George Jr. Quotes

Quote from the episode A Lock-In, a Weather Girl and a Disgusting Habit

George Jr.: I ain't seen you in here before.
Mandy: Oh, I just moved back from San Antonio.
George Jr.: Oh, big city girl.
Mandy: Well, now I'm "living back with my parents" girl.
George Jr.: That's all right. I lived with my folks not too long ago.
Mandy: Isn't it weird? Whenever you live at home, no matter how old you are, you feel like a teenager.
George Jr.: It did feel that way.

Quote from the episode An Expensive Glitch and a Goof-Off Room

George Jr.: You know what your problem is? You don't like anything you didn't think of yourself.
Meemaw: Is that so?
George Jr.: Yeah.
Meemaw: Well, I thought of bringing you in, and that wasn't a good idea.
George Jr.: If that's how you feel, then we got nothing more to talk about.
Meemaw: I guess not.
George Jr.: Well, okay. [awkward silence]
Meemaw: You can go now.
George Jr.: My chicken fingers ain't here yet.

Quote from the episode An Expensive Glitch and a Goof-Off Room

George Jr.: Found the manual.
Meemaw: Great. [looks at manual] This is for the washing machines.
George Jr.: I'll be back.

Quote from the episode An Expensive Glitch and a Goof-Off Room

Meemaw: So, how we doing?
George Jr.: Not bad, but I still think if you let me advertise, we could get more people in here.
Meemaw: How do you advertise a place that ain't exactly legal?
George Jr.: People love secrets. We could get flyers that say, "Come to our secret gambling room, but, shh, don't tell anybody."
Meemaw: That's how I feel about your ideas, "Shh, don't tell anybody."

Quote from the episode An Expensive Glitch and a Goof-Off Room

George Jr.: Maybe we could give out punch cards, like they do at the sandwich shop.
Meemaw: Punch cards for what?
George Jr.: You know, every ten times you come here, you get a free play.
Meemaw: What's to keep people from punching it themselves?
George Jr.: I'm getting me a free sandwich.

Quote from the episode The Yips and an Oddly Hypnotic Bohemian

Adult Sheldon: I decided to heed my father's advice. I wasn't sure how to turn off my brain. Thankfully, I lived with an expert.
[Sheldon knocks on the garage door. Georgie opens it]
George Jr.: What's up?
George Jr.: I've never really thought about not thinking before.
Sheldon: Well, I'm asking you to think about it.
George Jr.: But I thought you were interested in not thinking.
Sheldon: I am. I want you to think about not thinking, and then teach me how to do it.
George Jr.: Do what?
Sheldon: Not think.
George Jr.: All right. [silence] This is tough. I'm good at not thinking, but I don't think I can teach you how to not think without thinking.
Sheldon: Hmm, well, thank you for trying.

Quote from the episode The Yips and an Oddly Hypnotic Bohemian

George Jr.: Hold on! What if you're thinking about something else instead? Would that count as thinking or not thinking?
Sheldon: I suppose it's similar to the mantras extolled by the sages of the East. It's a practice that Swami Vivekananda called Japa Yoga and it's intended to bring out a single-pointedness of concentration.
George Jr.: Sorry, I zoned out.
Sheldon: Ooh, tell me how.
George Jr.: Let's see. You were blabbering. It all started to blur together. And I was gone.
Sheldon: At what point did it start to happen?
George Jr.: I don't know. Say it again. I said I suppose it's similar to the mantras extolled by the sages of the East. It's a practice that Swami Vivekananda called Japa Yoga... [Sheldon's voice slows down] [Indian traditional music plays] [Georgie imagines Sheldon with a third eye in the middle of his forehead]
George Jr.: That is wild.

Quote from the episode The Grand Chancellor and a Den of Sin

George Jr.: Want to give it a spin?
George Sr.: These things really pay out?
George Jr.: All the time. Not that one. We call it the homewrecker.
George Sr.: [whispers] Which one, then?
George Jr.: That one's your buddy.
George Sr.: Yeah?
George Sr.: Look at me! I-I won two dollars!
[George gives his dad a thumbs up and then shakes his head to himself]

Quote from the episode The Grand Chancellor and a Den of Sin

George Jr.: [to customer] Just go around to the alley. The password is "dryer sheet."
Mary: This is not a joke. I'm worried about your soul.
George Jr.: I'm not gambling. No one's getting hurt.
Mary: Georgie, I know you think that, but this does hurt people.
George Jr.: It's not my business what people do with their money. And it ain't your business, either, so butt out.

Quote from the episode The Grand Chancellor and a Den of Sin

Mary: Georgie.
George Jr.: Hey, what are you doing here?
Mary: I know about the room in the back.
George Jr.: Do you know whether or not I know?
Mary: Yes.
George Jr.: Okay, that's gonna save us a lot of time.

Quote from the episode An Introduction to Engineering and a Glob of Hair Gel

George Jr.: See, number one is also pretty funny, 'cause it means taking a leak. [Mary sighs]

Quote from the episode Money Laundering and a Cascade of Hormones

George Jr.: Fine. Good luck laundering this money without me.
Meemaw: You know how to do that?
George Jr.: I've seen Scarface, like, ten times.
Meemaw: Great. I'll just watch Scarface.
George Jr.: Dang it.

Quote from the episode Money Laundering and a Cascade of Hormones

George Jr.: Here you go. Ooh, sweet bear. I'll give you 20 bucks for it.

Quote from the episode Money Laundering and a Cascade of Hormones

Meemaw: So, you're gonna give us your ticket, and we're gonna give you the teddy bear.
Wade: Why would I want a teddy bear?
George Jr.: 'Cause then we're gonna buy the teddy bear back.
Wade: But I said I don't want a teddy bear. I want cash.
Meemaw: You're gonna get the cash.
Wade: Then why do you keep talking about a teddy bear?
George Jr.: 'Cause this way it ain't gambling.
Wade: But I want to gamble.
George Jr.: Well, gambling's illegal. This is a gray area.
Meemaw: Just give him the cash.
George Jr.: No, he's gonna get this.
Meemaw: I don't think he is.
Wade: Listen to your Meemaw. I don't get it.
George Jr.: Just give me your ticket. [takes ticket from Wade and gives him a teddy bear] Wow. That is a nice teddy bear. I'd like to buy that from you. [takes teddy bear and gives Wade cash] [Wade walks away]
Meemaw: I don't think he got it.

Quote from the episode Money Laundering and a Cascade of Hormones

Meemaw: Fine. You can be my assistant manager.
George Jr.: Oh, I like the sound of that.
Meemaw: So, it's a deal?
George Jr.: Well, hold on, how much you gonna pay me?
Meemaw: Did I mention that assistant manager comes with a spiffy nametag?
George Jr.: Does it also come with a spiffy paycheck?

Quote from the episode Money Laundering and a Cascade of Hormones

George Jr.: So what's my title here? Manager? Supervisor?
Meemaw: Your title is "grandson who can go home now."
George Jr.: What are you talking about? We're in this together.
Meemaw: I'm sorry, did you buy these machines?
George Jr.: No, but it was my idea how to get them up and running again.
Meemaw: And thank you. Now, go home before I tell your mother you want to work in a secret casino.
George Jr.: Oh, yeah? Maybe I should tell her you own a secret casino.
Meemaw: Is that the way you want to play this?
George Jr.: Yeah, it is.

Quote from the episode Stuffed Animals and a Sweet Southern Syzygy

George Jr.: I'm not here to work. I'm here with the answers to all your problems.
Meemaw: And what is that?
George Jr.: How to get your back room up and running again.
Meemaw: I'm listening.
George Jr.: I was thinking about Chuck E. Cheese.
Meemaw: Oh, God.
George Jr.: Hear me out. Your payouts were in cash. That's illegal. When you play games at Chuck E. Cheese, you win tickets. Those tickets are traded for prizes. That's legal. You just need to do the same thing. People play your machines. Now the credits they win get exchanged for stuffed animals. Then you buy those stuffed animals back for cash. No laws broken, and you're back in business.

Quote from the episode Stuffed Animals and a Sweet Southern Syzygy

Meemaw: Listen, I need you to help me with this. I don't want to run this dump.
George Jr.: Then why'd you buy it?
Meemaw: [exhales] I'm retired. I thought it might be fun, get me out of the house.
George Jr.: And you picked a laundromat?
Meemaw: It seemed like a better opportunity at the moment.
George Jr.: What happened? You get tricked by a con man?
Meemaw: No.
George Jr.: It's all right. Happens to a lot of people your age.

Quote from the episode Stuffed Animals and a Sweet Southern Syzygy

Adult Sheldon: My brother went to the laundromat, excited to meet the female customer base my meemaw had promised.
[fantasy: a bunch of scantily-clad young woman dance and soap themselves up at the laundromat]
[reality: an older woman shakes out her underwear:]
George Jr.: You said "girls."
Meemaw: They were girls once.
George Jr.: Not in this century.

Quote from the episode Stuffed Animals and a Sweet Southern Syzygy

Meemaw: Oh, now, come on. You're perfect for this.
George Jr.: I'm a salesman. There's nothing there to sell.
Meemaw: You got a bunch of bored people with their pockets full of quarters, you can't sell them something? Then you're not the entrepreneur I thought you were.
George Jr.: That ain't gonna work on me.
Meemaw: And this is why you're management material.
George Jr.: Nice try. [walks away]
Meemaw: The place is wall-to-wall girls.
George Jr.: Why didn't you lead with that?