Ms. MacElroy Quote #11

Quote from Ms. MacElroy in the episode A Secret Letter and a Lowly Disc of Processed Meat

[on the "Why Sheldon Cooper Should Go to College" tape:]
Ms. MacElroy: I don't think I have anything left to teach Sheldon. I'm pretty sure he's already smarter than me.
Sheldon: It's true.

Ms. MacElroy Quotes

Quote from the episode An Eagle Feather, a String Bean, and an Eskimo

Ms. MacElroy: Tell you what I do. I send him on little errands. Like the other day, I told him, "Go to the supply room and get me a framastan."
Coach Wilkins: What's a framastan?
Ms. MacElroy: No such thing. I made it up. He was gone the whole period.
Ms. Ingram: [laughs] I'm using that.
Ms. MacElroy: Don't use framastan. That's mine.

Quote from the episode A Broom Closet and Satan's Monopoly Board

Ms. MacElroy: Georgie Cooper?
George Jr.: Here.
Ms. MacElroy: Sheldon Cooper? Georgie, where's your brother?
George Jr.: I don't know.
Ms. MacElroy: Good enough for me.

Quote from the episode Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System

Ms. MacElroy: Yes, that's my signature. Why do you ask?
Sheldon: I'm seeking people who want to make friends.
Ms. MacElroy: I wasn't interested in friends. I took out that book to help me become school principal.
Sheldon: Did it work?
Ms. MacElroy: Are we sitting in the principal's office?
Sheldon: No.
Ms. MacElroy: And you know why? Because Victoria MacElroy is not a man!
Sheldon: So to be clear, you're not interested in making friends?
Ms. MacElroy: What I'm interested in is in living long enough to see women no longer treated like second-class citizens.
Sheldon: Well if your goal is a long life, that chili cheeseburger is a step in the wrong direction.
Ms. MacElroy: Food is all I have. You gonna watch me eat? Get out of here.

‘A Secret Letter and a Lowly Disc of Processed Meat’ Quotes

Quote from Brenda Sparks

Mary: Shelly and this college stuff is killing me. I... I never went to college. How can I prepare him?
Brenda Sparks: Mary, if that kid is smart enough to have colleges wanting him already, he's got to be smart enough to figure it out.
Mary: Maybe. It still hurts to hear him say he wants to leave.
Brenda Sparks: I bet. On the other hand, I'm worried my Billy will never be ready to leave.
Mary: Oh, of course he will.
Brenda Sparks: Damn. Smoking, drinking, lying. You're covering all the sins today.

Quote from Brenda Sparks

Mary: So, George is mad at me, and Sheldon is mad at me, and... honestly, I'm mad at me, too.
Brenda Sparks: Will you please give yourself a break? All that you do for that family, I am surprised you didn't crack years ago.
Mary: How do you handle it all?
Brenda Sparks: I'm sitting in a chicken coop drinking a wine cooler at 11:00 a.m.... clearly, I don't.

Quote from Ms. Ingram

[on the "Why Sheldon Cooper Should Go to College" tape:]
Ms. Ingram: Honestly... teaching Sheldon is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. And I don't say that because he can be a pain. I say that because he's so intelligent, I had to study every night just to keep up. I'm gonna miss him.