Mary Quotes

Quote from the episode A Clogged Pore, a Little Spanish and the Future

Mary: How was your day?
George Sr.: Awful.
Mary: Oh. Well... I have good news.
George Sr.: I could use it.
Mary: I got a job at the bowling alley.
George Sr.: [gulps] Working with Brenda?
Mary: Every day. [phone rings]
George Sr.: That is... really... really good news.
Mary: Mm-hmm.

Quote from the episode A Clogged Pore, a Little Spanish and the Future

Brenda Sparks: If you're looking for your mother, her league's not today.
Mary: Actually, I'm here for you.
Brenda Sparks: Why's that?
Mary: I saw in the classifieds that you're looking for help. I would like to apply.
Brenda Sparks: [scoffs] You don't want to work here. I mean, there's a bar. God hates that.
Mary: Jesus turned water into wine. I think he'd be cool with it.
Brenda Sparks: Well, you know, it's... it's actually a pretty boring job. It's mostly payroll and bookkeeping.
Mary: That is exactly what I did at the church.
Brenda Sparks: Mm-hmm.
Mary: In fact, you might say it's right up my alley.
Brenda Sparks: I don't know, Mary. We're neighbors. Is this a good idea?
Mary: Honestly... everything is falling apart. I just need one good thing to happen.

Quote from the episode A Clogged Pore, a Little Spanish and the Future

Mary: Hey, good news. I was picking up some groceries at Davidson's. They're hiring.
George Sr.: Yeah, well, good for you.
Mary: I got an application for you, too.
George Sr.: I'm not working at a supermarket, Mary.
Mary: Why not?
George Sr.: 'Cause I was head coach of the high school football team. I'm not bagging people's groceries.
Mary: It's an honest job, George.
George Sr.: It's embarrassing.
Mary: It's embarrassing to provide for your family?
George Sr.: It's embarrassing that I busted my ass all these years, and this is where I am.
Mary: I'm right there with you. I lost my job, too.
George Sr.: Yeah, it's exactly the same.
Mary: You know what you are? I'm not gonna say it, but you know.

Quote from the episode A Clogged Pore, a Little Spanish and the Future

Mary: Yeah, we could sit here and sulk or we can find jobs. Now, pick up that pen and start circling.
George Sr.: All right. Let's see what we have here.
Mary: Here's one. Oh. College degree required.
George Sr.: Hmm. Eh... I can't type.
Mary: I can.
George Sr.: 90 words a minute?
Mary: Let's keep looking. In fact, I bet I find a job faster than you can.
George Sr.: We'll see about that.

Quote from the episode White Trash, Holy Rollers and Punching People

Mary: [answers phone] Hello?
President Hagemeyer: Mrs. Cooper, it's Linda Hagemeyer.
Mary: Is everything okay?
President Hagemeyer: Well, I was hoping that you could tell me. [chuckles] Uh, Sheldon was in my office earlier and was pretty upset about the situation at home.
Mary: What did he tell you?
President Hagemeyer: Nothing much, really, just that his parents are fighting all the time, his older brother got a girl pregnant and his sister punched a little boy in Sunday school.
Mary: Oh. Well... [sighs]'s been a busy couple of days. Just, you know, life... One thing after another.
President Hagemeyer: Oh, ain't that the truth. Anyway, I'm sure that you know this university has invested quite a bit in Sheldon's progress, and, uh, well, not to be critical, but... he didn't come to you complaining about me.
Mary: What are you saying? Are you saying that I'm not doing a good job as his mother? Because I am doing the best that I can to hold this family together, and I am tired of everyone blaming me. [Missy is listening in the hallway] I have half a mind to get in my car and drive until I run out of road and then start my life over again with a different name.
President Hagemeyer: Okay. Sure. So, uh... sounds like you've got a handle on this. So good to talk to you. Um, have a lovely evening.
Mary: You too! [hangs up] [cries] [Missy hugs Mary] Oh... [sniffles]

Quote from the episode White Trash, Holy Rollers and Punching People

Mary: I just can't believe the church turned its back on us.
Pastor Rob: The church may have, but God didn't.
Mary: [sighs] I don't feel His presence right now.
Pastor Rob: Well, let's invite Him to join us.
Mary: Oh, ok-okay. [they hold hands]
Pastor Rob: Heavenly Father, we ask for Your guidance in these troubled times. Please, watch over Mary Cooper and her family, let her know that though this unborn child is out of wedlock, he or she is a miracle in Your creation and should be celebrated as such. Amen.
Mary: Amen.
Missy: [through the window] What's going on here?
Mary: Uh, uh, praying, we're praying. [lets go of Rob's hands]
Pastor Rob: Just praying.

Quote from the episode White Trash, Holy Rollers and Punching People

Mary: Oh! [coughs] Uh, Pastor Rob.
Pastor Rob: [short chuckle] You okay?
Mary: Um... swallowed a Tic Tac. [coughs]
Pastor Rob: Well, I can barely smell the smoke at all.

Quote from the episode White Trash, Holy Rollers and Punching People

Mary: Thank you for meeting with me.
Pastor Rob: No problem. I got you coffee. You seemed upset, so, donut holes. Which I love if you don't want them.
Mary: I'm good with coffee.
Pastor Rob: Okay. So, what's going on?
Mary: Well... all the things that I was afraid of are happening. Ever since word got out about Georgie, everyone at my Bible study canceled.
Pastor Rob: Well, first of all, that sucks and I'm sorry. I also can't say I'm surprised. This is the part of religion I don't like.
Mary: I know Georgie made a mistake, but I thought, as Christians, we're supposed to forgive.
Pastor Rob: Well, I'm gonna ask you a tricky question. If this were happening to someone else in the congregation, how would you respond? [Mary sighs and grabs the donut holes] Good choice. That'll help.

Quote from the episode Uncle Sheldon and a Hormonal Firecracker

Mary: [chuckles] Well, at this point, it doesn't matter, because she doesn't want to get married.
Pastor Rob: Well, I can talk to her if you want.
Mary: Mm.
Pastor Rob: I'm pretty good with young people.
Mary: She's 29.
Pastor Rob: Also pretty good with people my own age. [Mary chuckles]

Quote from the episode Uncle Sheldon and a Hormonal Firecracker

Pastor Rob: So, how are you doing with all this?
Mary: Oh. Disappointed. Angry, upset, scared.
Pastor Rob: So all the emotions. Got it.
Mary: And I'm worried that if he doesn't marry this girl, the congregation's gonna turn on me.
Pastor Rob: They might. [exhales] But that's putting man before God.
Mary: What do you mean?
Pastor Rob: Well, you're caring more about what people think than what God thinks.
Mary: I'm not caring more. I just don't have to bump into God at the grocery store.
Pastor Rob: I don't think He does his own shopping.

Quote from the episode Uncle Sheldon and a Hormonal Firecracker

Mary: Can I tell you something in confidence?
Pastor Rob: Of course.
Mary: Um, my son... a girl pregnant.
Pastor Rob: Whoa. Safe to assume this was a surprise?
Mary: [chuckles] Oh, yeah.
Pastor Rob: And safe to assume it's not Sheldon?
Mary: [laughs] Also yes.

Quote from the episode Uncle Sheldon and a Hormonal Firecracker

Pastor Rob: Knock, knock.
Mary: Oh, hi.
Pastor Rob: Just thought I'd show you how to do it on the first try. [Mary chuckles softly] You all right?
Mary: Um... Yeah. Just, you know, life.
Pastor Rob: Mm. I've heard that can be rough.
Mary: Mm.
Pastor Rob: Well, if you ever want to talk or... grab a smoke, I'm around.
Mary: I'm good, thanks. [chuckles] Although, um... A cigarette doesn't sound bad.
Pastor Rob: I was hoping someone would help me get to the end of this pack.
Mary: Then we're quitting.
Pastor Rob: Absolutely.
Mary: It's a disgusting habit.
Pastor Rob: Filthy.

Quote from the episode A God-Fearin' Baptist and a Hot Trophy Husband

Mary: I just think that God wants children raised within the bonds of holy matrimony.
George Sr.: Mary, they already made one giant mistake, they don't have to make another.
Mandy: So, marrying me was a mistake?
George Sr.: I'm not talking about us, I'm talking about them.
Mary: I think we all know who you're talking about.
George Sr.: You really want to do this now? You're honestly happy with how your life turned out? You have no regrets?
Mary: That "giant mistake" gave us our children who I love very much.
Meemaw: [whispers] What about your husband?
Mary: Oh, I love him just fine!
George Sr.: Oh, nice, put that on a Hallmark card.
Mary: What do you want me to say?
George Sr.: I want you to admit that this marriage hasn't exactly been a bed of roses.
Mary: Wake up, no marriage is a bed of roses!
George Sr.: Well, then I guess we nailed it!
Mary: I guess we did! And that kid is gonna be Baptist!
Meemaw: So, Mandy, glad you came? [tops up her drink from a flask]

Quote from the episode A God-Fearin' Baptist and a Hot Trophy Husband

Mary: So, you're Catholic?
Mandy: I'm not really anything.
Mary: But you'll be raising this child with some sort of religious upbringing.
Mandy: [chuckles] I haven't really thought about it.
Mary: Well, that's one of the things we can help with, starting with grace.
George Jr.: Mom...
Mary: We're starting with grace! [all hold hands] Heavenly Father...
Mandy: Why not heavenly mother?
George Jr.: [whispers] Don't, just don't.
Mary: Heavenly Father, bless this food and the hands that prepared it. And thank you for bringing Mandy into our family and watch over this child as he or she grows and becomes a God-fearin' Baptist, amen.
George Sr.: Amen.
Meemaw: Smooth.

Quote from the episode A God-Fearin' Baptist and a Hot Trophy Husband

Mary: When do we get to sit down with her and talk this through?
George Jr.: Ah, yeah, here's the thing about that: she ain't real eager to meet y'all.
Mary: Why not?
Meemaw: Did you want to meet George's parents when he knocked you up?
Mary: I was not "knocked up," I was with child. And he's right there. [Georgie waves to Meemaw]

Quote from the episode A God-Fearin' Baptist and a Hot Trophy Husband

Meemaw: You were saying?
Mary: I was just thinking about when I was pregnant with Georgie, and... how hard that must've been for you. I'm sorry.
Meemaw: Georgie got that girl pregnant?!
Mary: Keep your voice down. And... yes.
Meemaw: Oh...

Quote from the episode A God-Fearin' Baptist and a Hot Trophy Husband

George Sr.: You ever stop to think maybe she doesn't want to marry a 17-year-old?
Mary: He'll be 18 in March.
George Sr.: All right, you're just being ridiculous. [goes back inside]
Mary: I'm being a Christian.
[After Mary walks over and knocks on the garage door, a dozy Georgie opens it]
Mary: When you were born, you were a gift from God but that does not change the fact that I am very mad at you!
George Jr.: All right. [closes door]

Quote from the episode A God-Fearin' Baptist and a Hot Trophy Husband

Mary: Oh, so, what do we do now?
George Sr.: We don't have a lot of choices. We're gonna be grandparents and, uh... [Mary sighs] What's the girl's name again?
Mary: Mandy.
George Sr.: And Mandy is gonna be part of our lives in some shape or form until we're, you know, dead.
Mary: What do you mean, "shape or form"? Georgie's gotta marry her.
George Sr.: No, Mary, he doesn't.
Mary: How am I supposed to set foot in my church if our son has a child out of wedlock?
George Sr.: It's nobody's business.
Mary: It's a small town, George, everything is everybody's business.

Quote from the episode Babies, Lies and a Resplendent Cannoli

Missy: Mom, can I ask you a Bible question?
Mary: Always.
Missy: Lying's a sin, right?
Mary: Sure is. Proverbs 12:22. "The Lord detests lying lips, but He delights in people who are trustworthy."
Missy: Does it say anything specifically about lying to your pastor?
Mary: Did you lie to Pastor Jeff?
Missy: No, but you did.
Mary: I did not.
Missy: You told him I wasn't interested in babysitting.
Mary: No. I said I didn't think you were interested, which, technically, was not a lie.

Quote from the episode A Solo Peanut, a Social Butterfly and the Truth

Mary: Let's just eat.
Sheldon: Without praying?
Mary: [chuckles] How silly of me.
George Sr.: You all right?
Meemaw: Well, she's had a whole beer, so who knows.
Sheldon: Mother.
Mary: Can we just pray? [sighs] Bless us Lord for the food we are about to receive and bless the hands that prepared it. And forgive me for that beer. My mother made me do it. Amen.
Meemaw: Snitch.