Missy Quote #22

Quote from Missy in the episode A Therapist, a Comic Book, and a Breakfast Sausage

Sheldon: I've never been late to school before.
Missy: I'm late all the time. It's no big deal.
Mary: I get you to school on time every day. Why are you late?
Missy: I have a lot of people to say hi to in the morning.

Missy Quotes

Quote from the episode An Introduction to Engineering and a Glob of Hair Gel

George Sr.: What are you doing?
Missy: Watching Sheldon struggle with homework. It's so great.

Quote from the episode A Musty Crypt and a Stick to Pee On

Dale: So, how does this work?
Sheldon: You start by creating your character.
Missy: I want to be a Ninja Turtle Princess of Power.
Meemaw: Put me down for that, too.
Sheldon: You have to choose from one of the character classes. There's thief, druid, paladin, wizard...
Missy: Ooh, wizard. I want that.
Sheldon: All right.
Missy: Then I'll use my magic to turn me into a Ninja Turtle Princess of Power.
Sheldon: No.

Quote from the episode A Free Scratcher and Feminine Wiles

Missy: So, this Dr. Lee is turning your friends against you?
Sheldon: Essentially.
Missy: Classic move. Most girls you find crying in the school bathroom, that was it.
Sheldon: What do I do?
Missy: Well, you're in a tough spot 'cause your personality is ugh.
Sheldon: There's enough people being mean to me right now.
Missy: Sorry.
Sheldon: Can you help me or not?
Missy: It's you against a bunch of college professors. I don't think you can win this one. [Sheldon starts to walk away] Oh. Do any of them have pimples?
Sheldon: No.
Missy: Too bad, I've done a lot of damage with "pizza face."

‘A Therapist, a Comic Book, and a Breakfast Sausage’ Quotes

Quote from Adult Sheldon

Adult Sheldon: Just like that, I overcame my fear of choking. All that was left was my fear of dogs, birds, insects, germs, hugging, button fly pants, rivers, ponds, lakes, oceans, estuaries, corduroy, root vegetables, squeaky balloons, tinted windows, take a penny, leave a penny, fireworks, potbelly stoves, dust bunnies, that fuzz on peaches.

Quote from George Sr.

George Sr.: And Sheldon's fine. You know what he's like. If someone took him, I'm sure they'll bring him right back.

Quote from Meemaw

George Sr.: If we take him to a shrink, it feels like we're admitting something's wrong with him.
Mary: He hasn't had solid food in five weeks.
Meemaw: Well, if there is something wrong with him, it ain't constipation.