Baptists versus Catholics. Much blood was shed over that in the 1500s.

Quote from Pastor Jeff

Mary: [on the phone] Hi, Pastor Jeff. Can you come over right now? I need you to save someone's soul.
[Cut to Mary opening the front door to Pastor Jeff, who is holding his bible:]
Pastor Jeff: Whose soul needs saving? Is it Sheldon? I've been waiting for this.
Mary: No. We're still praying for him. Come in, we don't have much time.

Quote from Adult Sheldon

[After Sheldon storms off with his upgraded computer:]
Jim: He gonna be okay?
George: Oh. Tonight, sure. Big picture? [shrugs]
Adult Sheldon: I've got a hot wife and a Nobel Prize. I turned out fine.

Quote from George Sr.

Mary: We have to say something.
George: Or we mind our business.
Mary: It is a sin, George.
George: And like a good Christian, I choose to forgive them.

Quote from Mary

Mary: Well, Mandy said that you don't go to church that often, so... how Catholic could you be?
Audrey: That's a funny question coming from a woman who left her own church.
Mary: I went back. And... my granddaughter is not gonna be raised Catholic. She's gonna worship Jesus, not the Pope.
Audrey: We don't worship the Pope.
Mary: Well y'all sure bought him a pretty fancy car.

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Episode Recap

When Mary goes to the kitchen in the morning, she finds a grumpy Missy drinking coffee at the kitchen table. Mary wonders since when does she drink coffee. Missy responds that she didn’t get any sleep last night. “Bad dreams?”, Mary inquires. “I wish”, Missy laments, explaining she had to hear people doing it all night. “Oh. You heard that?”, an embarrassed Mary asks. “Yes, and it was disgusting”, Missy states. Mary starts to apologize, saying she and George were apart all summer, but Missy cuts her off, explaining she overheard Georgie and Mandy. “Ew! You were doing it, too?”, Missy asks her mom. Mary argues it’s different since she and George are married, but Missy doesn’t want to hear about it. When George arrives in the kitchen with a big yawn, he asks what’s for breakfast because he’s hungry. “Nope”, Missy says before getting up and leaving. George wonders what her problem is. “Thin walls”, Missy shouts on her way off. Mary explains that Missy “heard Mandy and Georgie... you know.” “Oh,” George says, “At least she didn’t hear us.”


In the kitchen, Mary tells George she thinks he should have a talk with his son. “About what?”, he wonders. Mary admits she’s not comfortable with Georgie and Mandy being intimate. “They have a baby, Mare. You're a little late to the party.”, he tells her. Mary points out that Georgie & Mandy are living under their roof and are still not married. “This again?”, George scoffs. Mary argues they’re setting a bad example for the teenagers in the house. George retorts that they were doing the same thing as Georgie and Mandy last night. Mary counters that they are married, but George reminds her that Georgie & Mandy are engaged. Despite this, Mary insists on saying something. George thinks they should mind their own business. “It’s a sin, George”, Mary declares. And like a good Christian, George chooses to forgive them.


When Mary goes to Sheldon’s room, she first checks that Georgie and Mandy are decent before entering. Mandy wonders what’s going on. Mary wants to talk to them about their wedding. “Um, what about it?”, Mandy asks. “When’s it happening?”, Mary inquires. Mandy says they haven’t given it much thought, what with the tornado and moving. Mary says that makes sense, but suggests they think about it now. Georgie wonders what the rush is. “Well, you're living together, sleeping together, doing... other things together”, Mary says bluntly. An embarrassed Mandy tells Georgie she knew they were being too loud. Georgie quips that he can’t help being ticklish, much to his mother’s discomfort. “I just think, if you're gonna be doing that, you should be married”, Mary argues. Georgie jokes that he thought getting married is when that stops.


Mary’s conversation with Georgie and Mandy is interrupted when Sheldon and Evan walk into the room without saying a word. After Mary says hello, Sheldon returns her greeting and carries on with his task. Mary thought Sheldon was at school. “Oh, I was. Evan and I just came here to get my computer.”, he explains. Mary assumes this is Evan. “Yes, isn’t he great?”, Sheldon says. Mary points out they were in the middle of something, although Mandy hoped they were done. Sheldon tells them to just pretend he and Evan are not there, like he’s doing with them. Georgie tells Mandy his mother does have a point. What are they waiting for? “I guess nothing”, Mandy agrees. “Okay, then”, Mary says, “Let’s plan a wedding.” That grabs Sheldon’s attention. “Wait, a wedding? Does that mean I have to be the best man?”, he wonders. Georgie says no. “Okay. But I am the best, and I am a man, just listen to my voice. Okay, I'll do it.”, Sheldon says. After Evan asks if he can come, Sheldon cheerily says yes,but  Mandy says no, so Sheldon less cheerily repeats the no.


When Mandy goes to her father’s tire store, Jim remarks that it’s a nice surprise. Mandy asks if her mother is around, insisting she’s not looking for a fight. When Audrey appears, Mandy explains that she and Georgie are getting married this week at City Hall and hopes they will be there. Mandy admits City Hall wasn’t their first choice, but after the tornado, it’s all they can afford. Audrey offers to pay for a big wedding if that’s what they want. Mandy is surprised, saying she thought they were too ashamed of her and Georgie to have a big wedding. As Jim excuses himself from this conversation, Audrey insists she doesn’t want to argu and just wants to be part of her granddaughter's life. And Mandy’s life. “And Georgie’s?”, Mandy questions. “Mm-hmm”, Audrey says unconvincingly. Audrey assures Mandy that if a big wedding will make her happy, she wants to do it. She just wants to make things right. Audrey insists there’s no catch. If they still prefer City Hall, that’s fine too. “Thanks”, Mandy says, before wondering what happens now. “I'm not used to ending a conversation where one of us doesn't storm out”, Mandy admits. As Mandy and Audrey hug, Jim acknowledges that it is indeed weird.


As George and Jim drink beers next to the smoker in George’s backyard, George thanks Jim for paying for the wedding. “Well, you know, parents of the bride, tradition”, Jim says. George insists that if they need any help, they can chip in. Jim reassures him, saying “we got it”. A relieved George chuckles and admits they can’t really afford to help out anyway. George mentions that he’s happy to hear that Mandy and her mom are getting along. Jim is too. He adds that he wouldn’t say this to either of them, but they’re both a little… “Wilful?”, George offers. “Sure, let's go with willful”, Jim agrees.


In the kitchen, Mary and Audrey prepare the salad. Mary is relieved that Georgie and Mandy decided to have a real wedding, admitting she got married at City Hall and has always regretted it. Audrey says they went all out for her wedding. Mary wonders if Mandy will let them pick out her dress. “I hope so,” Audrey replies, adding, “When she was a TV weather girl, you wouldn't believe the outfits she wore.” Mary assumes Mandy will dress modestly for church. They are having a church wedding, right? Despite her earlier promise to Mandy, Audrey insists she will not budge on this and has already talked to their priest, Father Donovan. Mary is surprised. “So, you think they're getting married in a Catholic church?”, she asks. “Well, of course, we're Catholic.”, Audrey responds. Mary questions how Catholic they can be when Mandy admitted they didn’t go to church often. “That's a funny question coming from a woman who left her own church.”, Audrey replies. Mary points out she went back. “And… my granddaughter is not gonna be raised Catholic.”, Mary declares. “She's gonna worship Jesus, not the Pope.”, “We don't worship the Pope”, an exasperated Audrey says. “Well y'all sure bought him a pretty fancy car!”, Mary exclaims.


Outside, George asks Jim if he wants another beer. “Hang on”, Jim says, quickly downing the remainder of the bottle. “Yes.”, he tells George. Inside, Audrey shouts to Mary, “You people don't even dance. What kind of a wedding is that?”. Mary responds, “It is about the union of two souls, not doing the hokeypokey.”. As Jim and George now stand in the doorway, Jim tells George it was nice while it lasted. “Yeah, you take care of yourself.”, George replies. “Hell of a lot more fun than a reception with no alcohol.”, Audrey retorts. “That's all you people care about, drinking.”, Mary snaps back. Audrey, even more exasperated, points out that Jesus drank wine, while grabbing her handbag to storm off. “Well, he probably had to, to put up with people like you!”, Mary shouts as Jim and Audrey leave.


Later that evening, George is dining on his brisket alone as Mary argues that Audrey is trying to take over the whole wedding. George points out the McAllisters are paying for it. “So they can just buy CeeCee's soul?”, Mary questions. George quickly agrees with her. When Georgie and Mandy arrive home with CeeCee, Mandy wonders where her parents are. As George and Mary exchange a look, Mandy asks what her mother did. Mary insists she doesn’t want to put Mandy in the middle of this, while Georgie takes the opportunity to sit down and tuck in. Mary argues that Mandy’s mother is trying to get them to do things her way, and she wants Mandy to have the wedding she wants. Mandy figures that this would also be the wedding that Mary wants. Mary suggests maybe they want the same thing. As George casually stops Georgie from intervening, Mandy asks Mary to spit it out. Mary explains that Audrey is insisting they get married in the Catholic church. Mandy realizes Mary wants them to get married in the Baptist church instead. Georgie points out you can’t dance or drink at a Baptist wedding. “Was I talking to you?”, Mary snaps. “Dumbass”, George mutters. Mandy insists that it’s just a little water on CeeCee’s head and not a big deal. Mary claims that since it’s Mandy’s wedding and her child, if Mandy’s okay, she’s okay...


The next day, Mary is on the phone in the kitchen with Pastor Jeff, asking him to come over right now as someone’s soul needs saving. Cut to Mary opening the front door to Pastor Jeff, who is holding his Bible. “Whose soul needs saving?”, Pastor Jeff asks, “Is it Sheldon? I've been waiting for this.” Mary insists they’re still praying for Sheldon and tells Jeff to come in as they don’t have much time. Inside, Jeff asks what’s going on. “Mandy and Georgie are out, so I was hoping that maybe we could sneak in an early baptism for CeeCee”, Mary explains. Pastor Jeff points out they don’t typically do infant baptisms, but Mary mentions she fears CeeCee’s gonna end up Catholic. “They do love to get 'em early”, Jeff remarks. As Mary and Jeff hold CeeCee below the kitchen tap, Jeff begins the baptism. They’re interrupted when Missy returns home and asks what’s going on. “Just washing CeeCee's hair”, Mary claims. “With Pastor Jeff?”, Missy queries. “It takes a village”, Pastor Jeff responds.. “Whatever”, Missy says with a shrug before walking off. Mary quietly urges Pastor Jeff to hurry up, so he finishes and rubs a dash of water across CeeCee’s head. “In your face, Catholics”, Jeff says before he and Mary high-five.


As Mandy and Audrey push CeeCee in her stroller down the street, Audrey tells her daughter she was thinking her old wedding dress could be Mandy’s “something old”. Mandy jokes that she is the “something old” in her relationship with Georgie. Audrey assures her that when Georgie loses his hair, he’ll look way older than she does. Mandy asks her mom if she would be upset if they didn’t get married by Father Donovan. “Did that woman convince you to get married Baptist?”, Audrey asks. “She says it's not a cult, but I'm not so sure.”, she adds. Mandy explains she and Georgie aren’t really bothered about being married in a church and it just seems to be causing arguments. Audrey questions whether they’re going to get CeeCee baptized. Mandy says maybe when she’s older, if that’s what she wants. Audrey insists she’s fine with this. “It's your wedding. Whatever makes you happy makes me happy.”, she says. As they pass by a clothing store, Audrey points out a nice sweater in the window, saying it would look good on Mandy. Mandy admits it is cute. Audrey suggests Mandy go try it on, saying she’ll watch CeeCee and take her on a lap around the park. She gives her daughter her credit card, saying it’s on her. As Mandy enters the store, Audrey turns back and rushes off with CeeCee in her stroller. Later, in a Catholic church, Father Donovan baptises CeeCee by rubbing water on her from the font. When he finishes, an out-of-breath Audrey hands him some money and rushes out.


Later, George and Mary join Jim and Audrey around the Cooper’s dinner table. Jim remarks that the brisket is delicious. George jokes that he should have tried it two days ago. “I wanted to. But, instead, we left.”, Jim says with a laugh, until he looks at Audrey. Audrey insists all that’s behind them. Mary agrees, admitting it was silly of them to put their stuff onto the kids. “Well, whatever they decide with CeeCee, that is up to them”, Mary argues. “And the Lord”, Audrey adds. As Mary and Audrey both say “Amen”, George and Jim share a look that they know something’s going on. Their dinner is interrupted as Sheldon arrives home, wheeling his PC in a wheelbarrow. Mary asks if everything’s okay. Sheldon says his PC and his trust have both been violated. George points out they have company. Undeterred, Sheldon announces that Evan upgraded his PC without asking. Jim thinks that sounds nice, but Sheldon questions what kind of person takes something that doesn't belong to them and changes it behind their back. Audrey and Mary both have a guilty look on their face. “Maybe he thought he was doing the best thing for your computer”, Mary argues. Sheldon says it’s his computer, it should have been his decision. Sheldon realizes he doesn’t even have a room to storm off to now. After Sheldon leaves, Jim asks George if he’s going to be okay. George replies, “Tonight, sure. Big picture?” He shrugs. Adult Sheldon says he has a hot wife and a Nobel prize, he turned out fine.


Later, as Mandy offers to help Mary with the washing up, she is pleased that it went more smoothly with her parents tonight. Mary agrees, admitting they were being stubborn before. Mandy thanks Mary for letting them make their own decisions for their kid. “Mm-hmm”, Mary says, her voice breaking. Mandy asks if everything’s okay. “Yeah, yeah.”, Mary insists. “But, um... there's something you should know. CeeCee... accidentally got splashed here in the sink this morning.”, Mary admits. Confused, Mandy asks, “So what?” “Uh, Pastor Jeff did the splashing while he was baptizing her”, Mary reveals. Mandy gasps. “That's all”, Mary says.


Over at the McAllisters’ house, Mandy asks her mother if she can believe what Mary did. Audrey isn’t surprised that Mary would do such a thing, but she tells Mandy not to worry as she was one step ahead. “What does that mean?”, Mandy asks. “It means my granddaughter's soul is safe”, Audrey replies. When Mandy asks again what she did, Audrey tries to change the subject to the sweater she bought Mandy. “What did you do?!”, Mandy reiterates. “I baptized her. Grow up.”, Audrey tells her, showing no regret.


At the laundromat, Mandy tells Georgie how both of their mothers had CeeCee baptized, asking him if he can believe that. “Well, my mom's pretty religious, so that makes sense”, Georgie concedes. Mandy can’t believe he’s okay with this. “Is it that big a deal?”, Georgie asks. “They sprinkled some water on CeeCee's head and asked God to look out for her. Where's the harm?”, he adds. Mandy asks if she has to explain it to him. “No, but could you?”, Georgie sheepishly says. Mandy argues, “They're making decisions about our child without talking to us. That's totally unacceptable.” Georgie agrees, so Mandy asks what they’re gonna do about it. “Well, I'm gonna talk to both of 'em and make it real clear there'll be no more baptizing. We are done with that.”, Georgie says. Unimpressed, Mandy tells him, “I forget sometimes what a child you are.” Georgie retorts that when she says hurtful things like that, she sounds like her mother. Mandy dares him to say it again, but Georgie regrets saying it in the first place.


As Sheldon plays a chess game on his computer, now set up in the garage, Adult Sheldon explains that Evan’s upgrade made the computer smarter -  so smart that it now beats Sheldon. When Georgie arrives and asks Sheldon what he’s doing there, Sheldon asks the same question. Georgie explains that he and Mandy had a disagreement and he’s giving her space to cool off. “That seems wise. You can be quite annoying.”, Sheldon tells his brother. Georgie thought Sheldon was staying at his dorm. Sheldon explains he was, but “my roommate violated my Tandy.” Georgie wonders who Tandy is. When Sheldon points to his computer, Georgie remarks, “Oh. That’s sick.”. Sheldon agrees. Georgie asks if he minds him crashing there, which Sheldon does, but Georgie says he’s doing it anyway. Georgie asks Sheldon if you can un-baptize someone. “Well, since it's a magical ceremony that doesn't mean anything, then, sure, why not? In the name of science and reason, I un-baptize you.” Georgie panics, saying it wasn’t for him so Sheldon should put it back. Sheldon does “Ctrl-Z” to re-baptize him. Georgie explains it’s about his daughter; Mary baptized her in the kitchen sink and Audrey at a Catholic church. “Sure. Baptists versus Catholics. Much blood was shed over that in the 1500s.”, Sheldon comments. Georgie says they did it without telling them, which Sheldon agrees is rude. Anyway, Mandy’s on the warpath but Georgie feels their parents were just trying to help. Sheldon tells Georgie he’s lucky it was just a baby and not a computer. Georgie doesn’t think the PC looks broken. Sheldon demonstrates how the computer now beats him at chess, even on the novice level. “I don't understand a damn thing I'm looking at”, Georgie complains.


Over at Dale’s house, Mandy explains the situation to Meemaw and Dale, mentioning how Georgie wasn't even upset. Meemaw acknowledges men can be idiots and agrees that the parents crossed the line. “Well, there have to be consequences”, Meemaw argues, “Maybe you could start by cutting off access to CeeCee for a little while.” Mandy considers this but realizes they’d lose access to two babysitters. Unless the two of them were offering… “Keep thinking”, Dale tells her. When Georgie arrives with flowers for Mandy, she says he didn’t have to do that. Georgie explains he needed a way to apologize. “For…?”, Mandy prompts. “For… not taking your side.”, Georgie offers. “Attaboy”, Dale remarks. Mandy asks Meemaw and Dale if they’re doing anything. How do they feel about going down to City Hall to witness her and Georgie getting married? Georgie is surprised. When Meemaw asks what about their parents, Mandy points out she said there had to be consequences. After Georgie asks if they’re really not going to invite their folks, Mandy wonders if that’s okay. He says the only person he needs there is her. “Oh. A spite wedding. I had one of those”, Dale admits. Meemaw tells him to shut up as she runs off to get her purse.

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