George Sr. Quotes

Quote from the episode A Pineapple and the Bosom of Male Friendship

Nate: Hey, George. Who's your friend?
George Sr.: Hey, Nate. This is John Sturgis. He's a scientist.
Dr. John Sturgis: Pleased to make your acquaintance, Nate.
Nate: What can I get you?
Dr. John Sturgis: Um, do you have sarsaparilla?
George Sr.: Two beers. We'll take two beers.

Quote from the episode A Free Scratcher and Feminine Wiles

George Sr.: Ooh, look at the Ultra-Clean Two. It's got five washing cycles.
Mary: I don't know, George, these are really expensive.
George Sr.: You won the money. Spend it.
Mary: Maybe we should just get a more affordable one.
George Sr.: Everything we do is affordable. Uh... splurge for once.
Mary: It's so extravagant.
George Sr.: [laughs] You'd think we were talking about buying a party boat. It's a dishwasher, for crying out loud.
Mary: But the way we got the money, it just doesn't feel right.
George Sr.: So you're telling me you're never okay with bending the rules once in a while?
Mary: That's not how being a Christian works.
George Sr.: Good to know. [grabs the scratch card]
Mary: What are you doing?
George Sr.: Oh, just helping you be a good Christian.

Quote from the episode An Introduction to Engineering and a Glob of Hair Gel

Sheldon: Could you talk to him?
George Sr.: You're in college now. Don't you think you should fight your own battles?
Sheldon: Does telling on him to the president of the university count?
George Sr.: Did it work?
Sheldon: No.
George Sr.: Then no.

Quote from the episode White Trash, Holy Rollers and Punching People

Pastor Jeff: Pastor Rob should be here any minute.
George Sr.: Maybe if he was in the classroom when he was supposed to be, none of this would've happened.
Mary: You can't blame him for Missy punching someone.
George Sr.: If he was there to shut that kid up, Missy wouldn't have had to.
Pastor Jeff: Sunday school is no place for violence. The boy's parents are very upset.
George Sr.: Yeah, well so am I.

Quote from the episode An Introduction to Engineering and a Glob of Hair Gel

Sheldon: Will you please talk to him?
George Sr.: [sighs] Ooh, what if your mom does it?
Sheldon: But you were both in the Army. And you're both crabby and impatient. There's a lot of common ground.
George Sr.: You really got under this guy's skin, huh?
Sheldon: It would seem so.
George Sr.: Lot of common ground.

Quote from the episode A Free Scratcher and Feminine Wiles

Mary: I'm gonna tell you right now, we can't keep it.
George Sr.: It's not a puppy, Mary, it's 500 bucks.
Mary: It is gambling.
George Sr.: Then why'd you buy the ticket?
Mary: I didn't buy it. They gave it to me at the gas station.
George Sr.: Okay, well, that sounds like a gift from God. You don't want to make Him mad.
Mary: That is not how God works, George.
George Sr.: What if He wanted you to have it to give to the Church?
Mary: Well...
George Sr.: Well, uh, based on that, what ifHe wanted you to have it so we could buy stuff?
Mary: George.
George Sr.: All I'm saying is, we work hard, we're good people. Maybe we deserve this.

Quote from the episode A Broken Heart and a Crock Monster

Mary: Really? You're drinking in the morning now?
George Sr.: What? Oh, look at that. Felt later.

Quote from the episode The Wild and Woolly World of Nonlinear Dynamics

Meemaw: How'd that Daddy-daughter thing work out?
George Sr.: I'm not in the mood, Connie.
Meemaw: I told you not to go in there, but you knew better, didn't you?
George Sr.: I don't need your parenting advice.
Meemaw: Seems like you do.
George Sr.: I'm sorry. How many of your children still talk to you? Oh, that's right. Just Mary.

Quote from the episode Family Dynamics and a Red Fiero

George Sr.: Very impressive. Not sure how you did it, but that is the least disgusting locker room I've ever been in.

Quote from the episode A Pineapple and the Bosom of Male Friendship

Mary: Why don't you take John to a bar or something?
George Sr.: Why?
Mary: 'Cause the children don't need to hear about how attractive he finds their grandmother.
George Sr.: Why don't you take him out?
Mary: Fine. You make sure the kids take baths and get to bed. Oh, and Sheldon needs his fingernails trimmed.
[cut to:]
George Sr.: Hey, John, what do you say you and I go grab a beer?

Quote from the episode Family Dynamics and a Red Fiero

George Sr.: I turned it down.
Mary: Why?
Missy: 'Cause you're afraid of Mom?

Quote from the episode A Financial Secret and Fish Sauce

George Sr.: Okay, Connie, why don't we just come clean?
Meemaw: No.
George Sr.: You heard her. Now she's blaming herself. And Sheldon's so upset he's, he's acting like a regular kid.

Quote from the episode White Trash, Holy Rollers and Punching People

George Sr.: Hey, don't you move. What are you watching?
Missy: MTV.
George Sr.: Watch MTV.
Mary: George.
George Sr.: I'm not punishing her for doing the right thing.
Mary: Violence is never the right thing.
George Sr.: I'm sorry, are we in California?
Mary: Ugh!
[As Mary leaves, George turns to look at the music video playing on the TV]
George Sr.: Turn that off.

Quote from the episode A Broken Heart and a Crock Monster

Mary: Go talk to him.
George Sr.: About what?
Mary: I don't know. Maybe you could give him a male perspective on relationship issues.
George Sr.: How about this? What if I close my eyes and pray on it?

Quote from the episode A Live Chicken, a Fried Chicken and Holy Matrimony

George Sr.: You know it takes two people to get pregnant, right?
Meemaw: I know that. Does Georgie?
George Sr.: Probably. We got cable now.

Quote from the episode A Couple Bruised Ribs and a Cereal Box Ghost Detector

George Jr.: So you just put her in my room without consulting me?
George Sr.: Consulting you? Who cares what you think?
George Jr.: Well, I ain't gonna sleep on the couch.
Mary: It's just for a few nights until she can take care of herself.
George Jr.: Can I at least stay at Meemaw's?
George Sr.: If you promise not to come back.
George Jr.: Why you got to be so mean to me?
George Sr.: It just feels right.

Quote from the episode An Introduction to Engineering and a Glob of Hair Gel

George Sr.: What's going on?
Sheldon: I can't figure out this engineering project. And every time I turn it in, my professor just rips it up.
George Sr.: Well, ain't this the fella you liked?
Sheldon: I did, when I thought he was pushing me to be all I could be, but it turns out all he can be is mean.

Quote from the episode The Wild and Woolly World of Nonlinear Dynamics

Mary: [enters] What's going on?
Sheldon: Missy tore my Professor Proton picture, and now Dad's yelling at me.
George Sr.: You yelled first. He yelled first.
Mary: [sighs] I'll take care of this.
George Sr.: You don't even know what happened.
Mary: Did she tear up his picture?
George Sr.: Well, yeah, she did.
Mary: Honestly, I can't leave this house for five minutes without everything falling apart.
George Sr.: I was handling it.
Mary: Obviously.
George Sr.: [sighs] You yelled first.

Quote from the episode A Solar Calculator, a Game Ball, and a Cheerleader's Bosom

George Sr.: Let's go for it.
Assistant Coach Wilkins: Why? We got plenty of time.
George Sr.: I know. Still want to go for it.
Assistant Coach Wilkins: We're on the 12-yard line. Everybody know you punt.
George Sr.: Why does everybody knowing something make it right?

Quote from the episode Bible Camp and a Chariot of Love

George Jr.: I did it. I bought a car.
George Sr.: Really? You got the Mustang?
George Jr.: I was fixing to, but then something else caught my eye.
George Sr.: You did something dumb.