Mandy Quotes

Quote from the episode An Ugly Car, an Affair and Some Kickass Football

Meemaw: Well, the laundromat's a cash business.
Mandy: That's mostly just quarters, though, isn't it?
Meemaw: Uh, yeah, but, well, now we've got the video store, and I'm not real big on banks.
Mandy: Because you lived through the Depression?
Meemaw: Yeah. [insincere laugh]

Quote from the episode Four Hundred Cartons of Undeclared Cigarettes and a Niblingo

Missy: Do you hate Georgie?
Mandy: No. No, Georgie's a good guy. If anything, I hate myself for making bad decisions.
Missy: Like having sex before marriage?
Mandy: More like having tequila before sex.
Mary: Hey. What's going on here?
Missy: Mandy was just telling me how she got pregnant.
Mandy: No, no...
Missy: But you said...
Mandy: No.
Missy: No.

Quote from the episode A Lock-In, a Weather Girl and a Disgusting Habit

George Jr.: So, what'd you do in San Antonio?
Mandy: I was the weather girl at the local TV station.
George Jr.: No way. So you were on TV?
Mandy: 5:30 every morning. More people are seeing me right here.
George Jr.: Why'd you leave?
Mandy: The station manager and I broke up. But now his new girlfriend gets to be on TV. At 8:30. That bitch.
George Jr.: That sucks.

Quote from the episode Legalese and a Whole Hoo-Ha

George Jr.: How's it going? Figure everything out?
Mandy: People give me money, I give them movies. I think I got it.
George Jr.: Smart, pregnant, you're the whole package.

Quote from the episode An Ugly Car, an Affair and Some Kickass Football

George Jr.: I know it's a lot.
Mandy: It's amazing. [chuckles]
George Jr.: It is?
Mandy: My kid's going to private school. You're going to private school!

Quote from the episode An Ugly Car, an Affair and Some Kickass Football

Mandy: Well, thanks again. That was fun.
George Jr.: Really? Dinner with my family?
Mandy: My family won't talk to me at all. So, I'll take "niblingo" and a home-cooked meal any day.
George Jr.: Well, you're always welcome.
Mandy: I think there's ice cream in the freezer, if you want to come in. I mean, I'm gonna eat it, but you can watch.

Quote from the episode An Ugly Car, an Affair and Some Kickass Football

George Jr.: All right, almost there.
Mandy: I don't know about this. The last surprise you got me is pressing on my bladder.

Quote from the episode Blonde Ambition and the Concept of Zero

Mandy: Oh, stop. You could totally be a weather girl.
Missy: No. They're all perfect and blonde. Like you.
Mandy: Anybody can be blonde. [scoffs] You think Madonna's really blonde?
Missy: What?
Mandy: [whispers] She's a brunette.
Missy: What about her Blond Ambition Tour?
Mandy: Ha. More like Bottle Blond Ambition Tour.
Missy: Funny and beautiful. No wonder my brother put a baby in you.

Quote from the episode Blonde Ambition and the Concept of Zero

Mandy: Any updates on Kevin?
Missy: I did what you said and was nothing but nice to Heather.
Mandy: Okay. How'd that go?
Missy: So good.I found out she stuffs her bra.
Mandy: Huh. See? When the time is right, you can destroy her with that.
Missy: That's gonna be a good day.
Mandy: And that trick isn't just for middle school. That's something you can use for the rest of your life.

Quote from the episode Blonde Ambition and the Concept of Zero

Mandy: Hope you like tuna salad. I brought you a whole tub.
Meemaw: How old is it?
Mandy: I don't know, but the clock's ticking.

Quote from the episode Blonde Ambition and the Concept of Zero

Meemaw: Here you go... Scrambled eggs, bacon, biscuits and fresh-squeezed orange juice.
Mandy: Thank you. Looks amazing.
George Jr.: Where's mine?
Meemaw: You're not pregnant. She is.
George Jr.: Well, I like to think we're pregnant.
Mandy: Really? Are your ankles swollen? Did you throw up this morning? Are you constipated?
George Jr.: No, dear.
Mandy: Stop calling me "dear." I'm not your dear.

Quote from the episode Passion's Harvest and a Sheldocracy

George Jr.: Why do you look like you're gonna cry?
Mandy: [cries] 'Cause I am.
George Jr.: What's wrong?
Mandy: My whole life. A year ago, I was a TV weather girl in San Antonio, and now I'm living in a garage with the 17-year-old who got me pregnant.
George Jr.: I'll be 18 before you know it.
Mandy: [crying] But not before you're a father!
George Jr.: Okay, well, what can I do?
Mandy: Nothing, you're doing great. That's how screwed up my life is right now, you're the best part of it.

Quote from the episode Passion's Harvest and a Sheldocracy

George Jr.: Why is it so dark in there?
Mandy: No reason.
George Jr.: What's with the candles? Are you on a date?
Mandy: You think I'd dress like this on a date?
George Jr.: I think you look good.
Mandy: Well, I don't, and if I was on a date, it'd be none of your business.
George Jr.: Then why are you sitting in the dark?
Mandy: Okay. It's not a big deal. I was a little short on the power bill this month.
George Jr.: How come?
Mandy: Well, waiting tables and morning sickness, not a great combination. Definitely got reflected in my tips.

Quote from the episode Passion's Harvest and a Sheldocracy

George Jr.: Don't worry. I'll pay to get your power turned back on.
Mandy: I'm not a charity case. I can figure this out on my own.
George Jr.: But you can't even watch TV. What kind of life is that?
Mandy: It's fine. I can hear the neighbors fight. That's almost as good as TV.

Quote from the episode Four Hundred Cartons of Undeclared Cigarettes and a Niblingo

Sheldon: Mandy: Are you Georgie's brother and sister?
Missy: Yeah.
Mandy: I'm Mandy. I'm Georgie's... I'm Mandy.

Quote from the episode White Trash, Holy Rollers and Punching People

Mandy: So, you really think my folks'll come around?
Meemaw: I don't know 'em, but babies have a magical power over people, especially grandparents.
Mandy: Is that how you felt when Georgie was born?
Meemaw: Oh, it was love at first sight.
Mandy: And then 17 years later he got me pregnant.
Meemaw: You're not gonna let that go, are you?
Mandy: Nope.
Meemaw: Hmm.

Quote from the episode A God-Fearin' Baptist and a Hot Trophy Husband

George Jr.: Thanks for coming.
Mandy: Yeah, it was... great.
George Jr.: Okay, so, I'll talk to you?
Mandy: I guess. [Georgie leans in] What are you doing?
George Jr.: Giving you a kiss good night.
Mandy: I think you've given me enough.

Quote from the episode A Lock-In, a Weather Girl and a Disgusting Habit

George Jr.: Need a hand?
Mandy: This thing ate my quarters, and now it's stuck.
George Jr.: That tends to happen with number seven. What you want to do is a push-pull.
Mandy: And here I was just pushing like a damn fool. [chuckles]

Quote from the episode A Solo Peanut, a Social Butterfly and the Truth

Meemaw: Georgie ain't here.
Mandy: I came to talk to you.
Meemaw: Could you please take your voice down just a notch?
Mandy: Why? You don't want anyone to hear?
Meemaw: No, I'm a little hungover.
Mandy: [shakes laundry trolley] How could you not tell me he was 17?
Meemaw: Look, I did tell him to tell you before things went too far.
Mandy: Well, they did go too far.
Meemaw: Well, I get it. Men are the worst. I'm going through stuff myself.
Mandy: We are not bonding over this!
Meemaw: Listen. Just calm down.
Mandy: Don't tell me to calm down! And good luck with your hangover. [slams dryer lid] [exits]
Meemaw: Well, that's too bad. I liked her.

Quote from the episode White Trash, Holy Rollers and Punching People

Mandy: Payment method. Don't see an option for "bad check."
Meemaw: You don't have health insurance?
Mandy: I don't even have car insurance.
Meemaw: How do you drive without car insurance?
Mandy: Slowly.